Livingston County
June 12, 2017 7:00 PM
Livingston County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Adopt the Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #187 - Motion Passed:  Adopt the agenda as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Kathleen Cockrel and a second by Mr. David Kitchens.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Absent
3. eMeeting training
4. Recognitions - Live RED Recognitions
4.a. Student(s)
4.b. Staff
4.c. Live RED Report
5. Public Comment

Heather Hurley addressed the Board

6. Consent Items
Actions Taken

Order #188 - Motion Passed:  Approval and/or acceptance of the Consent Items passed with a motion by Ms. Kathleen Cockrel and a second by Mr. Dennis Fleet.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Absent
6.a. Minutes of Previous Meetings
6.b. Treasurer's Report & Finance Update
6.c. Payment of General and Title Program Claims
6.c.I. Superintendent Reimbursement/Expenses
6.d. Acknowledge Personnel Report
6.e. District Use of Property Agreements
6.f. School-Wide Fundraisers
6.g. Travel Requests
6.g.I. Student Travel
6.g.I.a. Track to Lexington; Volleyball Camp at Austin Peay; Special Olympics to Richmond.
6.g.II. Employee Travel
6.h. Grant Writer's Report
6.i. Collaborative Agreement with Emerald Therapy Center, LLC
6.j. Purchasing Plan for North Livingston Elementary School
6.k. Office for the Blind Transitions Opportunities Program Participation Application
6.l. Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Community Work Transition Program Participation Application
6.m. Luther F. Carson Four Rivers Center, Inc. Use Agreement for Prom
6.n. Preschool Partnership Grant- Tier 3 (continuation)
6.o. Commonwealth of Kentucky United Way Born Academy Grant
6.p. Commonwealth of Kentucky Contract to administer the Family Resource and Youth Services Centers
6.q. Commonwealth of Kentucky Math Achievement Fund Grant
6.r. Commonwealth of Kentucky 21st CCLC grant modification
6.s. Surplus Items
6.t. Procurement Certification for the USDA's Child Nutrition Program
6.u. NSLP Indirect Cost Application Addenda
6.v. CEP Intent to Participate
6.w. Adult Meal Pricing
6.x. Preschool and Daycare Meal Rates
6.y. District Technology Plan (updated)
6.z. Apex Learning
6.aa. Petition for Early Enrollment Depository Bond
7. Facilities
Actions Taken

Order #189 - Motion Passed:  A motion to begin the necessary work for replacing the bus garage passed with a motion by Ms. Kathleen Cockrel and a second by Mr. David Kitchens.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
8. Policy Review
Actions Taken

Order #190 - Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the first reading of the KSBA policy updates and Sick Leave Bank Policy and to accept the procedural updates passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mrs. Pam Salazar.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
8.a. Sick Leave Bank revisions (03.12321 & 03.22321)
8.b. Sick Leave Bank Procedures (03.12321 AP.21 & 03.12321 AP.22)
9. Fuel Bid Awards
Actions Taken

Order #191 - Motion Passed:  Motion to accept the fuel bid awards to the lowest bidders passed with a motion by Ms. Kathleen Cockrel and a second by Mrs. Pam Salazar.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
10. Preschool Tuition Rates
Actions Taken

Order #192 - Motion Passed:  Motion to set Preschool tuition rates equivalent with daycare tuition rates passed with a motion by Mr. Dennis Fleet and a second by Mrs. Pam Salazar.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
11. KASA, KASS, and AASA Membership Dues
Actions Taken

Order #193 - Motion Passed:  Motion approve membership dues for the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) passed with a motion by Ms. Kathleen Cockrel and a second by Mr. Dennis Fleet.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
12. Announcemnents/FYI
13. Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c)&(k)
Actions Taken

Order #194 - Motion Passed:  The motion to enter into closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) Any preliminary discussions relating to the evaluation of the Superintendent by the Board or between the Board and the Superintendent prior to the summative evaluation passed with a motion by Mr. Ronald Jones and a second by Mr. David Kitchens.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes

The Board entered closed session at 7:40 PM.

14. Return to Open Session
Actions Taken

Order #195 - Motion Passed:  Motion to return to Open Session passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mrs. Pam Salazar.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel No
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
15. Actions Related to Closed Session
Actions Taken

Order #196 - Motion Passed:  Motion to meet on Monday, June 26, 2017, at the LCHS Library at 7:00 PM to continue the superintendent's evaluation passed with a motion by Mr. Ronald Jones and a second by Mr. Dennis Fleet.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel No
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes

Order #197 - Motion Passed:  A motion to table (c) Discussions of proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of the public agency passed with a motion by Mr. Ronald Jones and a second by Mr. David Kitchens.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel No
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
16. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #198 - Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn meeting passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mr. Dennis Fleet.

Member Votes
Ms. Kathleen Cockrel No
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes