Welcome & Call to Order
Set the Meeting Agenda
Order #111 - Motion Passed: Set the Meeting Agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.
Student Recognitions
Public Comment
Superintendent and Staff Reports
Monthly Personnel Action Report
Report on Superintendent's Non-Contract and Out-of-District Days
Monthly SBDM Meeting Agendas and Minutes from Schools
Early Childhood Communication
Drills Report
Monthly Financial Statements, Accounts Payable, Payroll and School Activity Funds
Early Childhood School Board Training
Early Childhood will conduct a Child Development training for the Board and share curriculum and assessment, enrollment, and fall child outcomes data.
Consent Agenda
Order #112 - Motion Passed: Approval of the consent agenda items passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.
Minutes of the October 12, 2023 Working Meeting and the October 19, 2023 Regular Meeting
Purchases over $40,000
- Clotfelter Samokar, Bubble Project at LCHS, $34,121.81
Superintendent's Travel
Facility Requests
- LC Fire Dept. to use King Mnt. School for training, Dec. 1, 2023 to Jun. 30, 2024
- LC ICE Girls BBall to use Elem., LCMS, and LCHS gyms for practice/games, Nov. 10, 2023 to May 1, 2024
Trip Requests
- HLE 4th/5th grade to Lexington Children's Theater on Dec. 4, 2023
- WBE 1st grade to London Children's Museum on Nov. 17, 2023
- LCHS FFA to Louisville Expo Center on Nov. 10, 2023
- LCHS Ed. Rising to State Comp. in Louisville on Mar. 5-6, 2024
- LCHS FCCLA to Regional Comp. in Paris, KY on Jan. 19, 2024
School-Wide Fundraising Activities
- SES to sell Stanley Blankets for Arts program, Nov. 10, 2023 to Feb. 29, 2024
Action Items
KETS Offer of Assistance
The KETS Offer of Assistance supports the implementation of the District's technology plan. The offer of $33,343 will be escrowed up to three years.
Order #113 - Motion Passed: Accept the KETS First Offer of Assistance in the Amount of $33,343 passed with a motion by Ms. Gloria Sneed and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Pay Applications for the LCMS Corridor Connector
The District requests the following items o be considered for approval by the Board at the November Meeting. These items are pertaining to the Lincoln Middle School Corridor Connector.
- Consider approval of Change Order #4 for a Credit of (-$28,000) for the unused Allowance for unsuitable soils. Change Order attached. Upon approval, please sign and return to RTA.
- Consider approval of Pay App #6 to Jarboe Construction , Inc. in the amount of $141,105.31. This is the final pay application for this project.
- Consider approval of the BG-4 form for this project. Form Attached, upon approval by the board please sign and return to RTA.
Order #114 - Motion Passed: Approve Change Order #4 for a Credit of $28,000, Pay App #6 to Jarboe Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $141,105.31, and the BG-4 for the Lincoln County Middle School Corridor Connector passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.
Interpreting Services for EL Program
Under federal law, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Education Opportunities Act of 1974, public schools are required to take affirmative steps to ensure that English learner students can meaningfully participate in educational programs. Also, the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Justice require schools to communicate information to limited English proficient parents in a language they can understand about any program, service, or activity that is called to the attention of parents who are proficient in English. Due to these requirements, the district is in need of interpreters to provide these services.
Order #115 - Motion Passed: Approve the Hire of Contracted Staff to Assist with Language Interpreting for the 2023-2024 School Year passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.
Surplus Items at Kings Mtn. Elementary
The District is no longer using the flag pole or white board at Kings Mountain Elementary and requests to declare these items as surplus and donate them. The flag pole is to be donated to the Lincoln County Fire Department and the white board to Lincoln County EMS.
Order #116 - Motion Passed: Declare the Flag Pole and White Board at Kings Mountain Elementary as Surplus and Donate passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Move to Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f) Discussion or Hearing Which Might Lead to the Appointment, Discipline, or Dismissal of an Individual Employee, Member, or Student
Order #117 - Motion Passed: Move to Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f) Discussion or Hearing Which Might Lead to the Appointment, Discipline, or Dismissal of an Individual Employee, Member, or Student at 5:57PM passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Return to Open Session
Possible Action Regarding Closed Session Discussions
Order #118 - Motion Passed: Adjournment of meeting at 6:31PM passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Gloria Sneed.