Call to Order
Set the Meeting Agenda
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Set the Meeting Agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Stanford Data Review
Discussion Items
Early Childhood Governance Training and Orientation
Early Childhood Annual Data
School Fee Lists
In accordance with Redbook and Board policy 09.15, the Board shall annually adopt and publish a fee schedule for elementary and secondary schools. Approved fees shall remain in place until modified or removed by the board.
Agreement with Omnia Partners
The District requests approval of the purchasing agreement with Omnia Partners. Omnia solicits and awards bid contracts and provides the district with more purchasing options.
District Membership with KEDC and CKEC
Board discussion over costs and benefits of District memberships with KEDC and CKEC. The Food Service department has agreed to pay 50% of the cost of the CKEC membership.
Bus Bids
Only one set of bids were received for buses previously declared as surplus by the Board. All bids were from Froggett Auto Sales.
- Bus 071 $1,350
- Bus 0502 $1,851
- Bus 072 $1,261
- Bus 082 $1,411
08.1132 Hardship Graduation
The Director of Pupil personnel requests the Board approve Board Policy 08.1132 Hardship Graduation so students showing extreme hardship can be provided alternative routes to complete graduation requirements.
09.123 School Attendance
Board policy 09.123 School Attendance has language added to provide clarification on the use of the Medical Excuse Form.
Migrant Staffing
The Lincoln County Migrant Education program requests to hire part-time temporary/substitute staff for tutoring, office assistance, bus drivers/monitors, teaching, etc. throughout the 2023-2024 regular school year and during the summer to serve students per the guidelines required in the Service Delivery Plan of KDE Migrant Education. The program also requests permission to use district schools (with Principal approval) to host on-site summer programming. All cost will be paid out of the migrant education grant at no cost to the district.
Food Service Rates
Hourly rates for Food Service cooks and managers, for the 2023-2024 school year, were approved by the Board in February 2023. However, a formula in the spreadsheet altered these rates in four experience categories which made them lower than what was previously approved. These lower rates were approved as a part of the revised salary schedule in a subsequent meeting. The District asks for Board approval to revise the salary schedule with the Food Service rates reflecting the hourly rates approved in February.
- 0-3 yrs experience: from $12.06 to $12.34
- 10-14 yrs experience: from $13.34 to $13.39
- 15-19 yrs experience: from $13.72 to $13.89
- 25+ yrs experience: from $14.71 to $14.95
UK Clinical Practice Agreement
Lincoln County School District has University of Kentucky education preparation students completing clinical experiences and a Clinical Practice Agreement is required.
District Representative for ARC and 504 Meetings
Each year the Board approves, by title, those persons who can act as the District Representative (Chairperson) for ARC and 504 meetings.
- Director of Special Education
- Asst. Superintendent
- Preschool Director
- Principals
- Assistant Principals
- Guidance Counselors
- Families, Health and Disabilities Manager
In addition - Exceptional Child Leads can act as Chairs for ARC meetings.
Services for Students with Visual Impairments
The District is to provide services for students with visual impairments. As the District has only a small number of these students hiring a full-time person is not fiscally responsible. Over the past ten years, the district has joined with surrounding counties to contract with an independent teacher of the visually impaired and has been pleased with quality of services provided to students. Services are paid with IDEA funds from a monthly invoice.
MindPsi Agreement
For the past two years the Exceptional Child department has entered into a contract with MindPsi, an independent agency that conducts educational evaluations. An evaluator is needed due to the shortage of school psychologists on staff. After conferring with the senior school psychologist, in was determined the EC department should ask Board to consider allowing an additional contract with MindPsi in the event there is an overage of referrals for special education (as is the current situation), an influx of preschool students in need of evaluation, and/or the need for additional assistance to meet the December 1st deadline.
Action Items
Early Childhood Transportation Waiver
The Lincoln County Early Childhood program is requesting the approval of a transportation waiver that will allow the use school district buses to transport Head Start children on field trips for the 2023-2024 school year. Approval is needed due to the Head Start requirement of the use of child restraints for transportation.
Order #2 - Motion Passed: Approve the 2023-2024 Early Childhood Transportation Waiver passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Early Childhood Curriculum Specialist
Currently, the Early Childhood Curriculum Specialist is a 185 day position. Due to the demands of several new staff members, the need for additional support is imperative. The Early Childhood program would like to request that the days for this position be increased to 205 days, which will allow time for this extra support to be given.
Order #3 - Motion Passed: Approve Increasing the Early Childhood Curriculum Specialist from 185 Days to 205 Days passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Superintendent Smith as Signer for Bank Accounts
With the resignation of Mr. Michael Rowe and the subsequent hire of Mr. Bruce Smith as superintendent, the signer on all bank accounts with Farmer's Bank must be changed.
Order #4 - Motion Passed: Approve Removing Mr. Michael Rowe and Adding Mr. Bruce Smith as Signer on All Bank Accounts with Farmer's Bank passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.
Assistant Superintendent/Director of Academic Services Position
Order #5 - Motion Passed: Create the Position and Job Description of Assistant Superintendent/Director of Academic Services and Add it to the Salary Schedule with a Certified Extra Service Supervision Increment of 30% passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Pay App.#4 for LCMS Connector
Lincoln County Middle School Corridor Connector: Pay Application #4 in the amount of $292,931.47 to Jarboe Construction, LLC.
Order #6 - Motion Passed: Approve Pay Application #4 in the Amount of $292,931.47 to Jarboe Construction, LLC.
passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Rising Sun Change Order #2 for Track & Field Update
Order #7 - Motion Passed: Approve Rising Sun Change Order #2 in the Amount of (-594.81) for the Track and Field Update passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Pay App. #3 from Rising Sun for Track and Field Update
Order #8 - Motion Passed: Approve Rising Sun Pay Application #3 in the Amount of $266,529.45 for the Track and Field Update passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Order #9 - Motion Passed: Approve the Direct Purchase Order for 14,097.23 passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.
Public Comment
Order #10 - Motion Passed: Adjournment of meeting at 7:07 PM passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.