Welcome & Call to Order
Set the Meeting Agenda
Order #276. - Motion Passed: Set the Meeting Agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Public Comment
End of Year Data
The Assessment, Accountability, & Student Data Director, Ms. Tracy Griffin, will present the end-of -year data.
Superintendent and Staff Reports
Monthly Personnel Action Report
Report on Superintendent's Non-Contract and Out-of-District Days
Monthly SBDM Meeting Agendas and Minutes from Schools
Early Childhood Communication
Drills Report
Monthly Financial Statements, Accounts Payable, Payroll and School Activity Funds
Consent Agenda
Order #277. - Motion Passed: Approval of the Consent Agenda Items passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Minutes of the May 11, 2023 Working, the May 18, 2023 Regular, and the May 23, 2023 Special Meetings
Purchases over $30,000
- Ross Tarrant Architects, LCHS Track & Field Project, $5,190.23
- Ross Tarrant Architects, LCMS Connector, $2,234.29
Superintendent's Travel
Facility Requests
- J. Dagley to use the HLE gym on July 7, 2023 for a birthday party
Trip Requests
- LCHS Girls' Basketball to Campbellsville on June 13-14, 2023
- LCHS Boys' Basketball to Harrison County on June 21-22, 2023
Apply For and Implement Grants
- An American/Kids Heart Challenge Grant for $2,500 for WBE sports equipment
Action Items
2023 Policy Update
KRS 160.340 requires that Board policies be kept up to date by filing annual amendments thereto by August 15th. The Kentucky School Board Association updates all board policies and procedures to reflect any new legal requirements.
Order #278. - Motion Passed: Second Reading and Approval of the 2023 KSBA Recommended Board Policy Updates with Revisions, as Recommended by Mr. Grant Chenoweth, to Policy Numbers 03.115, 09.422, and 09.435 passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.
2023 KSBA Procedure Update
The Kentucky School Board Association provides updates to all procedures affected by the 2023 Policy updates.
Order #279. - Motion Passed: Reading and Approval of the 2023 KSBA Procedure Updates passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Criteria for Student Board Member
Current Student Board Member, Ms. Chloe Ralston, created an application process for incoming seniors who wish to be considered for the position of Student Board Member.
Order #280. - Motion Passed: Approve the Revised Application for Student Board Member passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Commonwealth of Kentucky MOA
The Commonwealth of Kentucky wishes to enter into an MOA with Lincoln County Board of Education for the services of Tim Godbey as Educational Recovery Director, Debbie Sims Bustle as Educational Recovery Leader, James Carrier as Educational Recovery Leader, and Chris Murray as Educational Recovery Leader . They remain on the Lincoln County BOE payroll and the Commonwealth of Kentucky reimburses the salary and benefits plus indirect costs.
Order #281. - Motion Passed: Approve the Memorandum of Agreement with the Commonwealth of Kentucky for Tim Godbey, Debbie Sims Bustle, James Carrier, and Chris Murray for the 2023-2024 School Year passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
School Resource Officers
Lincoln County Schools currently partners with the City of Stanford to provide School Resource Officers (SROs). District Finance Officer, Lee Ann Smith, has provided a comparison of differing SRO coverage and costs for the Board to consider.
Order #282. - Motion Passed: Approve SRO Contract with the City of Stanford for 2023-2024 at a Cost of $170,000.00 passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Instructional Assistant Positions
Early Childhood requests approval to hire six (6) additional instructional assistants for the program to allow family liaisons the time to focus on all ERSEA areas that are required and allow for lunch/break coverage. Assistant will be placed as follows:
- three at Stanford (one for the inclusive classroom, two for regular classrooms)
- one at Crab Orchard
- one at Hustonville
- one split between Highland/Waynesburg
Order #283. - Motion Passed: Approve the Hire of Six (6) Additional Instructional Assistants for the Lincoln County Early Childhood Program passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Extension of Supplemental Early Childhood Grant
The Lincoln County Early Childhood program was awarded a one-time supplemental grant in the amount of $250,000 in the fall of 2022 and is requesting that the program be granted a continuation/extension through Head Start to utilize these funds for the 2023-2024 school year to pay for materials and staff for the inclusive classroom .
Order #284. - Motion Passed: Approve the Extension of the $250,000 Supplemental Grant for the Inclusive Classroom passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Unite MOU
For several years the District has partnered with UNITE Service Corp who provide a diverse group of individual to serve in the elementary schools providing mathematics tutoring and drug prevention programs. Schools contribute $6,300 per individual.
Order #285. - Motion Passed: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with UNITE Service Corps passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Career and Technical Education MOA
The Districts is seeking Board approval of the Career and Technical Education memorandum of agreement. The agreement states that the Kentucky Department of Education will provide the management, control, operation, resources, and equipment for the ATC program and the Board will provide the facility for the program.
Order #286. - Motion Passed: Approve the Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.
Emergency Certified Teachers
The USDOE has not updated the critical shortage areas since the 2019-20 school year. It currently lists Early Childhood Ed, and English as a Second Lang as critical shortage areas for our region. EPSB has also approved the issuance of a second emergency teaching certificate for those who held emergency certificates in 2022-23 school year.
Order #287. - Motion Passed: Approve the Hire of Emergency Certified Teachers, as Needed, for the 2023-2024 School Year passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Stipend for STLP Coaches
In March, the Board requested Elementary STLP coaches to be added to salary schedule.
Order #288. - Motion Passed: Approve the Addition to the Salary Schedule of a $1,000 Annual Stipend for Elementary STLP Coaches passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Surplus Buses
Bus numbers 0502, 071, 072, and 082 due to being out of depreciation and beyond economical repair.
Order #289. - Motion Passed: Declare Bus Numbers 0502, 071, 072, and 082 as Surplus and Advertise for and Take Closed Bids passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
2023-2024 Emergency Response Plan
The District is requesting Board approval of the 2023-2024 Emergency Response Plan. KRS 158.162 requires mandatory adoption of an emergency management response plan in each school.
Order #290. - Motion Passed: Approve the 2023-2024 Emergency Response Plan passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.
2022-2023 School Calendar
At the end of each school year, the updated calendar must be approved and sent to the Kentucky Department of Education
Order #291. - Motion Passed: Approve the 2022-2023 School Calendar passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Early Entry to Kindergarten
The District requests approval for early entry to Kindergarten for one (1) student who has met all testing requirements.
Order #292. - Motion Passed: Approve Early Entry to Kindergarten for One Student passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Emergency Certified Substitute Teachers
Board approval is required annually to hire emergency certified substitute teachers.
Order #293. - Motion Passed: Approve the Hire of Emergency Certified Substitute Teachers passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Additional Certified Allocations for LCHS
The Lincoln County High School SBDM is requesting two additional certified allocations for the 2023-24 school year.
The first position is a 1.0 Special Education position to provide co-teaching support and assist
with implementation of Individual Education Programs (IEPs) in Science and Social Studies. As
noted in the ECE Audit of LCHS Special Education Program conducted by Educational Directions,
“There is lack of EC support in SC (Science)/SS (Social Studies)/Health.” (pg. 13)
The second position is for 1.0 Credit Recovery/Behavior Support position. The 1.0 Credit
Recovery/Behavior Support position will help with the implementation of our Virtual and Hybrid
School offerings to assist with increasing enrollment at LCHS for students who have specific
needs and meet enrollment criteria. While also providing learning options for students to
prevent drop-outs. In addition to monitoring on-line learning of students, this position will also
provide additional behavior support of students in Tier 2 Behavioral Intervention.
Order #294. - Motion Passed: Approve Two (2) Additional Certified Allocations for Lincoln County High School for the 2023-2024 School Year passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Migrant Stipend
The Lincoln County Migrant program coordinator makes less than those in other programs. For this reason, the program is requesting the coordinator receive a $1,000 stipend for each school served. Funding will be paid through the Migrant grant.
Order #295. - Motion Passed: Approve a $1,000 per School Stipend for the Migrant Coordinator passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Mobile Unit for the Migrant Program
The Lincoln County Migrant program received a grant in the amount of $64,500 to purchase a preschool/tutoring van. They received three bids and are requesting permission to accept the lowest bid.
Order #296. - Motion Passed: Approve the Purchase of a 2021 Ford Transit Van in the Amount of $64,183.75 passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Change Orders
The District requests approval for a change order from Rising Sun Developing Company in the amount of $36,995.39 for the track and field improvements and from Jarboe Construction in the amount of $6,585.75 for the middle school connector.
Order #297. - Motion Passed: Approve Change Order #1 from Rising Sun Developing, Inc. for $36,995.39 and Change Order #3 from Jarboe Construction, Inc. for $6,585.75 passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.
Pay Applications
The District is requesting Board approval for pay applications from Rising Sun Developing Company in the amount of $92,101.56 for the track and field updates and Jarboe Construction in the amount of $$148,200.54 for the middle school corridor.
Order #298. - Motion Passed: Approve Pay Application #2 from Rising Sun Developing, Inc. in the Amount of $92,101.56 and Pay Application #3 from Jarboe Construction in the Amount of $$148,200.54 passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Move to Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) Meetings Required to be Conducted in Privacy and KRS 61.810(1)(f) Discussions Which Might Lead to the Appointment of an Individual Employee
Order #299. - Motion Passed: Move to Executive Session at 6:07PM Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) Meetings Required to be Conducted in Privacy and KRS 61.810(1)(f) Discussions Which Might Lead to the Appointment of an Individual Employee passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Return to Open Session
Order #300. - Motion Passed: Return to Open Session at 7:15PM passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Possible Action on Executive Session
Order #301. - Motion Passed: Approve the Lincoln County Board Contract with Mr. Bruce Smith to Serve as Superintendent of the Lincoln County School District with a Salary of $128,000.00 and a Term of Four (4) Years, Beginning July 1, 2023 and Ending June 30, 2027. The Board Chairperson will be Authorized to Execute that Certain Contract that Shall be Made Part of These Minutes passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.
Order #302. - Motion Passed: Adjournment of Meeting at 7:18PM passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.