Lincoln County
August 11, 2022 5:30 PM
Regular Meeting
1. Welcome & Call to Order
2. Set the Meeting Agenda
3. Public Comment for Agenda Items Only
4. Superintendent and Staff Reports
4.a. Monthly Personnel Action Report
4.b. Report on Superintendent's Non-Contract and Out-of-District Days
4.c. Monthly SBDM Meeting Agendas and Minutes from Schools
4.d. Monthly Financial Statements, Accounts Payable, Payroll and School Activity Funds
5. Consent Agenda
5.a. Minutes of the July 12, 2022 Working and July 21, 2022 Regular Meetings
5.b. Purchases over $30,000

  • Rosstarrant Architects for Middle School Connector - $15,552.48

5.c. Superintendent's Travel
5.d. Leave Requests

  • Maternity leave for certified staff at SES, Oct. 10 to Nov. 25, 2022
  • Maternity leave for certified staff at SES, Sept. 30 to Nov. 28, 2022
  • Medical leave for certified staff at SES, Aug. 8 to Sept. 23,2022
  • Medical leave for classified staff at WBE, Aug 8 to Feb. 1, 2023
  • Maternity leave for classified staff at HVE, Aug 8 to Dec. 1, 2022 
  • Maternity leave for District certified staff, Sept. 21 to Dec.14, 2022 

5.e. School-Wide Fundraising Activities

  • LCMS to sell Cookie Dough to benefit students
  • WBE to sell Cookie Dough, Candles, and Pizza kits to benefit students
  • WBE to host a coin war to benefit students  

5.f. Donations over $1,000

  • Donation of $5,000 from Jerome Flynn (Edward Jones) and $3,000  from Anonymous to pay for student admission to athletic events

6. Action Items
6.a. 2022-2023 Staffing for Migrant Program
6.b. Gear Up Agreement
6.c. Branscum Construction Pay App #6 for Welding Lab
6.d. Architect for Kings Mt. Demolition
6.e. Assistant Cafe Manager at LCHS

There is currently an open cook position at Lincoln County High School. The District requests to change that position to an Assistant Cafeteria Manager position.  This position will be 8 hours per day with a 15% salary increment.   The new position will cost the district $5,749 more per year (salary and fringe) than a regular 7 hour 180 day cook.  The cost will be covered by food service funds.  If approved, the position will be posted and added to the salary schedule.

6.f. Discussion of Tax Rates

Last year’s tax rate was 53.2 for real estate and 54.5 for personal property. Total revenue received was $6,430,691. Breakdown: Property $5,049,379 PSC $1,285,246; Delinquent $96,066

There are a couple of options each year. The first is to take the compensating rate, which is the rate that when applied to the current year’s property assessment produces an amount of revenue equal to the revenue, the District received last year. The second option is the 4% revenue increase, which will produce 4% more revenue than the compensating rate. The subsection (1) rate is the rate that will produce no more revenue than the previous year’s maximum rate.

The compensating rate for real estate is 50.0. The compensating rate for personal property is 54.5. The compensating rate would generate $6,576,129.

The 4% revenue increase rate for real estate is 52.2 with exonerations. The 4% revenue increase rate for personal property is 54.5. The 4% increase as listed above would generate $6,816,078. The difference between the compensating and 4% revenue increase would be $239,949.

The subsection (1) rate for real estate is 55.2. The subsection (1) rate for personal property is 55.2. The subsection (1) rate would generate $7,157,703.

Recommendation is to take the 4% revenue increase as listed above. This would bring in around $385,000 more revenue compared to last year with a tax decrease of 1% on the real estate rate and the personal property tax rate would stay the same.

Motor Vehicle Tax:  This rate remains constant from year-to-year at 54.2. In the 21-22 school year, the District collected $1,099,194.

Utility Tax:  This rate remains constant also at 3.0. In the 21-22 school year, the District collected $1,171,009

6.g. Board Policy 09.33 Fund-Raising Activities Revisions
6.h. School Psychologist
6.i. Middle School Golf Team and Coach
6.j. Field House, Press Box, Turf
7. Addendum Item
7.a. Data Security and Breach Notification

Board review and approval of the Data Security and Breach Notification Best Practice Guide is required annually. 

8. Move to Closed Session per KRS 61.810(1)(k) Meetings Specifically Required to be Conducted in Private and KRS 61.810(1)(b) Deliberations on the Future Acquisition or Sale of Real Property
9. Return to Open Session
10. Adjourn