Lincoln County
June 30, 2021 5:30 PM
2020-2021 On-Going Superintendent Evaluation Artifacts
1. Standard 1 - Strategic Leadership
1.1. Comprehensive District Improvement Plan
1.2. Implementation and Impact Checks Documentation
1.3. Agendas and updates on effective school improvement activities
1.4. Superintendent’s Individual Growth Plan (IGP) aligned with state and local strategic priorities and objectives
1.5. Superintendent’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) aligned with personal areas for growth
1.6. Evidence that staff can articulate the district’s direction and focus
1.7. Student performance data
1.8. 30-60-90 day Plan
1.9. AdvancED documentation
1.10. BOE Retreat agenda, meeting minutes, work sessions, and sessions with KSBA
1.11. Vision/mission work
1.12. Implementation checks/plans
1.13. Policy revisions
1.14. Goal setting and monitoring activities of data
2. Standard 2 - Instructional Leadership
2.1. Comprehensive District Improvement Plans and Comprehensive School Improvement Plans
2.2. Professional development plans based on data (Use of early release and PD days)
2.3. TELL Survey
2.4. Student performance data
2.5. Formative and common assessments
2.6. Curriculum framework (K-12 alignment)
2.7. Walk-through documents and data collected
2.8. Implementation of instructional coaches
2.9. Minutes from content teacher-leader meetings
2.10. Participation at Co-op meetings
3. Standard 3 - Cultural Leadership
3.1. Tell Survey data
3.2. Teacher retention data
3.3. Student performance data
3.4. Awards structure developed by the district and schools
3.5. Community support of the district
3.6. School visit agendas
3.7. Opening Day message/agenda
3.8. Student interviews
3.9. Celebrations of successes for students and staff
3.10. Meeting agenda with various stakeholders
3.11. Messages that relay high expectations
4. Standard 4 - Human Resource Leadership
4.1. TELL Survey
4.2. Leadership Development Plans (for district administrators— EILA)
4.3. Student performance data
4.4. Administrators’ professional growth plans
4.5. Number of teachers in the district with National Board Certification
4.6. Staff evaluation process and protocols
4.7. Minutes of instructional meetings with administrators
4.8. Brochures from job fair participation
4.9. Mentoring Program agendas
4.10. Description of Shadowing Program
4.11. Hiring Policy
4.12. District Professional Development Plan
4.13. Evaluation Plan
4.14. Allocations
5. Standard 5 - Managerial Leadership
5.1. External reviews and audits (e.g., budget, food service, transportation, federal programs)
5.2. Community Emergency Response Plans
5.3. TELL Survey
5.4. Facility plan
5.5. District/school safety and crisis plans
5.6. District policy
5.7. Budget
5.8. Technology Plan
5.9. Meeting agendas and schedules
5.10. PGES implementation
5.11. Energy Management Report
6. Standard 6 - Collaborative Leadership
6.1. Minutes from school board meetings
6.2. Business partnerships
6.3. Membership and participation in community organizations (Ministerial groups, United Way, NAACP, Housing Authority, Parks & Recreation)
6.4. Media coverage of school and district accomplishments
6.5. Community college/university partnerships (professional development initiatives and dual credit courses)
6.6. Community speaking engagements
6.7. Attendance at local government meetings
6.8. Education Councils
7. Standard 7 - Influential Leadership
7.1. School board policies
7.2. Handbooks – teacher and student
7.3. Superintendent’s performance goals and Professional Growth Plan
7.4. Teacher, administrator and staff retention data
7.5. Parent, community, and staff survey data
7.6. Outreach efforts
7.7. Tax Hearing minutes
7.8. Meetings with legislators
7.9. Civic/community involvement