Lincoln County
September 10, 2020 6:00 PM
Special-Called Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Accept Board Member Resignation
3. Elect Board Chairperson (Serves 09/10/2020 - 12/31/2020)
4. Elect Board Vice-Chairperson If Needed (Serves 09/10/2020 - 12/31/2020)
5. Filling Open Board Seat Process
6. Superintendent and Staff Reports
6.a. Monthly Personnel Action Report
6.b. Report on Superintendent's Non-Contract and Out-of-District Days
6.c. Monthly SBDM Meeting Agendas and Minutes from Schools
6.d. Monthly Financial Statements, Accounts Payable, Payroll and School Activity Funds
7. Consent Agenda
7.a. Approve Minutes of the August 6, 2020 Working Meeting and the August 13, 2020 Regular Meeting
7.b. Approve Leave Requests

  • Medical Leave for classified LCMS staff from August 17, 2020 to November 17, 2020
  • Medical Leave for classified transportation staff from August 13, 2020 to October 22, 2020
  • Medical Leave for classified SES staff from August 26, 2020 to October 9, 2020
  • Medical Leave for Certified WBE staff from September 8, 2020 to October 21, 2020 

7.c. Approve Facility Requests

  • Kentucky Safe Driver to use an LCHS classroom for the mandatory 4 hour Alive @ 25 defensive driving course on September 15, 2020 from 4pm to 8pm 

7.d. Approve Fundraising Activities

  • LCHS Track & Field Boosters to sell Velvet Whiskey Candles to benefit players
  • LCMS Cheer to sell mums and host a Christmas Extravaganza to benefit players
  • LCMS Archery to sell mums to benefit players

8. Action Items
8.a. 2020-2021 Tax Rates

Taking the 4% increase in tax revenue for 2020-2021 would generate an additional $236,670 compared to taking the compensating rate. Set the tax rates for 2020-2021 at 55 cents per $100 assessed value for real property and personal property; 54.2 cents per $100 assessed value for motor vehicles; and 3% for utility tax.

8.b. Final SBDM Allocations

Schools must receive their final Site Based Decision Making Allocations by September 15, 2020.  There are no recommended changes to allocations based on ADM as of September 4, 2020. 

8.c. FY2020 KETS Technology Activity Report

The KETS FY 2020 Technology Activity Report must be approved by the Lincoln County Board of Education and then submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education.  This report determines subsequent offers of assistance from state matching education technology funds.

8.d. 2020-2021 Working Budget

The working budget is due to the Kentucky Department of Education by September 30, 2020.

8.e. MOU With WPBK-FM

Lincoln County Schools and WPBK-FM desire a partnership for the production of live video streaming of Lincoln County Schools athletic and other events.
• Home games will be live-streamed,  unless the away game venue grants streaming rights, all postseason games are governed by KHSAA rights fees
•  Non-Athletic events (graduation, awards night, etc.) may be live-streamed with prior approval of Principal of the school involved
•  A small subscription price will be charged to view the games in order to off-set potential loss of ticket sales by LC. Thus, LC will be entitled to all subscription revenue.
•  WPBK will provide the audio for the live stream, WPBK will be entitled to all advertising revenue from its audio stream during games.
• In the event that any video advertising is sold (ads being displayed on the video stream that are not on the radio feed), then the party selling it shall be entitled to a 20%   commission   on all amounts received.  The parties will then split the remaining amount from said advertising.
• Any revenue generated by video advertising shall be accounted for by the party collecting the revenue, and the proportional share paid to the non-collecting party a monthly 
•  All costs of the live stream shall be borne by WPBK and all rights shall be maintained by WPBK.

8.f. District Funding Assurances

The approval of District Funding Assurances is required annually for all federally funding grants. 

8.g. MOA with New Vista

MOA with New Vista so that they may provide services to their clients at Lincoln County Schools.  This is needed for their liability insurance to show they have approval to be on-site/telehealth and they will provide the liability insurance.

8.h. Diagnostician Positions

The District would like to employ two retired persons with Counselor II endorsements since there are no applicants for the school psychologist position which has been posted since June 11, 2020. Persons with a Counselor II certification are allowed to give the Cognitive and Academic assessments needed to determine eligibility and continued eligibility for special education services under the IDEA federal mandates. All retirees are restricted and cannot work 205 days.  Therefore, employing two retirees will allow the District to serve students the entire year.  The District is currently contracting with a local agency to provide testing and paying $600 per report per student. 

8.i. Head Start Connects Case Studies

The Head Start Connects Case Studies, a nonprofit research organization, was awarded funding from the U.S. Department of Health Human Services to develop this Project, which aims to build knowledge about how Head Start programs coordinate family services for parents/guardians and the processes or practices used to ensure that service coordination is aligned with individual family needs.

8.j. Coaching Positions

Booster clubs are requesting the board approve the hiring of an additional coach for football, track, and softball.  Coaches will be paid by the booster club but will be required to have the same background checks and trainings as district paid coaches. 

8.k. Cashless Tickets

The Lincoln County High School Athletics is requesting permission to us the Go Fan cashless ticketing process to replace cash boxes at all High School games. 

8.l. Part-time Migrant Employees

Lincoln County Migrant Education is a federally funded program and is required to provide academic assistance to all students and reports to the Kentucky Department of Education all contacts with students.  LCMED needs to hire part-time office and part-time staffing to complete the requirements of the program during the regular school year and during the summer.  This will also include extra duty employees. 

8.m. 2020-2021 Non-Resident Student Contracts
8.n. Changes to the 2020-2021 Salary Schedule

Newly created preschool positions, as well as current positions that were not previously included, have been added to salary schedule.

9. Adjourn to Executive Session per KRS 61.810(l)(k)
10. Return To Regular Session
11. Approve the Findings of the Superintendent Evaluation
12. Adjourn