Lincoln County
July 16, 2020 5:30 PM
Special-Called Meeting
1. Welcome & Call to Order
2. Superintendent and Staff Reports
2.a. Monthly Personnel Action Report
2.b. Report on Superintendent's Non-Contract and Out-of-District Days
2.c. Monthly SBDM Meeting Agendas and Minutes from Schools
2.d. Early Childhood Update
2.e. Monthly Financial Statements, Accounts Payable, Payroll and School Activity Funds
3. Consent Agenda
3.a. Approve minutes of the June 11, 2020 Special-Called Working Meeting and the June 18, 2020 Special-Called Meeting
3.b. Approve purchases over $30,000

  • U.S. Bank, Series 2012 Building Refunding Revenue Bonds - $267,394.05
  • U.S. Bank, Series 2010 Refunding Bonds - $750.460.00
  • Fountas & Pinnell K-2 Guiding Reading Kits - $84,000
  • Edgenuity for K-12 - $43,200

3.c. Approve Leave Requests

  • Medical Leave for Certified Staff at WBE for the 2020 -2021 school year
  • Maternity Leave for Certified Staff at WBE beginning Aug. 2020 through Oct. 2020


3.d. Approve Fundraising Activities

  • LCHS Educator Rising to sell Pure Vida, Krispie Kreme, & Yankee Candles to fund ER projects
  • LCHS CheerLeading to sell items as listed to fund camp, equipment, & apparel
  • LCHS Volleyball Boosters to sell items, as listed, to benefit Volleyball team 
  • LCHS Girls' Basketball to host fundraisers, as listed, to benefit the team 
  • LCHS Women's Soccer to host fundraisers, as listed, to benefit the team 
  • SES to sell items as listed to benefit all SES students
  • SES STLP to sell 3D printed items to benefit STLP team
  • SES Archery to sell 3D Printed items, and host an archery tournament to benefit the archery team
  • HVE to sell items as listed to benefit HVE students 

4. Action Items
4.a. Annual KSBA Recommended Policy Update

Every year the Kentucky School Board Association reviews and  updates the district policies to reflect any changes made during the legislative session. 

4.b. KSBA Recommended Procedure Update
4.c. Communicable Disease Waiver for School-Sponsored Sports
4.d. Volunteers, Field Trips, Facility Requests, Assemblies, and Mass Gatherings
4.e. MOA with Midway University

The Lincoln County School District and Midway University have a long standing partnership in allowing Midway University students to complete their "student teaching" in Lincoln County.

4.f. MOA for the 2020-2021 Gear Up Grant
4.g. Change in Bus Driver Hours due to COVID 19

The COVID Pandemic makes it necessary for students to be distanced at least 6 foot on a school bus.   Due to the number of middle and high school students who require bus transportation this cannot be accomplished with current busing.Also allowing students to remain on their home bus the entire trip will reduce exposure possibility and assist with contact tracing.  

To ensure middle/high school students do not have to change buses and to reduce exposure, request that 4 hour bus drivers are increased to 5 hour  drivers, as needed, for the 2020-21 school year or until the pandemic ends , whichever is first. 

4.h. KETS Offers of Assistance

The KETS offers of assistance,  in the amount of $70,808, is to support the implementation of the district's technology plan.  This will use the three offers of assistance made in 2018 that were escrowed at that time.  Offers may be escrowed up to three years.  The district's match was included in the 2020-2021 budget.

4.i. Mental Health Specialist Position

 The district has hired four (4) school counselors already and has a 5th opening right now.  The applicant pool is very small, we are having a hard time finding qualified individuals. The same people are applying for every position.  We are asking to post the current school counselor position, as a Mental Health Specialist position to see if we receive a different applicant pool.

4.j. Revised Employee Handbook

Additional revisions to the employee handbook were needed to address the most recent COVID requirements. 

4.k. Speech Language Pathologist Position

The current speech pathologist is retiring in December, and replacing an SLP in the middle of the year will be extremely difficult, if not impossible.  I ask the board to consider allowing us to hire an additional SLP to work with students in the home who chose the on-line school option and who will replace the retiring SLP in January.  The additional SLP will also assist with the backlog of testing that exists due to the COVID restrictions at the end of the 2019-2020 school year. 

4.l. Service Agreement with MindPsi

Due to the abrupt closure of school due to COVID evaluations/reevaluations were stopped.  Federal requirements were not relaxed for completion of these evals.  We are attempting to meet evaluation timelines to the best of our ability before school starts so that we do not start behind.  We had planned to run an ‘evaluation clinic’ during the last week of July/first week of August, where we brought students into the SSC to be evaluated by the school psychologist. 

Our remaining school psychologist resigned late last week, leaving us no one to assess students.  To do our best at maintaining at federal compliance we would like to continue our plan to evaluate students by contracting with a school psychologist agency.  

5. Adjourn