Lincoln County
September 07, 2017 5:30 PM
Special Called Board Meeting
1. Welcome
2. Call To Order
3. Set the Meeting Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #31 - Motion Passed:  Setting the meeting agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Yolanda Smith and a second by Ms. Theresa Long.

4. Action Items
4.a. Set the tax rates for 2017-2018 at 53.5 cents per $100 assessed value on real property and personal property; 54.2 cents on $100 assessed value for motor vehicles; and 3% for utility tax.
Actions Taken

Order #32 - Motion Passed:  Set the tax rates for 2017-2018 at 53.5 cents per $100 assessed value on real property and personal property; 54.2 cents on $100 assessed value for motor vehicles; and 3% for utility tax passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Theresa Long.

4.b. Approve MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING with UNITE SERVICE CORPS of Operation UNITE for 5 positions.

$5,800 per positon x 5 positions = $29,000

Schools' Amounts:

$2,750 x 5 = $13,750

District Amount:




Actions Taken

Order #33 - Motion Passed:  Approve MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING with UNITE SERVICE CORPS of Operation UNITE for 5 positions passed with a motion by Ms. Theresa Long and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

5. Discussion Items
5.a. Lead Nurse / District Health Coordinator
5.b. Operations Division Budget(s)
5.c. Discuss changing Tuesday November 7, 2017 from a No School Day to a regular school day.
5.d. Aspiring Administrator Program
5.e. Pension Reform
5.f. Strategic Planning Steering Committee

Appoint a Board Member to serve on the committee.

5.g. Budget Committee Meeting Dates
6. Adjourn