Lincoln County
January 12, 2017 5:30 PM
Regular Meeting
1. Welcome
2. Call To Order
3. Set the Meeting Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #113 - Motion Passed:  Setting the meeting agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

4. Board Action Items
4.a. Elect Board Chairperson For Two (2) Year Term (per Board Policy 01.41)

Board Policy 01.41

At the first regular meeting in January following the election of Board members, the Board shall elect a chairman.

The chairman shall serve two (2) year terms beginning immediately following their election.

Actions Taken

Order #114 - Motion Passed:  Elect Tom Blankenship as Board Chair for a Two (2) Year Term, per Board Policy 01.41 passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

4.b. Elect Board Vice-Chairperson For Two (2) Year Term (per Board Policy 01.41)

Board Policy 01.41

At the first regular meeting in January following the election of Board members, the Board shall elect a vice-chairman.

The vice-chairman shall serve two (2) year terms beginning immediately following their election.

Actions Taken

Order #115 - Motion Passed:  Elect Theresa Long as Vice Chair for a Two (2) Year Term per Board Policy 01.41 passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

4.c. Appoint Marsha Abel To a One (1) Year Term as Board Treasurer at an Annual Salary of $2,000 (per Board Policy 01.413)

Board Policy 01.413

Designation of Treasurer

The Board shall elect a treasurer for the Board. The Board may elect the secretary to serve as treasurer. The Board may remove the treasurer from office at any time for cause by a vote of a majority of the members of the Board.

Actions Taken

Order #116 - Motion Passed:  Appoint Marsha Abel to a One (1) Year Term as Board Treasurer at an Annual Salary of $2,000 (per Board Policy 01.413) passed with a motion by Ms. Theresa Long and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

4.d. Appoint Jonathan Baker as Board Attorney For a Term of One (1) Years at an Hourly Rate of $90 (per Board Policy 01.7)

Board Policy 01.7

The Board may employ an attorney to advise and represent it in legal matters. In special cases the Board may employ additional attorneys as needed.

Actions Taken

Order #117 - Motion Passed:  Appoint Jonathan Baker as Board Attorney For a Term of One (1) Year at an Hourly Rate of $90 (per Board Policy 01.7) passed with a motion by Ms. Theresa Long and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.

4.e. Appoint Colleen Benson To a One (1) Year Term as Board Secretary at an Annual Salary of $4,000 (per Board Policy 01.412)

Board Policy 01.412

Designation of Secretary

The secretary shall not be a member of the Board. The Board may appoint the Superintendent as secretary. However, if appointed secretary by the Board, the Superintendent shall not receive compensation in addition to that received for serving as Superintendent. If a person other than the Superintendent is appointed, the Board may fix a reasonable salary for the secretary. The secretary shall be appointed no later than the first regular meeting after a vacancy occurs. The term of the secretary shall be one to four (1-4) years.



Actions Taken

Order #118 - Motion Passed:  Appoint Colleen Benson to a One (1) Year Term as Board Secretary at an Annual Salary of $4,000 (per Board Policy 01.412) passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Theresa Long.

4.f. Approve 2017 Regular Board Meetings Dates, Times and Locations (per Board Policy 01.42)

Board Policy 01.42

At a meeting in January, the Board shall adopt a schedule of regular meetings for the calendar year, identifying the date, time and place of each meeting.

Actions Taken

Order #119 - Motion Passed:  Approve 2017 Regular Board Meetings Dates, Times and Locations (per Board Policy 01.42) passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

4.g. Proclamation of School Board Recognition Month

Judge Adams will read the Proclamation of School Board Recognition

5. Superintendent and Staff Reports
5.a. Monthly Personnel Action Report
5.b. Report on Superintendent's Non-Contract and Out-of-District Days
5.c. Monthly SBDM Meeting agendas and Minutes from Schools
5.d. Monthly Attendance Percentages
5.e. Monthly Drills Report
5.f. Early Childhood Communication: January Newsletter; Policy Council Minutes; Head Start Updates; November Program Information Report; and Notice from the Office of Head Start.
5.g. Monthly Financial Statements, Accounts Payable, Payroll and School Activity Funds
6. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #120 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the consent agenda items passed with a motion by Ms. Yolanda Smith and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.

6.a. Approve minutes of the December 8, 2016 Regular Meeting
6.b. Approve purchases over $20,000

  • Huntington National Bank:
    • KISTA 2009 Series 48,778.11
    • KISTA 2013 Series 42,368.84
    • KISTA 2014 Series 42,825.19
    • KISTA 2015 Series 38,589.70
    • KISTA 2016 Series 103,441.67
  • U.S. Bank 2015 Bond Series  60,250.38

6.c. Approve the Superintendent's travel
6.d. Approve Leave Requests

  • Approve maternity leave for Crab Orchard staff member beginning February 9, 2017 to April 14, 2017.

6.e. Approve Facility Requests

  • Approve the use of the LCMS, LCHS and Student Support Center gyms by Lincoln Swoosh, 4th grade AAU basketball team from Jan. 2017 to June 2017 -proof of insurance provided

6.f. Field Trip Request

  • Approve  out-of-state staff trip to New York City for Broadway Teacher's Workshop on July 6-July 9, 2017 -paid through drama and school pd funds
  • Approve student trip for FCCLA State Star students to attend FCCLA State Culinary Star competition on February 21, 2017 to be paid with district funds
  • Approve-out-of state staff trip for up to six LC District employees to attend the Blended Learning Symposium in Nashville, TN on March 1-3, 2017 -paid by curriculum assoc.
  • Approve out-of-state trip for LCHS softball players to play a tournament in TN during Spring Break, April 5-9, 2017 -paid with softball funds
  • Approve staff trip to attend KMEA conference in Louisville, KY on Feb. 8-11, 2017
  • Approve out-of-state staff trip to attend National Migrant Education Conference in Orlando, FL on April 30, 2017 to May 3, 2017 paid with Migrant Education Grant
  • Approve overnight student trip for LCMS boys basketball to play in the Middle School State Tournament in Lexington, KY on February 10-11, 2017
  • Approve out-of-state trip for football coaching staff to attend the 2017 Glacier Clinic in Nashville, TN on Feb. 10-12, 2017 - paid through LCHS athletic sweep funds

6.g. Accept Donations

  • Accept donation from Promax Inc. of 2,150.00 for Hustonville Elem.

6.h. Permission to Apply For and Implement Grants

  • Grant Permission to apply for and implement a WHAS Crusade for Children Grant
  • Grant Permission to apply for and implement a Read to Achieve Grant at Highland Elem.

7. Action Items
7.a. Hear Architect and Construction Manager's Progress Report on Stanford Early Childhood Center Addition and Approve Pay Application #3 from Trace Creek Construction and Pay Application #2 from Arrow Electric Co.

Approve Pay Applications:

  • Alliance Corporation Pay App. #3 in the amount of $85,476.55
  • Arrow Electric Co. Pay Application #2 in the amount of $25,757.10
  • Trace Creek Construction Pay Application #3 in the amount of $23,944.93

Actions Taken

Order #121 - Motion to Amend Passed:  Approve the Construction Change Directive Not to Exceed $4000.00 passed with a motion by Mr. Alan Hubble and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

Order #122 - Motion Passed:  Approve Alliance Corporation Pay App. #3; Arrow Electric Co. Pay Application #2; and Trace Creek Construction Pay Application #3 passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Theresa Long.

7.b. Review Proposals and Accept Quote for Commissioning Agent for the Stanford Early Childhood Center

SCB recommends taking the lowest quote, $16,875 (the one that says Stanford preschool ZHCx) 

Actions Taken

Order #123 - Motion Passed:  Review Proposals and Accept Quote for Commissioning Agent for the Stanford Early Childhood Center passed with a motion by Ms. Theresa Long and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

7.c. Review changes to policy 09.36 AP .2 School-Related Student Trip Funding
Actions Taken

Order #124 - Motion Passed:  Review changes to policy 09.36 AP .2 School-Related Student Trip Funding passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Theresa Long.

7.d. Approve the Draft Budget for 2017-2018
Actions Taken

Order #125 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Draft Budget for 2017-2018 passed with a motion by Ms. Theresa Long and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.

7.e. Approve the 2017-18 Nonresident Student Contracts
Actions Taken

Order #126 - Motion Passed:  Approve the 2017-18 Nonresident Student Contracts passed with a motion by Ms. Theresa Long and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

7.f. Review 2017 CDIP Goals
7.g. Approve 2017 Lincoln County Schools CDIP
Actions Taken

Order #127 - Motion Passed:  Approve 2017 Lincoln County Schools CDIP passed with a motion by Ms. Theresa Long and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.

7.h. Authorize Superintendent To Provide Funding Support To KSBA

On November 23, 2016 the Kentucky Utilities Companies requested the Public Service Commission for authority to increase electric and gas rates. If approved as submitted individual schools could experience the following average utility cost increase:

KU Electric : 6.4 %

KSBA has intervened on behalf of districts by establishing a Supplemental Intervention Fund of $10,000 to cover legal and professional witness costs should the need arise.

This item authorizes the superintendent to provide funding support to the Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) up to $85.00 to represent the interests of the Board before the PSC in Case Nos. 2016-00370 and 2016-00371. The board will be billed and hereby commits to reimburse KSBA for its share of actual incurred intervention costs.

Actions Taken

Order #128 - Motion Passed:  Authorize Superintendent To Provide Funding Support To KSBA passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

7.i. Declare as Surplus and Take Closed Bids on the 1999 Ford F-150, 199 Chevrolet W/T, and the 2000 Ford F150

These trucks were used as work truck fro facilities/maintenance and are worn out.

Actions Taken

Order #129 - Motion Passed:   Declare as Surplus and Take Closed Bids on the 1999 Ford F-150, 199 Chevrolet W/T, and the 2000 Ford F150 passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Yolanda Smith.

8. Adjourn to Executive Session per KRS 61.810 (l)(f)
Actions Taken

Order #130 - Motion Passed:  Adjourn to the Executive Session at 6:10 PM per KRS 61.810(l)(f) passed with a motion by Ms. Yolanda Smith and a second by Mr. Marvin Wilson.

9. Executive Sessioin

Expulsion Hearing

Actions Taken

Order #131 - Motion Passed:  Return to the Regular Session passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Theresa Long.

Order #132 - Motion Passed:  Approve the student to complete his senior year at Fort Logan High School passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Wilson and a second by Ms. Theresa Long.

10. Adjourn