Russell Primary School
June 11, 2024 10:00 AM
SBDM Regular Meeting
1. Welcome
2. Call to Order
3. SBDM Present
4. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of todays agenda passed with a motion by Courtney Gibson and a second by Mrs. Erica Miller and the consensus of the council.

5. Reading of Missions, Vision or Belief Statements
6. Reading and Approval of SBDM Meeting Minutes from May 14, 2024
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of SBDM minutes from May 14, 2024, passed with a motion by Amber Conley and a second by Mrs. Lynda Downs and the consensus of the council.

7. Announcements
8. New Business
8.a. Munis Report
8.b. 2023-2024 RPS K-2 Star Early Lit Reading Data
8.c. 2023-2024 RPS K-2 Star Reading Data
8.d. 2023-2024 RPS K-2 Math Data
8.e. RPS SBDM Discipline Policy 14.01
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The council reviewed policy 14.01 with no changes were needed and made no changes to the policy passed with a motion by Mrs. Erica Miller and a second by Mrs. Lynda Downs and the consensus of the council.

8.e.I. Behavior Flow Chart
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The council had a first reading of the RPS Trauma- Informed Behavior Flow Chart as Part B to Discipline Policy 14.01 passed with a motion by Amanda Lewis and a second by Amber Conley and the consensus of the council.

8.f. RPS Emergency Management Policy 14.04 A and B
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Policy 14.04 A and B were reviewed and accepted with no changes passed with a motion by Mrs. Erica Miller and a second by Mrs. Lynda Downs and the consensus of the council.

9. Old Business
10. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting and the next meeting will be July 9, 2024 at 10:00 p.m. in the RPS Conference Room passed with a motion by Courtney Gibson and a second by Mrs. Lynda Downs and the consensus of the council.