Order #1 - Motion Passed: passed with a motion by Ms. Catherine DelValle and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.
Opening Business
Consider Approval of Agenda
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of Agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Catherine DelValle and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.
Consider Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting(s)
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting(s) passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.
Good News Report
Public Comments
Student Achievement Report/Data
School Improvement Planning
Order #1 - Motion Passed: passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.
Budget Report
Consider the approval to move the funds from the Down Syndrome account into the General Fund.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval to move the funds from the Down Syndrome account into the General Fund. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.
SBDM Budget Report
Committee Reports
Policy & Bylaw Review
Consider the approval of the second reading of the Technology Usage Policy.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of the second reading of the Technology Usage Policy. passed with a motion by Ms. Catherine DelValle and a second by Mrs. Maria Pangan and the consensus of the council.
Consider the approval of the second reading of the Publication, Approval, of Course, Scheduling Guide.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of the second reading of the Publication, Approval, of Course, Scheduling Guide. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Maria Pangan and the consensus of the council.
Consider the approval of the second reading of the Class Fees policy.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of the second reading of the Class Fees policy. passed with a motion by Mrs. Mandy Layne and a second by Mr. Bryan Enders and the consensus of the council.
Consider the approval of the second reading of the Event Fees policy and merge it with Class Fees.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of the second reading of the Event Fees policy and merge it with Class Fees. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Ms. Catherine DelValle and the consensus of the council.
Consider the 1st reading of the Class Drop/Add procedure.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of the 1st reading of the Class Drop/Add procedure. passed with a motion by Mrs. Mandy Layne and a second by Mr. Bryan Enders and the consensus of the council.
Consider the approval of the first reading of the tardiness policy.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of the first reading of the tardiness policy. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.
Old Business
New Business
Day Field Trips
Job Coach trip to Ashland Town Center
Consider the approval of the overnight trips as submitted.
Band Overnight Trip 1
Band Overnight Trip 2
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of the overnight trips as submitted. passed with a motion by Mrs. Mandy Layne and a second by Ms. Catherine DelValle and the consensus of the council.
Consider the building request approval for the Academic Meet.
Please consider the approval of fundraisers as submitted.
Academic Team Tournament
Order #1 - Motion Passed: passed with a motion by Ms. Catherine DelValle and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.
Day Field Trip-Zoology to Newport Aquarium.
Consider the approval of the KMEA overnight trip for Band.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of the KMEA overnight trip for Band. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.
Consider the Motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of the Motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Ms. Catherine DelValle and the consensus of the council.
Consider the Motion to exit Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of the Motion to exit Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel. passed with a motion by Ms. Catherine DelValle and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.
Order #1 - Motion Passed: Approval of Meeting Adjournment passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.