Russell High School
August 13, 2024 3:00 PM
SBDM Regular Meeting
1. Welcome
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.

2. Opening Business
2.a. Consider Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Mandy Layne and a second by Mr. Bryan Enders and the consensus of the council.

2.b. Consider Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting(s)
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting(s) passed with a motion by Ms. Catherine DelValle and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.

2.b.I. Consider Approval of minutes
3. Good News Report
4. Public Comments
5. Student Achievement Report/Data
6. School Improvement Planning
6.a. CSIP
7. Budget Report
8. Committee Reports
9. Policy & Bylaw Review
9.a. Consider the approval of the 2nd reading of the School Day and Week Schedule Policy 12.01.
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:   approval of the 2nd reading of the School Day and Week Schedule Policy 12.01. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Ms. Catherine DelValle and the consensus of the council.

10. Old Business
11. New Business
11.a. Consider the approval of fundraisers as submitted.

Softball Fundraisers for the year.

Dance Fundraisers

Band Fundraisers

Football Fundraiser

Volleyball Fundraiser



Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of fundraisers as submitted. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.

11.b. Consider the Motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel.
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.

11.b.I. Consider the Motion to exit Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel.

After Consultation with the SBDM


Recommend Zach Parsons as assistant basketball coach

Brittany Adams as counseling secretary

Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Motion to exit Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.

11.c. Consider the approval of fees for classes for the 24/25 school year.
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of fees for classes for the 24/25 school year. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Ms. Catherine DelValle and the consensus of the council.

11.d. Introduction of First Responders and review of Emergency Management, Tour of Building.
11.e. Consider the approval of an overnight field trip for volleyball.

September 6-7 Rocky Top Classic Sevierville, TN


September 20-21 Thoroughbred Smash Lexington, KY


Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of an overnight field trip for volleyball. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Ms. Catherine DelValle and the consensus of the council.

12. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Meeting Adjournment passed with a motion by Mrs. Dawn Lemaster and a second by Mr. Bryan Enders and the consensus of the council.