Russell High School
February 15, 2024 3:00 PM
SBDM Regular Meeting
1. Welcome
2. Opening Business
2.a. Consider Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Ms. Catherine DelValle and the consensus of the council.

2.b. Consider Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting(s)
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting(s) passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.

3. Good News Report
4. Public Comments
5. Student Achievement Report/Data
6. School Improvement Planning
6.a. CSIP
7. Budget Report
7.a. Budget report for January
8. Committee Reports
9. Policy & Bylaw Review
9.a. Consider the second reading of Policy 3.01 Enhancing Student Achievement.
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the second reading of Policy 3.01 Enhancing Student Achievement. passed with a motion by Mr. Paul Pack and a second by Mr. Bryan Enders and the consensus of the council.

9.b. Consider the approval of the second reading of Policy 21.02 Semester Exams.
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the second reading of Policy 21.02 Semester Exams. passed with a motion by Mrs. Mandy Layne and a second by Mr. Bryan Enders and the consensus of the council.

9.c. Consider the approval of the second reading of Policy 10.03 Drop/Add procedures
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the second reading of Policy 10.03 Drop/Add procedures passed with a motion by Mr. Paul Pack and a second by Mr. Bryan Enders and the consensus of the council.

9.d. Consider the first reading of the change to Policy 15.00 Extracurricular Programs
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the first reading of the change to Policy 15.00 Extracurricular Programs. passed with a motion by Mr. Paul Pack and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.

10. Old Business
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of removal of offering World Language to 8th grade students. passed with a motion by Mrs. Mandy Layne and a second by Mr. Bryan Enders and the consensus of the council.

11. New Business
11.a. Consider the removal of offering 8th grade World Language classes at the high School level.
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approve Removal of 8th grade World Language classes at the high school level. passed with a motion by Ms. Catherine DelValle and a second by Mr. Bryan Enders and the consensus of the council.

11.b. Consider the motion to enter into Executive Session according to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel.
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approve the motion to enter into Executive Session according to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mr. Paul Pack and the consensus of the council.

11.c. Consider the motion to exit Executive Session according to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel.
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval to exit Executive Session according to KRS 61.810 (1) (f) to discuss personnel. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.

11.d. Consider the approval of the Recycling Club T-shirt fundraiser
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of fundraisers as submitted. passed with a motion by Ms. Catherine DelValle and a second by Mr. Paul Pack and the consensus of the council.

11.d.I. Consider the approval of the FTC Wrestling fundraiser
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of FTC Wrestling fundraiser. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Ms. Catherine DelValle and the consensus of the council.

11.e. Consider approval of the fundraiser for the football team (weight lifting meet).
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the fundraiser for the football team (weight lifting meet). passed with a motion by Ms. Catherine DelValle and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.

11.f. Consider the approval of the band fundraiser (Calendar) sale.
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the band fundraiser (Calendar) sale. passed with a motion by Mr. Bryan Enders and a second by Mrs. Mandy Layne and the consensus of the council.

11.g. Academic day trip

February 23---STEM trip to Morehead State University with Vanessa Stevens
February 28—Engineering Career Day with Bryan Enders

12. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Meeting Adjournment passed with a motion by Mrs. Mandy Layne and a second by Mr. Paul Pack and the consensus of the council.