Breathitt Elementary School
May 13, 2024 4:00 PM
May 2024 Meeting
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Call to order passed with a motion by Megan White and a second by Wanda Noble and the consensus of the council.

2. Approval of Agenda
3. Mission and Vision

Council will work with stakeholders to create a mission and vision statement for the school.

Update- Teachers have started giving input for a mission and vision statement.

3.1. Review Mission and Vision Statement
4. Approval of Previous Minutes
4.1. April 2024 Minutes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of previous minutes passed passed with a motion by Vicie Pelfrey and a second by Brenda Tincher and the consensus of the council.

5. New Business
5.1. Discuss end of year activities

May 17th- Douthitt Park Day

May 23rd- Field day

May 20th and May 22nd Awards Days



6. Budget/Finance
6.1. 2024-2025 SBDM Budget
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of the budget passed with a motion by Megan White and a second by Wanda Noble and the consensus of the council.


The new budget was discussed and members voted.

6.2. Principal's Combined Budget
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of the budget passed with a motion by Michelle Jackson and a second by Wanda Noble and the consensus of the council.

7. Curriculum/Academics
7.1. Acadience Benchmarking

Spring benchmarking will be the week of May 13-17th.  Amber Spencer is working on a plan for administrating.

7.2. Teacher Interviews
7.2.1. Per KRS 61.80 (f) Consider approval of entering into closed session to discuss personnel matters related to the hiring of a classroom teacher

The council went into closed session to conduct teacher interviews.  The council chose an applicant and will send the recommendation to the central office for appoval.

8. Policy/Policy Review
8.1. Primary/K-3 policy

The council discussed the primary policy.  They chose to table the policy for a future meeting.

8.2. Enhancing Student Achievement Policy

The council will look at this policy on a future date.

8.3. Alignment with State Standards

The council discussed this policy.  They do not want to make any changes at this time.


The council discussed progress toward the CSIP.  Progress monitoring through Acadience was discussed and the data suggests there will be sizeable gains in reading and math.  

10. Other Business
11. Public Comments
12. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed with a motion by Megan White and a second by Wanda Noble and the consensus of the council.