LaRue County
July 15, 2024 6:00 PM
July Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order

Board Chair Price Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence
3. Agenda Adopted
Recommended Motion

The adoption of agenda, with the removal of item 8.N.

Actions Taken

Order #585 - Motion Passed:  The adoption of agenda, with the removal of item 8.N. passed with a motion by Ashley Reding and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
4. Personnel


July  2024


Brianna Atwell - LCHS - Teacher

Jamie Chenault - HES - Teacher

Abby Haynes - HES - Teacher

James Richardson - LCHS - Teacher

Lisa Simpson - ALES - Speech Therapist

Maribrooke Sullivan - POCS - Teacher

Jillian Williams - LCHS - Teacher



Baylee Allen - DIST - Sub Teacher

Keeahna Greer - ALES - Teacher

Judy Jaggers - DIST - Sub Teacher/Sub I.A.

Renee Skaggs - DIST - Sub Teacher





Mykayla Biggs - BUS - Bus Driver

Dylan Derosha - LCMS - Microcomputer Specialist

Kasey Klinglesmith - ALES - Instructional Assistant



Tim Elliott



Barry Bell - BUS - Sub Bus Monitor

Tracy Harkness - BUS - Bus Driver





Kathy Ross - ALES Academic Team

Craig Warnshuis - Assistant Softball







Sandy Bell - Bus Driver

Megan Branham - Bus Driver








5. Communications

  • Audience Comments
  • Board Comments / Updates

6. Reports

  • Communications Report - Caleb Phelps
  • Career and Technical Education Progress Report - Tara Wooden
  • Strategic Planning Report - Amanda Reed
  • Superintendent's Activities & Comments
  • SBDM Reports     LCHS   LCMS   HES   ALES

7. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion

Approval of Consent Agenda

Actions Taken

Order #586 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Ashley Reding.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
7.A. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
7.B. Claims as Presented
7.C. Treasurer’s Report (KC / GF / LCSNP /MUNIS Balance Sheet / Budget Report /Monthly Report / Year to Date Budget Report)
7.D. Fundraising Requests
7.E. Field Trip Requests
8. Action Agenda
8.A. LaRue County HS Athletics Upgrades Project (CHAMPS) RTA# 23036, BG#24-031 Change Order #2 - Jessica Castenir. WL Miller

Change Order # 2 for a change in a drainage structure. The Change Order will increase the contract amount by $3,835.52.  See attached for details.

Recommended Motion

Approve LaRue County HS Athletics Upgrades Project Change Order # 2 as presented

Actions Taken

Order #587 - Motion Passed:  Approve LaRue County HS Athletics Upgrades Project Change Order # 2 as presented passed with a motion by Ashley Reding and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.B. LaRue County HS Athletics Upgrades Project (CHAMPS) RTA# 23036, BG#24-031 Pay Application #3 - Jessica Castenir, WL Miller

Approve Oheil Site Solutions' Pay Application #3 in the amount of $126,000.  Approve Direct Purchase Orders in the amount of $31,156.00 to Sportsfield Specialities and $30,000 to Advanced Drainage Systems.  Oheil Construction and RTA and consultants have reviewed it and found the pay app and DPO's fair and reasonable.

Recommended Motion

Approve Oheil Site Solutions' Pay Application #3 for $126,000 and Direct Purchase Orders in the amount of $31,156.00 to Sportsfield Specialities and $30,000 to Advanced Drainage Systems as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #588 - Motion Passed:  Approve Oheil Site Solutions' Pay Application #3 for $126,000 and Direct Purchase Orders in the amount of $31,156.00 to Sportsfield Specialities and $30,000 to Advanced Drainage Systems as presented. passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Ashley Reding.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.C. Application for Emergency Substitute Certification Requests - Neysa Gardner

The district will need substitutes to fill for certified staff when they are absent from the classroom. Emergency substitutes meet the requirements to be a substitute teacher, but they do not have a degree in education. An emergency substitute teaching license is required annually. Approval is requested for up to 50 emergency substitutes for next school year.  

Recommended Motion

The approval of up to 50 Emergency Substitute positions for the 2023-2024 school year

Actions Taken

Order #589 - Motion Passed:  The approval of up to 50 Emergency Substitute positions for the 2024-2025 school year passed with a motion by Ashley Reding and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.D. Declaration of Outdated Resources as Surplus - Tara Wooden

The attached materials have been replaced with new versions over the years or they have been weeded from the school library holdings. These materials are no longer needed for instructional purposes. In accordance with KAR 45A425 (Surplus or Excess Property), I am requesting these materials be declared as surplus so they may be disposed. They will either be sold or recycled. If a buyer can be found, the revenue will go into the board general fund and be used to purchase replacement instructional resources at the school where these materials are currently housed.

Recommended Motion

The approval to declare outdated resources as surplus

Actions Taken

Order #590 - Motion Passed:  The approval to declare outdated resources as surplus passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Ashley Reding.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.E. ERATE FY2025 - Freddie Newby

USAC (Universal Service Administrative Company) administers federal funds also known as ERATE.  ERATE is a program that provides schools and public libraries with federal funds for the purpose of providing internet access.  The application is done annually and provides our district 80-90% discounts on internet service as well as hardware required to provide internet access to our schools.   The discount rate is calculated based on the Free/Reduced status of our district. 

Recommended Motion

Approve application for FY2025 ERATE federal funding/reimbursements

Actions Taken

Order #591 - Motion Passed:  Approve application for FY2025 ERATE federal funding/reimbursements passed with a motion by Ashley Reding and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.F. FY2025 Propane Contract - Jessica Castenir

Approve FY2025 Farmers Energy Propane Plus contract as presented.

Recommended Motion

Approve FY2025 Farmers Energy Propane Plus contract as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #592 - Motion Passed:  Approve FY2025 Farmers Energy Propane Plus contract which includes a cost of $1.91 per gallon, delivered to the district, three times a week passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Ashley Reding.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.G. FY2025 Updated Extra Duties Schedule - Jessica Castenir

Update Extra Duty Schedule:

Update LCMS Clubs from $300 to $500 (this stipend is paid by school funds). 

Recommended Motion

Approve FY2025 Extra Duty Schedule as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #593 - Motion Passed:  Approve FY2025 Extra Duty Schedule as presented. passed with a motion by Ashley Reding and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.H. Update Purchasing Procedures and Manuals - Jessica Castenir

Update Procurement Procedures 04.32 AP. 1.  The only change is: "If available, quotes from three (3) suppliers shall be secured if for purchases exceeding $2,500" (this is being changed from $1,000).  

Update the LaRue County Purchasing Manual by updating the manual to match current policy and by adding the Federal Grants Purchasing Addendum.  

Both are attached for review.

Recommended Motion

Approve the Procurement Procedures 04.32 AP.1 update and the LaRue County Purchasing Manual updates.

Actions Taken

Order #594 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Procurement Procedures 04.32 AP.1 update and the LaRue County Purchasing Manual updates. passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Ashley Reding.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.I. Raising Adult Breakfast Price - Stephanie Utley

Our adult meal prices should be equal to or greater than the sum of the SSO federal assistance. Which at a minimum must be $3.03 for breakfast. No update is needed for lunch at this time.

Recommended Motion

Approve raising of the Adult Breakfast prices to $3.25 for breakfast.

Actions Taken

Order #595 - Motion Passed:  Approve raising of the Adult Breakfast prices to $3.25 for breakfast. passed with a motion by Ashley Reding and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.J. 2023-2024 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan Implementation & Impact Report - Amanda Reed

The Comprehensive District Improvement Plan Implementation and Impact Report is attached. The plan itself was approved in December. This is a report on our progress with the plan. Progress notes are included in the far right column. You will see “I” for Implemented, “PI” for Partially Implemented, or “NI” for Not Implemented.

Each school has completed an implementation and impact report on their school plan as well. School plans and reports have been approved by SBDM councils. Both the school and district reports will be posted on our website once approved.

We will review needs and revise the plan again in the fall.

Recommended Motion

Approve the 2023-2024 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan Implementation & Impact Report as presented

Actions Taken

Order #596 - Motion Passed:  Approve the 2023-2024 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan Implementation & Impact Report as presented passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Ashley Reding.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.K. FY25 District Funding Assurances - Amanda Reed

Each fiscal year, the Board of Education is asked to submit the District Funding Assurances. The assurances affirm that the district and all schools are abiding by requirements for planning and implementation of both state and federal programs. All programs are covered under this single document. The assurances have been reviewed by all program coordinators and principals.

FY25 Funds may not be released to the district until the assurances are submitted.

Recommended Motion

Approve the FY25 District Funding Assurances as presented

Actions Taken

Order #597 - Motion Passed:  Approve the FY25 District Funding Assurances as presented passed with a motion by Ashley Reding and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.L. Update Job Description - Adryanne Warren

Updating the current job description for the Human Resource Coordinator from reporting to finance director to reporting to the Superintendent.    

Recommended Motion

Approve the Human Resource Coordinator job description as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #598 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Human Resource Coordinator job description as presented. passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Ashley Reding.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.M. Compass Advisors Agreement - Adryanne Warren

Recommended proposal for contract with Compass Financial Group and Board of Education of LaRue County Schools.  

Recommended Motion

The approval of contractual services of Compass Financial Group and Board of Education of LaRue County Schools.

Actions Taken

Order #599 - Motion to Amend Passed:  The approval to withdraw a motion and second for consideration of contractual services of Compass Financial Group and Board of Education of LaRue County Schools, and table the item for reconsideration at a later date, passed with a motion by Ashley Reding and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Absent
Ashley Reding Yes
8.N. Termination of Agreement with Baird Financial and Board of Education of LaRue County Schools - Adryanne Warren

 This item was removed from the agenda.

9. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

The adjournment of this meeting of the LaRue County Board of Education