Jefferson County
September 03, 2024 5:45 PM
Jefferson County School District Finance Corp Meeting
I. Call to Order

This meeting of the Board of Directors of the Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation is called to order on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at VanHoose Education Center, 3332 Newburg Road, Louisville, Kentucky at 5:45 p.m. 

This meeting will be conducted via video-teleconference pursuant to KRS 61.823 and KRS 61.826. The primary location for this meeting and where all members can be seen and heard by the public will be Stewart Auditorium in the VanHoose Education Center. Members of the Board are permitted to attend in-person or via video-teleconference pursuant to KRS 61.826. Members of the public may attend in-person or watch the live-stream.

II. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting of Board of Directors

This action is necessary for the orderly operation of the Corporation.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

President Martin Pollio recommends the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors which was held on April 16, 2024, as presented, be and hereby are ratified and approved, and shall be entered into the minute book of the Corporation.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  President Martin Pollio recommends the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors which was held on April 16, 2024, as presented, be and hereby are ratified and approved, and shall be entered into the minute book of the Corporation. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

III. Approval of Acceptance of Donation of Real Property from Molina Healthcare

Molina Healthcare is donating property at 18th and Broadway to the Jefferson County Public Schools Finance Corporation. This site will become the permanent home for Dr. J. Blaine Hudson Middle School. The Jefferson County Public Schools Finance Corporation is authorizing the President to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate the receipt of the property from Molina Healthcare.



Recommended Motion

President Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Directors accept a donation of real property and authorize the President to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate the receipt of the property from Molina Healthcare.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  President Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Directors accept a donation of real property and authorize the President to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate the receipt of the property from Molina Healthcare. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Dr. Corrie Shull.

IV. Other Business
V. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  A motion to adjourn the September 3, 2024, Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation meeting at 5:49 p.m. passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.