Jefferson County
May 07, 2024 6:00 PM
Board Work Session
I. Call to Order

REVISED Agenda Due to Expected Inclement Weather


Meetings are streamed live and archived through the District's YouTube channel at the following link: JCBE Meeting Videos


This meeting will be conducted via video-teleconference pursuant to KRS 61.823 and KRS 61.826. The primary location for this meeting and where all members can be seen and heard by the public will be Stewart Auditorium in the VanHoose Education Center. Members of the Board are permitted to attend in-person or via video-teleconference pursuant to KRS 61.826. Members of the public may attend in-person or watch the live-stream.


II. Recommendation for Approval of Meeting Agenda

REVISED Agenda Due to Expected Inclement Weather

The Superintendent shall consult with the Board Chairperson to ensure that an agenda is prepared for all regular and special meetings of the Board. For special meetings, the Board shall consider only those matters which are listed on the agenda.

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the agenda for May 7, 2024.

Actions Taken

Order #2024-62 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the agenda for May 7, 2024. The recommendation passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Mr. James Craig.

III. Recommendation for Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of action taken at every meeting of the Board, setting forth an accurate record of votes and actions at such meetings, shall be promptly recorded, and submitted for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting, and such records shall be open to public inspection at reasonable times after they have been approved by the Board. 

The minutes of the April 10, 2024, and April 16, 2024, meetings are presented for your review and approval.


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the minutes of the April 10, 2024, and April 16, 2024, meetings.

Actions Taken

Order #2024-63 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the minutes of the April 10, 2024, and April 16, 2024, meetings. The recommendation passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Mr. James Craig.

IV. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Action Items or Consent Calendar Items to be Voted Upon Separately at Board Member Request
V. Action Items
V.A. Recommendation for Approval of Start Times for the 2024-2025 School Year

For operational efficiency, and to align with the approved transportation plan for the 24-25 school year, the Operations Services Division has two proposed start time scenarios for the Board’s consideration.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Actions Taken

Order #2024-64 - Motion Failed:  A motion that the Board adopt start time Scenario 1 for the 2024-2025 school year failed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

Order #2024-65 - Motion Failed:  A motion to adopt start time Scenario 2 failed for lack of a second. This failed with a motion by Mr. James Craig.

Order #2024-66 - Motion Failed:  A motion that, for next year, we move start times up 15 minutes if we repeat what we're doing this year, failed for lack of a second. This failed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

Order #2024-67 - Motion Passed:  A motion that the Board adopt Option 1 for the start of the 2024-2025 school year with the additional caveat that the administration return to the Board no later than December 1, 2024, with a plan for optimizing start times for the 2025-2026 school year to comply with the Board’s goals of early times for elementary and later times for middle and high schools passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mr. Joseph Marshall.

VI. Work Sessions
VI.A. (Deferred to May 28 Meeting) Acceptance of Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook for the 2024-2025 School Year for First Reading

Deferred to May 28 Meeting

KRS 158.148 requires a school district to adopt a Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline (Code) and establishes a timeline and process for the development and revision of the Code. In accordance with Board Policy 09.438, the District refers to its Code as the Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook (SSBIH). The changes for 2024-2025 reflect updated board policies, legislative updates, KDE, and District department updates. Representatives from the Diversity, Equity and Poverty Department (DEP) assisted the SSBIH Committee in the completion of the Racial Equity Analysis Protocol (REAP) on the proposed changes. The draft mark-up of the 2024-2025 SSBIH and an overview of changes by page number is attached.

Submitted by: Dr. Katy DeFerrari 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook and The Student Bill of Rights for the 2024-2025 school year for first submission and reading.

VI.B. (Deferred to May 28 Meeting) Discussion of Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025

Deferred to May 28 Meeting

Edward Muns will provide an overview of the Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-245

The Tentative Budget will be submitted for Board approval at the May meeting per KRS 160.470 and JCPS Policy 04.1 Budget Planning and Adoption. 

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached Tentative Budget for discussion.

VII. (Deferred to May 28 Meeting) Student Outcomes-Focused Governance Update
VIII. Consent Calendar
Actions Taken

Order #2024-68 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the Consent Calendar for May 7, 2024. The recommendation passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Mr. James Craig.

VIII.A. Report of Certified Leaves

Pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statutes, leaves of absence must be recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education.

The following personnel actions are in compliance with federal and state laws and Board policy regarding equal employment opportunities.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the requests for leaves of absence included in the attachment.

VIII.B. Report of Personnel Actions

Pursuant to KRS 160.380, it is the responsibility of staff to report to the Board of Education routine personnel actions that affect certified and classified employment.

These actions have been executed in compliance with all Board of Education policies and state and federal laws.

All positions are Board of Education approved positions.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of personnel actions that he has taken per KRS 160.380.

VIII.C. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions
VIII.C.1. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions - Finance

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

VIII.C.2. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions - Operations

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

VIII.C.3. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions - Schools

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

VIII.D. Recommendation for Approval of Field Trip Request and Receipt of Report of Field Trips Approved by the Superintendent

This is a report of field trip requests submitted to the Board of Education on May 7, 2024.

Administrative Regulation 702 KAR 5:060 requires that the use of common-carrier field trips be approved and cited in Board of Education minutes. 

Also included is a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent per Board Policy 09.36 Field Trips.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached report of field trip requests and receive a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent.

VIII.E. Recommendation for Approval of BG-1 Form for Purchase 4919 Poplar Level Road

A contract has been prepared for the purchase of 3.25 acres located at 4919 Poplar Level Road between On Sok Kim and Hae Sun Kim and Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation for the purchase price of $708,714.

Pursuant to 702 KAR 4:050 The Kentucky Department of Education requires a separate BG-1 to be submitted for the cost of the property purchase and associated closing cost and legal fees.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the BG-1 form for an estimated cost of $724,714 for the purchase of 4919 Poplar Level Road.

VIII.F. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1
VIII.F.1. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Career and Technical Education Program Renovations at Butler Traditional High School

This project will consist of renovating two (2) existing classrooms into an Automation Engineering lab. Work will include adding electrical and ventilation for new equipment, as well as some minor wall reconfiguration.

On October 24, 2023, the Board of Education approved K. Norman Berry Associates Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 24-024.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on April 10, 2024. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to WPC Company, Inc. for Career and Technical Education Program Renovations at Butler Traditional High School for the low base bid of $236,500; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $276,500.

VIII.F.2. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Soffit Painting at Bloom Elementary School

This project will consist of scraping, priming, and repainting existing decorative soffit around building exterior.

On December 5, 2023, the Board of Education approved McCulloch Associates Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 24-028.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on April 15, 2024. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk




Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Whitehouse Residential Painting Co. for Soffit Painting at Bloom Elementary School for the low base bid of $51,488; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $61,000.

VIII.F.3. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Structural Repairs at Coral Ridge Elementary School

This project will consist of structural repairs to walls and floors at Room 136 and adjacent restrooms where cracks have occurred.

On November 14, 2023, the Board of Education approved Structural Services, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for Project 24-027.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on March 21, 2024. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Haire Construction, LLC for Structural Repairs at Coral Ridge Elementary School for the low base bid of $97,000; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $116,000.

VIII.F.4. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Drainage Improvements at Liberty High School

This project will consist of addressing the drainage issues around the building.

On September 26, 2023, the Board of Education approved Sabak, Wilson & Lingo, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for Project 24-021.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on April 10, 2024. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Trademark Excavating Co., LLC for Drainage Improvements at Liberty High School for the low base bid of $239,758; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $278,000.

VIII.F.5. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Partial Roof Replacement at Southern High School

This project will consist of replacing approximately 115 squares of roofing on Sections 24, 25, and 26.

On March 5, 2024, the Board of Education approved McCulloch Associates Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 24-268.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on March 27, 2024.  The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Carlon Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. for Partial Roof Replacement at Southern High School for the low base bid of $372,700; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $428,000.

VIII.F.6. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Canopy Demolition at Western High School

This project will consist of demolition of an existing concrete canopy system on the exterior of the building.

On January 23, 2024, the Board of Education approved McCulloch Associates Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 24-214.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on April 15, 2024. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Cardinal Demolition for Canopy Demolition at Western High School for the low base bid of $117,400; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $136,500.

VIII.F.7. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Food Service Phase 42 at Various Schools

Jefferson County Public Schools Food Service Phase 42 scope includes upgrading equipment and fixtures to meet plumbing, MSD, Building, Fire, and Health codes.  Depreciated equipment or equipment no longer in use will be replaced/removed and the upgraded kitchen design will assist with efficiency and accessibility of equipment used to prepare over 90,000 meals each day. The list of schools is attached.

On September 26, 2023, the Board of Education approved BCCLT, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for Project 24-022.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on April 9, 2024. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk



Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Walker Mechanical Contractors, Inc. for Food Service Phase 42 at Various Schools for the low base bid of $251,700; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $747,467.

VIII.G. Recommendation for Approval of Contract Completion and BG-4 Form
VIII.G.1. Recommendation for Approval of Contract Completion and BG-4 Form for Gym Floor Refinishing at J. Graham Brown School

On January 17, 2023, the Board of Education approved Pickett Passafiume Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 23-300.

On April 25, 2023, the Board approved awarding a contract to Martin Flooring Company, Inc. as the low bidder.

Pickett Passafiume Architects has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due to the contractor.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the contract completion, the attached BG-4 form, and final payment to Martin Flooring Company, Inc. for Gym Floor Refinishing at J. Graham Brown School for a total construction cost of $42,607.

VIII.G.2. Recommendation for Approval of Contract Completion and BG-4 Form for Front Entrance Parking at Highland Middle School

On January 17, 2023, the Board of Education approved Mindel Scott to prepare plans and specifications for Project 23-285.

On April 25, 2023, the Board approved awarding a contract to Riverside Paving and Contracting Co., Inc. as the low bidder.

Mindel Scott has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due to the contractor.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the contract completion, the attached BG-4 form, and final payment to Riverside Paving and Contracting Co., Inc. for Front Entrance Parking at Highland Middle School for a total construction cost of $604,195.

VIII.H. Recommendation for Approval of Construction Change Orders

In accordance with 702 KAR 4:160, the Kentucky Department of Education requires that all change orders shall be approved by local board action. Change order descriptions are included in the attachment.

Please note that a found condition represents any item not anticipated during the design phase of the project; and owner request can be any item approved by Facilities staff, often with principal input, to enhance the overall project.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the construction change orders included in the attachment.

VIII.I. Recommendation for Approval of Amended District Facilities Plan Hearing Report and Amended District Facilities Plan

On March 26, 2024, the Board of Education approved the Draft Amended District Facilities Plan. The District Facilities Plan was developed pursuant to 702 KAR 4:180.

Regulations require that a Local/State Board Public Hearing be held following Board approval and prior to submission of the report to the Kentucky Board of Education. The hearing was held on April 15, 2024, where the attached report was produced.

After review and approval of the hearing report by the Board, the Amended District Facilities Plan will be submitted to the Kentucky Board of Education, or its designee, for final approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Amended District Facilities Plan Hearing Report and Amended District Facilities Plan.

VIII.J. Notification of Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Easement at Jeffersontown High School

The Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Easement allows for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, repairing and reconstructing sanitary sewers, drains, and related equipment, structures or materials for the new turf field project. 

The granting of the above easements will not affect the integrity or usefulness of the property crucial to the educational needs of the District.

These items directly support Vision 2020 Goal Infrastructure Improvements.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive notice of a Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Easement at Jeffersontown High School.

VIII.K. Notification of Sale and Purchase Agreement for the Purchase of 4919 Poplar Level Road

A contract has been prepared for the purchase of 3.25 acres located at 4919 Poplar Level Road between On Sok Kim and Hae Sun Kim and Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation for the purchase price of $708,714.

On April 16, 2024, the Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation approved the Sale and Purchase Agreement.

Pursuant to 702 KAR 4:050 the Kentucky Department of Education has given their preliminary approval to purchase this property.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive notice of the Sale and Purchase Agreement for the Purchase of 4919 Poplar Level Road in the amount of $708,714.

VIII.L. Recommendation for Approval of Bid Tabulations, Contract Renewals, and Amendment

In accordance with KRS 45A.345-45A.460, these items represent the lowest and best bid for each respective item or group of items.  The proposals are public record and are on file for inspection in the Purchasing Department after award of contract. There are no tie bids.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached bid tabulations, contract renewals, and amendment.

VIII.M. Recommendation for Approval of Professional Services Contracts of $20,000 or More

In accordance with Board Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board, professional services contracts of $20,000 or more require Board approval.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached professional services contracts of $20,000 or more.

VIII.N. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer
VIII.N.1. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Invoices

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Invoices paid and to be paid for the period of March 18, 2024 through April 14, 2024.

VIII.N.2. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Purchase Orders

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Purchase Orders issued during the period of March 18, 2024 through April 14, 2024.

VIII.N.3. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Vouchers

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Vouchers paid during the period of March 18, 2024 through April 14, 2024.

VIII.O. Recommendation for Approval of External Auditors Contract

The selection of Dean Dorton Allen Ford PLLC is in compliance with Kentucky Model Procurement Code KRS 45A.380. The scope of this audit conforms to state regulations and is in compliance with the Single Audit Program of the federal government. The cost of the audit for year ending June 30, 2024, is $264,000, an increase of $13,000 from last year.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Independent Auditors contract with Dean Dorton Allen Ford, PLLC, to conduct the audit of all financial statements of the Jefferson County Board of Education for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.

VIII.P. Acceptance of School Activity Fund Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2024-25

The submission of School Activity Fund Budgets as referenced in the Accounting Procedures for Kentucky School Activity Funds ("Redbook") is required by 702 KAR 3:130, which also prescribes the FSA-3 form to be used for this purpose and submitted to the Board for approval.

Through student participation in school activities, there may be fees collected and fundraisers held producing a need to track what is done, thus the need for the Redbook. As stated in the Redbook, district compliance must hold to its minimum standard. However, districts through their local board of education may strengthen and add to any document or procedure that is within the scope of their authority and their responsibility of ensuring an accurate accounting for all financial records, as well as ensuring School Activity Funds are expended as intended.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached Summary of School Activity Fund Budgets for Fiscal Year 2024-25.

VIII.Q. Recommendation for Approval of Indirect Cost Rates for Fiscal Year 2024-25

Indirect costs are expenditures in support of programs that are not directly identifiable to that program. The Kentucky Department of Education calculates the allowable percentage that may be applied to grants so the district may be reimbursed for a portion of the support expenses incurred.

For fiscal year 2024-25, the non-restricted indirect cost rate is 17.23 percent, the recommended rate to be applied to food service is to maintain the current rate of 13.19 percent. The restricted indirect cost rate of 4.14 percent is for use with grants. Each local board of education is encouraged to approve the rates prior to October 1, which is the beginning of the federal fiscal year.

If the rate is not approved by October 1, the district cannot apply the rate at a later time during the fiscal year. If the Board adopts the rates, they are not obligated to apply the indirect cost rates.

During fiscal year 2023-24, the non-restricted indirect cost rate was 16.38 percent and the restricted indirect cost rate was 4.00 percent.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve Indirect Cost Rates for Fiscal Year 2024-25.

VIII.R. Acceptance of Donations, Grants, and Funding
VIII.R.1. Acceptance of Donations and Small Grants

This is a report of donations and small grants submitted to the Board of Education on May 7, 2024.

Schools solicit donations for current needs or a specific purpose or project. Undesignated donations are used at the discretion of the school or the School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council.

Small grants include non-federal awards less than $50,000.

Submitted by: Dr. Dena Dossett


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept donations and small grants totaling $85,502.52 to be used as stated in the attachment.

VIII.R.2. Acceptance of Grant and Approval of Contract with Kentucky Department of Education for the AmeriCorps REACH Corps Program

AmeriCorps, through the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Family Resource Centers and Volunteer Services, Serve Kentucky is making a grant of up to $469,778 to the District to recruit 24 part-time AmeriCorps members. REACH (Ready to Extend A Caring Hand)

Corps Members will provide mentoring services for students with high rates of unexcused absences or behavior referrals and will recruit, train, and manage volunteers to support school improvement efforts. The contract term is August 1, 2024, through August 31, 2026. AmeriCorps Members will

be placed in the Family Resource and Youth Services Centers at project schools. An initial award of up to $234,889 is for the 2024-25 school year and a second installment of up to $234,889 will be made for the 2025-2026 school year. The grant pays part of the salary and benefits for a full-time Member Coordinator. The grant also pays for part of the member's living allowances, health and other insurance, member gear, supplies, travel, contractual services, criminal background checks, and indirect costs. Each school will contribute $4,517 from their school or Family Resource Youth Services Center budget as a match. Matching funds support part of the Member Coordinator's time as well as some of the member's living allowance, travel, supplies, member gear, and the balance of member

health and other insurance costs. A portion of the time of the Project Director (Community Services Specialist, valued at $47,443), the Community Services Secretary ($6,940) and the Member Coordinator ($7,754) will also be used as match. JCPS will likewise provide Evaluation Services, valued at $4,900, as part of the project match. In return for the matching funds, the school receives an AmeriCorps Member. Project administration is provided through Community Support Services and evaluation services are provided by Accountability, Research and Systems Improvement.

Project Schools include:

Academy @ Shawnee

Atkinson Academy

Carrithers Middle

Cochrane Elementary

Coral Ridge Elem.

Greenwood Elem

Hazelwood Elem

Jeffersontown Elem

John F. Kennedy Elem

Kenwood Elementary

Lowe Elementary

Maupin Elementary

Meyzeek Middle

Middletown Elem

Noe Middle

Olmsted Academy North


Submitted by: Dr. Katy DeFerrari


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept a grant, approve the contract with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached agreement for the REACH Corps Program.

VIII.R.3. Acceptance of Additional Funding from Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government on Behalf of Western Middle School

The attached Agreement amends the donation amount of the Agreement with Louisville -Jefferson County Metro Government entered into on February 2, 2021, from $50,000, to up to $150,000 for Western Middle School for the Arts to create an outdoor classroom space, stage and garden. 

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept additional funding from Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government on behalf of Western Middle School and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached agreement.

VIII.R.4. Acceptance of Funding and Approval of Gift Agreement with Norton Hospitals, Inc. for Athletic Trainers

Norton Hospital, Inc. will provide funding for the services of eighteen (18) full-time athletic trainers who will be assigned to middle and high schools listed in the attachment. The trainers will serve all student athletes at the participating schools. Norton and SN Kentuckiana Rehab will fund this initiative. Norton contributed five hundred forty thousand dollars ($540,000.00).

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Gift Agreement with Norton Hospital, Inc. and authorize the superintendent sign same.

VIII.S. Recommendation for Approval of Agreements
VIII.S.1. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Bellarmine University & JCPS Residency Pathway

The Louisville Teacher Residency (LTR) creates a diverse teacher workforce that transforms educational outcomes of all students through courageous conversations, racially equitable instruction, culturally responsive teaching, and meaningful reflection. The University of Bellarmine has created a residency certification track to partner with JCPS. This collaborative preparation program will consist of academic coursework delivered in a hybrid format, structured clinical experiences, and mentorship and supervision provided by JCPS and Bellarmine. Both parties are motivated by the shared goal of preparing qualified educators with the skills, knowledge, and dispositions to meet the needs of students in K-12 classrooms.

Submitted by: John Marshall


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with Bellarmine University & JCPS Residency Pathway MAT Program and authorize the superintendent sign same.

VIII.S.2. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with the Commonwealth of Kentucky Cabinet for FRYSC

The Kentucky Education Reform Act provides for the establishment of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers.

Family Resource and Youth Services Centers (FRYSC) are intended to promote and coordinate the flow of community resources and support to families and youths. This multi-level provider contract and contract addendum denote all JCPS current centers.

Family Resource and Youth Services Centers support strategies, 1.13 Provide Equitable Access, 1.16 Strengthen Early Childhood Education and 2.1.3 Improve Culture and Climate. FRYSC coordinators assist by addressing and removing non-academic barriers.

An email was received on March 19, 2024, from the Cabinet for Health Services specifying the Finance and Administration Cabinet requires them to complete their contract before the April 15 closing date of the General Assembly. Because they are unsure of the funding amount, they put a placeholder amount to issue the DocuSign. This year, the list in the contract is likely to change due to the potential reconfigurations that will be allowable after they know the funding amount. In addition, they attached a contract addendum with an updated list of all current centers.

Submitted by: Dr. Katy DeFerrari


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement and Contract Addendum with the Commonwealth of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

VIII.S.3. Recommendation for Approval of Sales Agreement with Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport

Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport will provide summer professional learning space and a/v setup for the JCPS Academics Curriculum Conference held June 10, 2024, through June 14, 2024. The conference will support curriculum-based professional learning for educators in all schools. The conference is a part of our implementation and sustainability plans for curriculum selection related to SB1. Curriculum included in summer 2024 will be: K-8 ELA (deepening implementation), K-8 Math (deepening implementation), MS Science (new implementation, HS ELA (new implementation), and HS Algebra 1 (new implementation).

Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport will provide meeting rooms, tables for registration, ballroom seating with round tables and chairs, and breakout rooms with classroom seating, and audio visual setup and support as outlined in the agreement.

Submitted by: Dr. Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached sales agreement with Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

VIII.S.4. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Eastern Kentucky University Advantage Program

The Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) Advantage program offers Jefferson County Public Schools an exclusive, unique educational advantage and cost savings for its employees while enhancing employee benefits and further positioning Jefferson County Public Schools as a desirable workplace that values education as a means to propel its workforce forward.

Participation in the EKU Advantage program shall mitigate procedural concerns, streamlining enrollment, registration, and financial aid processes, ease the stress on the employee in planning their educational pathway and allow the employee to devote more time to the work at hand, and shall further EKU's mission all while delivering real value to Jefferson County Public Schools and its employees. 

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding with Eastern Kentucky University Advantage Program and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

VIII.S.5. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Evolve502

JCPS will work in collaboration with Evolve502 to provide academic support to JCPS students with the 2024 Backpack League. Evolve502 will staff and oversee community learning hubs that will be available to all JCPS students. These hubs will be free of charge for students and will offer a variety of sites throughout Jefferson County within proximity to families. 

The collaboration with Evolve502 will help mitigate summer learning loss and provide ongoing learning opportunities to students throughout the school year.

This work supports Vision 2020 Strategies 1.1.3, 1.1.7

Submitted by: Dr. Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with Evolve502 and authorize the superintendent sign same.

VIII.S.6. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with JB Speed Art Museum

The J. B. Speed Museum will provide Art Detectives, an in-classroom workshop, to ten elementary school sites participating in the Backpack League during the period June 20, 2024, to July 12, 2024. This will provide enrichment opportunities for the students participating in the Backpack League.

This work supports Vision 2020 Strategies 1.1.3, 1.1.7

Submitted by: Dr. Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with JB Speed Art Museum and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

VIII.S.7. Recommendation for Approval of Amendment To Service Agreement with Jefferson Community & Technical College

Parties agree to extend the terms, to commence on June 1, 2024, and conclude on June 30, 2024. This two-week program provides rising junior and senior Multilingual Learners with opportunities to learn more about college. The program is sponsored by Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC) and JCPS.

Submitted by: Dr. Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached revision to the Service Agreement with Jefferson Community & Technical College and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

VIII.S.8. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education for the Release of JCPS Employee

The Kentucky Department of Education has requested this revision for the following JCPS employees be released on Memorandum of Agreement from March 22, 2024, through June 30, 2024:

Ashley Cottrell-Robinson - Educational Recovery Leader (ERL)

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

VIII.S.9. Recommendation for Approval of the Clinical Affiliation Renewal Agreement with Norton Healthcare, Inc.

Norton Hospitals, Inc. will provide JCPS students in Health Science Pathways the opportunity to obtain clinical experience, as required by state and industry standards. This agreement aligns with standards for Career and Technical Education pathways. There is no financial Cost to JCPS 

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Clinical Affiliation Renewal Agreement with Norton Healthcare, Inc. and authorize the superintendent sign same.

VIII.S.10. Recommendation for Approval of Data Privacy Agreement with Prodigies Academy LLC

Prodigies is a digital resource for music activities that are aligned to our standards, support instructional best practices, and include student voice through creating in music.

The purpose of this agreement is to delineate the operational guidelines for sharing data between Avant Assessment, LLC and JCPS and define the respective roles and responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this agreement. All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached agreement. This agreement supports Vision 2020 Goal 1.1.7.

Submitted by: Dr. Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Data Privacy Agreement with Prodigies Academy, LLC and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

VIII.S.11. Recommendation for Approval of Data Privacy Agreement with QuaverEd, Inc.

Quaver is a digital resource for music activities that are aligned to our music standards, support instructional best practices, and includes a library of world music activities.

The purpose of this agreement is to delineate the operational guidelines for sharing data between QuaverEd, Inc and JCPS and define the respective roles and responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this agreement. All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached agreement. This agreement supports Vision 2020 Goal 1.1.7.

Submitted by: Dr. Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Data Privacy Agreement with QuaverEd, Inc. and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

VIII.S.12. Recommendation for Approval of Addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Cambridge

Through the Cambridge Assessment International Education by the University of Cambridge, JCPS can offer Cambridge International Programmes to students. The Cambridge Pathway provides students the chance to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to achieve at school, university and beyond. The main five elements of the Cambridge Program are; International Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, Assessment, International Recognition, and Global Community.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement with Cambridge Assessment International Education and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

VIII.S.13. Recommendation for Approval of Amendment to Agreement with UPS for a School-to-Work Program

JCPS is partnering with United Parcel Service (UPS) to provide support to the UPS School to Work Program, which employs JCPS high school seniors who will gain work experience and earn college credits by working afternoon shifts as UPS package handlers and taking a college course twice a week in the UPS Training and Education Center located on UPS property. This amendment is the adjustment for the 5% salary increase and 2.9% teacher service increase for the 23-24 school year.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept the attached Amendment to the Agreement with United Parcel Service (UPS) for a School-to-Work Program and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

VIII.S.14. Recommendation for Approval of Amendment #1 to the Extension Agreement with Digital Promise for the Verizon Innovative Learning Initiative

The purpose of this amendment serves to update the original Memorandum of Understanding between Digital Promise Global and Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS), executed on May 10, 2022 regarding Ramsey Middle School and Highland Middle School’s participation in the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools program as part of years 3 and 4 as part of Cohort 9.

The third and fourth years of the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools program will provide much of what was provided in the first two years. Please see the summary below including the exceptions.

In years three and four, Digital Promise will provide:

  • Coach stipend ($25k per school) for Year three only; no stipend for Year four
  • Each device provided through the VILS program will be equipped with a 4G LTE cellular data plan of at least 30GB/month for access to educational resources on the Internet when the user is away from school
  • Device gap orders through Fall of Year four for increases in student enrollment to ensure that each student has a device to use for the fourth year
  • Cases for new devices provided through gap orders
  • Limited device protection coverage for up to 20 percent of repairs caused by accidental damage, as well as MDM and filter licenses (if provided in years one and two)
  • Opportunities to participate in working groups, virtual convenings, and STEM-related events
  • At least one on-site visit to each VILS school per year
  • Access to the VILS Single Sign-On (SSO) dashboard, which the District Points of Contact for VILS and coaches/teachers at participating schools must use to access learning experiences, a community of practice, and a dedicated website with resources to support professional learning and design of classroom activities as well as a help desk to assist with access to these systems and device connectivity

In year three, Digital Promise will NOT provide:

  • Customized, synchronous professional development
  • Repairs for intentional damage or device failure
  • Replacement devices

In year four, Digital Promise will NOT provide:

  • Coach stipends
  • Customized, synchronous professional development
  • Repairs for intentional damage or device failure
  • Replacement devices

There is no cost incurred by the District for the agreement. This MOU directly supports Vison 2020 strategies, 1.1.3-Provide equitable access and 1.1.7-Eliminate achievement, learning, and opportunity gaps.

Submitted by: Eric Satterly


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve Amendment #1 to the Extension Memorandum of Understanding with Digital Promise for the Verizon Innovative Learning Initiative Cohort 9 Schools and authorize the superintendent sign same.

VIII.S.15. Recommendation for Approval of Amendment to the Agreement with AEG Management West Louisville, LLC

The attached Amendment will extend the current Agreement with AEG Management through August 31, 2024, and increase the "not to exceed" amount by $75,000 for a total of $275,000. The stipulations and guidelines will be followed as outlined in the attached Agreement. 

Submitted by: Robert Moore




Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached rental agreement with AEG Management West Louisville, LLC and authorize the superintendent sign same.

VIII.S.16. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Luce, Inc. to Provide Services to Students Experiencing Homelessness

Luce, Inc. will offer educational advocacy to assist students and families experiencing homelessness with the school application process, understanding school choices, accessing JCPS resources and programs such as transportation, English Learner services and Gifted and Talented opportunities.  Luce will also furnish case management to connect JCPS students and their families to Luce programs and services as well as to community resources, including housing and basic needs assistance.

The period of performance for the agreement is May 8, 2024, through September 30, 2024.

Submitted by: Dr. John Marshall

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with Luce, Inc. to serve students experiencing homelessness and authorize the superintendent sign same.

VIII.S.17. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Uniting Partners for Women and Children, Inc., to Provide Services to Students Experiencing Homelessness

Uniting Partners for Women and Children, Inc. will offer educational advocacy to assist students and families experiencing homelessness with the school application process, understanding school choices, accessing JCPS resources and programs such as transportation, English Learner services and Gifted and Talented opportunities.  Uniting Partners for Women and Children, Inc. will also furnish case management to connect JCPS students and their families to Uniting Partners for Women and Children, Inc., programs, and services as well as to community resources, including housing and basic needs assistance.

The period of performance for the agreement is May 8, 2024, through September 30, 2024.

Submitted by: Dr. John Marshall

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with Uniting Partners for Women and Children, Inc. to serve students experiencing homelessness and authorize the superintendent sign same.

VIII.S.18. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Adelante Hispanic Achievers

Adelante Hispanic Achievers will offer educational advocacy to assist students and families experiencing homelessness with the school application process, understanding school choices, accessing JCPS resources and programs such as transportation, English Learner services and Gifted and Talented opportunities.  Adelante Hispanic Achievers will also furnish case management to connect JCPS students and their families to Adelante Hispanic Achievers programs, and services as well as to community resources, including housing and basic needs assistance.

The period of performance for the agreement is May 8, 2024, through September 30, 2024.

Submitted by: Dr. John Marshall


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with Adelante Hispanic Achievers and authorize superintendent to sign same.

VIII.S.19. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with La Casita Center Inc.

La Casita Center, Inc. will offer educational advocacy to assist students and families experiencing homelessness with the school application process, understanding school choices, accessing JCPS resources and programs such as transportation, English Learner services and Gifted and Talented opportunities.  La Casita Center, Inc. will also furnish case management to connect JCPS students and their families to La Casita Center, Inc. programs, and services as well as to community resources, including housing and basic needs assistance.

The period of performance for the agreement is May 8, 2024, through September 30, 2024.

Submitted by: Dr. John Marshall


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with La Casita Center, Inc. and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

VIII.T. Recommendation for Approval of Shortened School Day for One Exceptional Child Education Student

The Kentucky Administrative Regulations, as outlined in the Exceptional Child Education Policies and Procedures Manual, requires that a shortened school day and/or week be submitted to the Board of Education for approval.

This Board action is subject to confidentiality requirements according to policies and procedures in Chapter 9 Confidentiality of Information. Following approval by the Board of Education, the request will be submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Learning Services.

The District must maintain the following documentation for all shortened school days and/or weeks approved by the Local Board of Education:

  • approval by the Local Board of Education (student confidentiality procedures must be followed when listing student information in the local Board minutes);
  • minutes of the Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) meeting documenting the ARC decision that a shortened school day and/or week is needed;
  • a copy of the student’s Individual Education Plan documenting the shortened school day and/or week; and
  • a copy of the physician's statement of the medical need.

Per regulations, the student is being identified as SSD305 rather than by name.

Student SSD305 has a medical condition, with proper physician documentation, which requires a 3 hour 35 minute school day, five days a week. Appropriate ECE procedures have been followed for this student, who is being served in a resource room in a special school setting.

Submitted by: Kim Chevalier

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Shortened School Day request for one ECE student.

VIII.U. Recommendation for Approval of Declaration for One-Year Emergency Substitute Teacher Certification for the 2024-25 School Year

It is the goal of the HR department to ensure that schools are supported by highly qualified teachers. Substitute Teachers provide instructional support in the absence of our permanent teachers. The One-Year Emergency Certification is necessary for Substitutes who do not hold a Kentucky Teaching Certificate.
The District may request one-year emergency certificates for substitute teachers who have completed specific curricular requirements. The sub teacher positions will be filled by qualified applicants giving preference to
the factors of academic preparation, prior teaching experience or related educational work, and personal attributes compatible with the demands of the teaching profession. The District will obtain a one-year certification for any individual employed under the provision.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Polio recommends the Board of Education approve the request to apply for Emergency Substitute Teacher Certification for the 2024-25 school year.

VIII.V. Recommendation for Approval of Declaration for Emergency Teacher Certification for the 2024-25 School Year

It is the goal of the HR department to ensure that schools are supported with highly qualified teachers. The One-Year Emergency Certification is necessary for teachers who do not hold a Kentucky Teaching Certificate.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the request to apply for Emergency Teacher Certification for the 2024-2025 school year.

VIII.W. Recommendation for Approval of Board Policies (Second Reading)

The Board Policy Committee reviewed this policy amendment in March 2024. The change was recommended by District staff. It would add language to permit JCPS classified employees to be paid an overtime rate above 1 ½ times the normal hourly rate, in certain very limited circumstances.

03.221        Salaries (Classified)

Submitted by: Kevin C. Brown


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education adopt the attached Board policy 03.221 Salaries (Classified).

IX. Persons Requesting to Address the Board (If Necessary)
X. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #2024-69 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adjourn the May 7, 2024, work session passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Ms. Gail Logan Strange.