Jefferson County
April 16, 2024 6:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
I. Moment of Silence


Meetings are streamed live and archived through the District's YouTube channel at the following link: JCBE Meeting Videos


This meeting will be conducted via video-teleconference pursuant to KRS 61.823 and KRS 61.826. The primary location for this meeting and where all members can be seen and heard by the public will be Stewart Auditorium in the VanHoose Education Center. Members of the Board are permitted to attend in-person or via video-teleconference pursuant to KRS 61.826. Members of the public may attend in-person or watch the live-stream.

II. The Pledge of Allegiance
II.A. Vision Statement

III. Recognitions and Resolutions
Actions Taken

Order #2024-50 - Motion Passed:   Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the recognitions. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Ms. Gail Logan Strange.

III.A. Recognition of Eastern High School for Being Named a National Unified Champions School

Eastern High School recently celebrated being named a National Unified Champions School. Eastern is one of a handful of schools in Kentucky to receive the designation for its students’ participation with Special Olympics and Special Olympics athletes. 

A banner now hangs in Eastern’s gym in honor of this incredible designation. Eastern was also named to ESPN’s Honor Roll, which recognizes one National Banner recipient in each state.

Submitted by: Carolyn Callahan


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize Eastern High School for being named a National Unified Champions School.

III.B. Recognition of Noe Middle School for Winning the Governor’s Cup Competition

Congratulations to Noe Middle School, winner of the 2024 Governor’s Cup for middle schools. The finals of the statewide academic competition were held in Louisville in March, with Noe capturing the overall title for the first time. More than 15,000 middle school students from across Kentucky competed in the multiple rounds of the competition.

The Governor’s Cup is considered the preeminent academic competition for Kentucky schools. Students and teams are scored in three main categories: Quick Recall, Written Assessment and Future Problem Solving.

Noe’s Quick Recall team finished in first place for the first time. Team members include: Amelia Albers, Henry Braden, Meredith Calhoun, Neha Chakkaran, Kevin Decker-Monsour, Maylin Kidwell, Tyler Martin, Sylvia Mason, Patrick Morrison, David Noles, Hunter Sauer, Ryleigh Sitgraves, Prisha Soni, Eli Wright, and Sydney Yowell.  The team is coached by Richard VerWiebe.

Noe students were successful in the content assessments as well:

  • Helen Bai - 5th in Mathematics

  • Henry Braden - 8th in Social Studies

  • Caitlin Casey - 9th in Composition

  • Sylvia Mason - 2nd in Composition

  • David Noles - 2nd in Language Arts and 2nd in Arts & Humanities

Submitted by: Carolyn Callahan


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize Noe Middle School for winning the Governor’s Cup Competition.

III.C. Recognition of Zachary Rara for Winning the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee

Meyzeek Middle School seventh-grader Zachary Rara competed in the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee in March and won the competition!

The regional event was held at the main branch of the Louisville Free Public Library and featured 12 students, lasting 17 rounds. The winning word was “analepsis.”

Zachary will now advance to the Scripps National Spelling Bee, which will be held in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C. The Library Foundation will provide Zachary and a family member with accommodations during Bee Week in May.  

Submitted by: Carolyn Callahan


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize Zachary Rara for winning the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee.

III.D. Recognition of Marcus Lively for Winning the KYSTE Impact Technical Award

Congratulations to JCPS IT3 Innovation School Success Coordinator Marcus Lively, winner of the Kentucky Society for Technology in Education (KYSTE) Impact Technical Award. This award recognizes and honors a technician or technical support team demonstrating outstanding achievement and leadership in supporting technology to improve education.

Submitted by: Carolyn Callahan


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize Marcus Lively for winning the KYSTE Impact Technical Award.

IV. Recommendation for Approval of Meeting Agenda

The Superintendent shall consult with the Board Chairperson to ensure that an agenda is prepared for all regular and special meetings of the Board. For special meetings, the Board shall consider only those matters which are listed on the agenda.

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the agenda for April 16, 2024.

Actions Taken

Order #2024-51 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the agenda for April 16, 2024. The recommendation passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

V. Recommendation for Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of action taken at every meeting of the Board, setting forth an accurate record of votes and actions at such meetings, shall be promptly recorded, and submitted for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting, and such records shall be open to public inspection at reasonable times after they have been approved by the Board. 

The minutes of the March 26, 2024, meeting are presented for your review and approval.


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the minutes of the March 26, 2024, meeting.

Actions Taken

Order #2024-52 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the minutes of the March 26, 2024, meeting. The recommendation passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

VI. Superintendent's Report
VII. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Action Items or Consent Calendar Items to be Voted Upon Separately at Board Member Request

  • Speakers before the entire board are not allowed to use props, displays, or any other objects during the presentations. However, informational handouts may be given to the assistant secretary to the board for distribution prior to or following the meeting.
  • Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the board and may not share these minutes with any other speaker.
  • At the end of 2-1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement.
  • At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.
  • The superintendent will look into the speakers’ issues and, if necessary, represent the board in following up or recommend action to the board.
  • The full Board Policy concerning public participation in open meetings is available for viewing on our Online Policy Manual.

VIII. Action Items
IX. Information Items
X. Student Outcomes-Focused Governance Update
X.A. Recommendation for Approval of Student Outcomes-Focused Governance Goals and Guardrails and to Receive a Report on Interim Metrics

The Board will consider approval of Final Student Outcomes-Focused Governance Goals and Guardrails and receive a report on the interim goals and guardrails.

The Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) has developed a Student Outcomes-Focused Governance (SOFG) Framework to support large urban school districts to adopt school board behaviors and practices that create the conditions necessary to improve student outcomes. The SOFG Framework translates existing research and the collective experience of dozens of CGCS board members and superintendents into a set of tools that boards can use to identify their strengths and weaknesses as well as to track progress along their journey toward improving student outcomes.

The SOFG Framework is built around six research-informed competencies that describe school board behaviors and the degree to which they create the conditions for improvements in student outcomes: Vision & Goals, Values & Guardrails, Monitoring & Accountability, Communication & Collaboration, Unity & Trust, and Continuous Improvement.

Central to implementation of the SOFG Framework is the adoption of Goals and Guardrails by the Board. According to the SOFG Framework:

  • The Goal is the specific step in the desired outcome.
  • The Guardrail is what is unacceptable on the journey toward the desired outcome.

On November 10, 2023, the Board held a day-long facilitated discussion to identify the broad Goals and Guardrails that will guide the work of the District over the next several years. The meeting included a review of student outcome data and feedback from community listening sessions and survey results gathered during Summer 2023. 

District leadership worked to make the Goals and Guardrails actionable by refining language and proposing long-term targets for the goals. At the Special Meeting on January 29, 2024, the Board finalized the Draft Goals and Guardrails, which were then approved at the February 13th meeting. 

After the adoption of the draft Goals and Guardrails, the Board solicited community feedback on the draft through a variety of means before considering adopting the final Goals and Guardrails at this meeting. 

Lastly, District Leadership has developed Interim Goals and Guardrails to allow for effective monitoring and accountability.  The interim metrics serve as lead measures that should be knowable throughout the school year, influenceable by district leadership, and predictive of the goals and guardrails.  The Interim Goals and Guardrails are attached and will be reviewed at the meeting.

Submitted by: Dr. Katy DeFerrari and Dr. Dena Dossett


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the Final Student Outcomes-Focused Governance Goals and Guardrails and receive a report on the interim goals and guardrails.

Actions Taken

Order #2024-53 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the Final Student Outcomes-Focused Governance Goals and Guardrails and receive a report on the interim goals and guardrails. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Dr. Christopher Kolb.

X.B. Council of the Great City Schools - Board Self-Evaluation
Actions Taken

Order #2024-54 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adopt the Board's Quarterly Self-Evaluation passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Ms. Gail Logan Strange.

XI. Consent Calendar
Actions Taken

Order #2024-55 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the Consent Agenda for April 16, 2024. The recommendation passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

XI.A. Report of Certified Leaves

Pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statutes, leaves of absence must be recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education.

The following personnel actions are in compliance with federal and state laws and Board policy regarding equal employment opportunities.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the requests for leaves of absence included in the attachment.

XI.B. Report of Personnel Actions

Pursuant to KRS 160.380, it is the responsibility of staff to report to the Board of Education routine personnel actions that affect certified and classified employment.

These actions have been executed in compliance with all Board of Education policies and state and federal laws.

All positions are Board of Education approved positions.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of personnel actions that he has taken per KRS 160.380.

XI.C. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions
XI.C.1. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions – Academics

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

XI.C.2. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions - Chief of Staff

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

XI.C.3. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions - Finance

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

XI.C.4. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions - Schools

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

XI.D. Recommendation for Approval of Field Trip Request and Receipt of Report of Field Trips Approved by the Superintendent

This is a report of field trip requests submitted to the Board of Education on April 16, 2024.

Administrative Regulation 702 KAR 5:060 requires that the use of common-carrier field trips be approved and cited in Board of Education minutes.

Also included is a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent per Board Policy 09.36 Field Trips.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached report of field trip requests and receive a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent.

XI.E. Recommendation for Approval of Bid for Paving Package at Various Schools

This project will consist of the repair and/or replacement of asphalt driveways and walkways at various schools. The schools include Ballard High School, Bowen Elementary School, Cochrane Elementary School, Doss High School, Fern Creek High School, Greathouse/Shryock Traditional Elementary School, Louisville Male High School, Marion C. Moore School, Pleasure Ridge Park High School, Western High School, and Wheeler Elementary School.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on March 14, 2024. The rejected bids were significantly over budget. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Hall Contracting of Kentucky, Inc. for the low bid of $157,300, and to Libs Paving Co., Inc. for the low bid of $104,230, and to Louisville Paving Company, Inc. for the low bid of $16,850, and to Wingham Paving, Inc. for the low bid of $441,142; and reject all bids for Dawson Garage for a total bid of $719,522 for Paving Package at Various Schools.

XI.F. Recommendation for Approval of Bids and Revised BG-1 Forms
XI.F.1. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Phase I HVAC Renovation & Classroom Addition at Atherton High School

This project will include a ten-classroom addition and replacing the entire HVAC system, electrical switchgear, partial roof replacement, security, fire alarm, ceilings, and lights. Exterior windows and other minor building renovation may occur.

On June 6, 2023, the Board of Education approved Studio Kremer Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 24-001.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on March 12, 2024. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to EH Construction, LLC for Phase I HVAC Renovation & Classroom Addition at Atherton High School for the low base bid of $46,745,000; reject Alternates 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9; accept Alternates 1, 5, 6, and 7 for a total bid of $48,155,000; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $54,350,000.

XI.F.2. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Hallway Light Replacement at Barret Traditional Middle School

This project consists of replacing the obsolete old fluorescent light fixtures in the hallways with LED light fixtures.

On December 5, 2023, the Board of Education approved BCCLT, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for Project 24-029.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on March 19, 2024. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Utilities Dynamics, Inc. for Hallway Light Replacement at Barret Traditional Middle School for the low base bid of $249,549.47; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $285,000.

XI.F.3. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Hallway Light Replacement at Semple Elementary School

This project consists of replacing the obsolete old fluorescent light fixtures in the hallways with LED light fixtures.

On December 5, 2023, the Board of Education approved BCCLT, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for Project 24-030.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on March 19, 2024. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Utilities Dynamics, Inc. for Hallway Light Replacement at Semple Elementary School for the low base bid of $50,848.64; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $62,000.

XI.G. Recommendation for Approval of Contract Completion and BG-4 Form for Window Replacement Phase II at Olmsted Academy South

On July 19, 2022, the Board of Education approved Tony Kleyer, Architect to prepare plans and specifications for Project 23-007.

On January 17, 2023, the Board approved awarding a contract to EH Construction, LLC as the low bidder.

Tony Kleyer, Architect has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due to the contractor.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the contract completion, the attached BG-4 form, and final payment to EH Construction, LLC for Window Replacement Phase II at Olmsted Academy South for a total construction cost of $449,000.

XI.H. Recommendation of Approval of Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Easement for the New School Building for W.E.B. DuBois Academy

The Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Easement allows for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, repairing and reconstructing sanitary sewers, drains, and related equipment, structures or materials for the W.E.B. DuBois Academy – New School Building project.

The property listed on this easement is owned by the Board of Education and must be approved before being executed.

The granting of the above easements will not affect the integrity or usefulness of the property crucial to the educational needs of the District.

The project directly supports Vision 2020 Goal Infrastructure Improvements.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve a Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Easement for the New School Building for W.E.B. DuBois Academy.

XI.I. Notification of Various Utility Easements

The Louisville Water Company easement for Jeffersontown Elementary School is to provide a water line extension.

The Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Easement allows for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, repairing and reconstructing sanitary sewers, drains, and related equipment, structures or materials for the W.E.B. DuBois Academy – New School Building project.

The granting of the above easements will not affect the integrity or usefulness of the property crucial to the educational needs of the District.

These items directly supports Vision 2020 Goal Infrastructure Improvements.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive notice of various utility easements for Jeffersontown Elementary School and W.E.B. DuBois Academy.

XI.J. Recommendation for Approval of Bid Tabulations, Contract Renewals, and Amendment.

In accordance with KRS 45A.345-45A.460, these items represent the lowest and best bid for each respective item or group of items.  The proposals are public record and are on file for inspection in the Purchasing Department after award of contract. In addition, there is a tie bid on Bid ID # 8317 - Music:  K-12 Instruments, Supplies & Accessories.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached bid tabulations, contract renewals, and amendment.

XI.K. Recommendation for Approval of Professional Services Contracts of $20,000 or More

In accordance with Board Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board, professional services contracts of $20,000 or more require Board approval.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached professional services contracts of $20,000 or more.

XI.L. Acceptance of Summary of Professional Services Contracts

This summary includes all professional services contracts approved as of July 1, 2023 and supports Vision 2020 Strategy 3.1.4 Ensure responsible stewardship of resources.

KRS 160.370 was amended to allow the Board to authorize the superintendent to approve purchases for any contract for which a determination is made that the aggregate amount of the contract is less than $20,000.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached summary of professional services contracts.

XI.M. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer
XI.M.1. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Invoices

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Invoices paid and to be paid for the period of March 4, 2024 through March 17, 2024.

XI.M.2. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Purchase Orders

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Purchase Orders issued during the period of March 4, 2024 through March 17, 2024.

XI.M.3. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Vouchers

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Vouchers paid during the period of March 4, 2024 through March 17, 2024.

XI.N. Acceptance of Monthly Financial Report for Period Ended February 29, 2024

This report is provided to the Board per KRS 160.560 and Board Policy 04.31 Fiscal Accounting and Reporting.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached Monthly Financial Report for period ended February 29, 2024.

XI.O. Acceptance of Donations, Grants, and Funding
XI.O.1. Acceptance of Donations and Small Grants

This is a report of donations and small grants submitted to the Board of Education on April 16, 2024.

Schools solicit donations for current needs or a specific purpose or project. Undesignated donations are used at the discretion of the school or the School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council.

Small grants include non-federal awards less than $50,000.

Submitted by: Dr. Dena Dossett


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept donations and small grants totaling $209,356.08 to be used as stated in the attachment.

XI.O.2. Acceptance of Funding from the Jefferson County Public Education Foundation

The Mildred Horn Foundation donated $10,000 to be used for the JCPS Build A Bed project.

Thornton's, LLC donated $15,000 to be used for school property beautification.

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept funding totaling $25,000 from the Jefferson County Public Education Foundation to be used as stated in the rationale.

XI.O.3. Acceptance KDE Mathematics Achievement Fund Mini-Grant on Behalf of Dixie Elementary School

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) awarded a $40,000 Mathematics Achievement Fund (MAF) Mini-Grant to Dixie Elementary School. Grant funds can be used to purchase math materials needed for modification of instruction (tier one, tier two, and tier three) or pay for extended time or release time for professional learning of the new mathematics materials purchased. 

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept funding totaling $40,000 from the Kentucky Department of Education and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached contract.

XI.P. Recommendation for Approval of Agreements
XI.P.1. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum Agreement with Yania Diaz Mancias

The District received an American Rescue Plan – Homeless Children and Youth II grant from the Kentucky Department of Education to provide wrap-around services that remove barriers to school success. The grant will fund the attached agreement with Yania Diaz Mancias, a Kentucky non-profit corporation.

Yania Diaz Mancias will provide support to implement McKenney-Vento services. 

The period of performance for the agreement is March 1, 2024, through September 30, 2024.

Submitted by: Dr. John Marshall

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum Agreement with Yania Diaz Mancias and authorize the superintendent sign same.

XI.P.2. Recommendation for Approval of Addendum #5 to Memorandum of Agreement with Arizona State University

Arizona State University (ASU) is responsible for curriculum development and program implementation for Verizon Innovative Learning Schools who are awarded the Verizon Innovation Labs. ASU develops, facilitates, and manages the elective curriculum, curriculum technology, professional learning, program implementation, and program measurement.

The purpose of this addendum is to outline the timeline and implementation of the Innovative Learning Lab program at Ramsey Middle School, which is a newly participating school.

This project aligns with Vision 2020 strategy 1.1.7. The project does not obligate the District after the agreement period ends. 

Submitted by: Eric Satterly


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement with Arizona State University and authorize the Superintendent to sign same.

XI.P.3. Recommendation for Approval of Data Privacy Agreement with Avant Assessment, LLC

Avant provides constructive analysis and data for program development, enabling educators to improve language learning outcomes and make more informed decisions on curriculum and training.

The purpose of this agreement is to delineate the operational guidelines for sharing data between Avant Assessment, LLC and JCPS and define the respective roles and responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this agreement. All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached agreement. This agreement supports Vision 2020 Goal 1.1.7.

Submitted by: Dr. Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Data Privacy Agreement with Avant Assessment, LLC and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

XI.P.4. Recommendation for Approval of Data Privacy Agreement with The DBQ Project

The DBQ Project supports the implementation of System 1 through enacting the Kentucky Academic Standards for Social Studies and alignment to Kentucky Summative Assessment for Social Studies. The resources provide curricular, instructional, and professional development support to K-12 teachers. The curricular resources are specifically designed around argumentation and taking informed action. 
The DBQ Project resources also attune the Choice Zone Schools to the Racial Equity Policy through the implementation of multiple perspectives and culturally responsive instructional practices. They provide curricular resources and instructional practices that meet and exceed the needs of the standards. These resources provide rigorous, high quality instructional resources and opportunities for all students in all schools.

The purpose of this agreement is to delineate the operational guidelines for sharing data between Avant Assessment, LLC and JCPS and define the respective roles and responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this agreement. All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached agreement. This agreement supports Vision 2020 Goal 1.1.7.

Submitted by: Dr. Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Data Privacy Agreement with The DBQ Project and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

XI.P.5. Recommendation for Approval of Data Privacy Agreement with Heartland Payment Systems and the Purchase of Meal Counting and Claiming Software

This software provides vital services to the School and Community Nutrition Services department required by the USDA including eligibility calculations, determinations and exports to District and State programs, Point of Sale and required Counting and Claiming functions, Reporting, notifications, online forms, online payments, meal planning, production records, recipes, nutritional analysis, ordering and receiving, manufacturing, shipping and inventory. This system supports all cafeterias, central office, central kitchen and warehouse needs.

Submitted by: Dr. Rob Fulk


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Data Privacy Agreement with Heartland Payment Systems dba Heartland School Solutions and authorize the superintendent sign same.

XI.P.6. Recommendation for Approval of Data Privacy Agreement with Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana, Inc.

This Data Privacy Agreement details the type and limitations of shareable data, its appropriate use, and the responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this agreement and will terminate when the services contract terminates. All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached agreement. This digital resource supports educating and inspiring young people to succeed in a global economy by providing financial literacy, work readiness, entrepreneurship, and economics education resources to teachers and students that align with standards. 

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Data Privacy Agreement with Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana, Inc. and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

XI.P.7. Recommendation for Approval of Amendment to Data Privacy Agreement with Tech-nique, Inc.

The Data Privacy Agreement effective June 28, 2023, details the type and limitations of shareable data, its appropriate use, and the responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this Agreement and will terminate when the services terminate. All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached Agreement. 

The Amendment will replace Paragraph II section d in its entirety to allow for the payment amount not to exceed $121,985.00 to be paid within 45 days of itemized invoice.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Agreement Amendment with Technique, Inc. and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

XI.P.8. Recommendation for Approval of Sales Agreement with Marriott Louisville East

Marriott Louisville East will provide summer professional learning space for the JCPS Academics Curriculum Conference held July 22, 2024-July 24, 2024. The conference will support curriculum-based professional learning for educators in all schools. The conference is a part of our implementation and sustainability plans for curriculum selection related to SB1. Curriculum included in summer 2024 will be: K-8 ELA (deepening implementation), K-8 Math (deepening implementation), MS Science (new implementation, HS ELA (new implementation), and HS Algebra 1 (new implementation).

Marriott Louisville East will provide meeting rooms, tables for registration, ballroom seating with round tables and chairs, and breakout rooms with classroom seating, as outlined in the contract.

Submitted by: Dr. Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve approve the attached sales agreement with Marriott Louisville East and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

XI.P.9. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with the Louisville Free Public Library Western Branch

Staff of Western Branch Library will provide services such as storytime, ACT Prep, and demonstrate to students resources that are available with a Louisville Free Public Library card.

Submitted by: Dr. Katy DeFerrari


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding with the Louisville Free Public Library Western Branch and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

XI.P.10. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Anchorage Public School District

JCPS Exceptional Child Education Staff will collaborate with Anchorage Public School District (APSD) to provide related services to identified APSD students who attend Visually Impaired Preschool Services (VIPS) in accordance with the student's IEP. APSD will be responsible for services rendered billed at cost. 

Submitted by: Kim Chevalier


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with Anchorage Public School District and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

XI.P.11. Recommendation for Approval of Data Privacy Agreement with Riverside Assessments LLC

The purpose of this initiative is to provide multiple platforms through a variety of instruments for our evaluators to us following KAR 707 1:300. Riverside Assessments provides a scoring platform for several assessments used for initial and re-evaluations for ECE eligibility.

This DPA shall be effective as of April 17, 2024, and shall continue for three (3) years, terminating on April 17, 2027.

Submitted by: Kim Chevalier


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached data privacy agreement with Riverside Assessments LLC and authorize the superintendent to sign name.

XI.P.12. Recommendation for Approval of Memoranda of Agreement with the Jefferson County Teachers Association

Article 16 - Transfers Section states that teachers must meet certification requirements at the time of application and their teaching credentials must remain valid through the coming school year. Educators must have successfully completed their certification renewal prior to applying for transfers for positions for which they are certified, and their current certification must remain in effect for the coming school year. Failure to do so will result in the educator being ineligible for the transfer process until said certification renewal has been completed. The parties agree that  teachers with temporary provisional certification (i.e. actively enrolled in an alternative certification program) are eligible for transfer if their Temporary Provisional certification has been renewed to the latest date allowable by the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB).

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memoranda of Agreement with the Jefferson County Teachers Association and authorize the superintendent sign the same.

XI.Q. Recommendation for Approval of the JCPS Phase Four Diagnostic Reports: Professional Development Plan, English Learner Plan, and Non-Traditional Instruction Continuation of Learning Plan

Phase Four of the Comprehensive District Improvement Plan (CDIP) includes the District Professional Development Plan, English Learner Plan, and Non-Traditional Instruction Continuation of Learning Plan. These district-level diagnostics are due May 1 to the Kentucky Department of Education. 

First, the District Professional Development Plan will support the district in designing and implementing a professional development plan for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. 

Second, the English Learner Plan for Districts (Lau Plan) supports the district’s commitment to ensuring that English learner (EL) students can meaningfully participate in the district’s educational programs and services. It outlines the affirmative steps taken by the district to overcome educational barriers that impede equal participation by EL students.  

Third, the Non-Traditional Instruction Continuation of Learning Plan will support the district in designing and implementing a continuation of learning plan for times when nontraditional instruction may be needed to prevent a loss of learning during the 2024-2025 school year. Per revisions to 701 KAR 7:150, districts now apply to the NTI program through the CDIP process. 

This work supports Strategy 1.1.7 Eliminate Achievement Learning and Opportunity Gaps. 

Submitted by: Dr. Dena Dossett


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached JCPS Professional Development Plan, English Learner Plan, and Non-Traditional Instruction Continuation of Learning Plan as part of the required KDE Phase Four Diagnostics.

XI.R. Recommendation to Receive Board Policy 03.221 Salaries (Classified) for First Reading

The Board Policy Committee reviewed this policy amendment in March 2024. The change was recommended by District staff. It would add language to permit JCPS classified employees to be paid an overtime rate above 1 ½ times the normal hourly rate, in certain very limited circumstances.

03.221        Salaries (Classified)

Submitted by: Kevin Brown


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached Board policy 03.221 Salaries (Classified) for first submission and reading.

XI.S. Recommendation for Approval of Resolutions Concerning the Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation

The approval of the attached Resolutions approves, ratifies, and confirms the actions of the Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation. This action is necessary in order to effect the issuance of the Corporation’s School Building Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2024A (the “Series 2024A Bonds”).

Submitted by: Edward D. Muns


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Resolutions concerning the Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation.

XII. MOVED: to Agenda Item X.B. Council of the Great City Schools - Board Self-Evaluation
XIII. Board Planning Calendar

Board members may review and offer suggestions for future Board meeting agendas during the Board Planning Calendar portion of regular Board meetings.

A list of selected Board of Education discussion agenda items has been compiled for use by the Board and administrative staff. The list includes activities for action and discussion. 

It is anticipated that staff will use this list to avoid scheduling conflicts, improve coordination and support of activities, enhance planning, and increase awareness of upcoming board meeting activities. 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items.

Actions Taken

Order #2024-56 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Dr. Christopher Kolb.

XIV. Committee Reports

Meeting dates and times can be accessed on the JCPS Calendar of Events. Meeting materials and Minutes from previous meetings can be accessed here.

XV. Board Reports

Each meeting shall contain an opportunity for Board members to report on noteworthy events pertaining to the work of schools and the District.

XVI. Persons Requesting to Address the Board (If Necessary)
XVII. Executive Session (If Necessary)
XVIII. Action Item (If Necessary)
XIX. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

A motion to adjourn the meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education.

Actions Taken

Order #2024-57 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adjourn the April 16, 2024, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education at 8:25 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Dr. Christopher Kolb.