Fulton County
June 27, 2024 6:00 PM
Fulton County Board of Education Meeting
1. Welcome
1.A. Roll Call
1.B. Invocation
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance
1.D. Reading of the Mission Statement- Compassion + High Standards = Growth for All
1.E. Approve Meeting Minutes
1.F. Approve Agenda
2. Recognitions
2.A. Superintendent Special Spotlight
3. Communications
3.A. Community Input
4. Superintendent Notification of Personnel Actions
5. Superintendent Report
6. Department Reports
7. Acknowledgement of Month 10 Attendance
8. Consider/Approve 2024-2025 FCES Student Handbook
9. Consider/Approve 2024-2025 FCMS Student Handbook
10. Consider/Approve 2024-2025 FCHS Student Handbook
11. Consider/Approve Fulton County Schools 2024 - 2025 Behavior Expectations (Code of Conduct Handbook)
12. Consider/Approve 2024 - 2025 Athletic Handbook
13. Consider/Approve 2024 - 2025 Coaches Handbook
14. Consider/Approve 2024 - 2025 Substitute Handbook
15. Consider/Approve 2024 - 2025 Employee Handbook
16. Consider/Approve Beta Club Field Trip
17. Consider/Approve FFA Field Trip
18. Consider/Approve District Technology Fee
19. Consider/Approve High School Class Fee
20. Consider/Approve 2024-2025 District Communication Plan
21. Consider/Approve Second Reading of 2024 - 2025 Policy Updates
22. Consider/Approve 2024 - 2025 Procedure Updates
23. Consider/Approve Renewal of Property, Liability, Transportaion and Workers Compensation Insurance
24. Consider/Approve 2024 - 2025 Superintendent Contracted Day Calendar
25. Financial Report - Jennifer Davis
26. Action Items by Consent
26.A. Monthly Reports
26.A.1. Payment of Bills
26.A.2. Payroll and Direct Deposit Registers Dated
26.A.3. School Activity Reports Dated
26.A.3.a. Fulton County Elementary/Middle School
26.A.3.b. Fulton County High School
27. Discussion Items
28. Closed Session-per KRS 156.557 (1)(f) for the Purpose of Superintendent Evaluation
29. Open Session
30. Adjournment