Estill County
July 18, 2024 6:00 PM
Regular Board Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Welcome/Pledge
I.B. Reminder to Sign In
I.C. Revisions
II. Action
II.A. Consideration/Approval of New Board Member/Swearing In New Board Member
II.B. Consideration/Approval of A New Vice-Chairperson
II.C. Consideration/Approval Order to re-establish the Estill County School-Based Law Enforcement Agency (SBLEA)
II.D. Swearing in of SRO Chief
II.E. Consideration/Approval to Transfer General Fund Money to Construction To Cover Deficit
II.F. Consideration/Approval of the Revised Salary Schedule
II.G. Consideration/Approval of the following Handbooks
II.G.1. Employee
II.G.2. Substitutes
II.G.3. Coaches
II.G.4. Schools
II.G.4.a. Student Discipline Code of Acceptable Behavior & Discipline
II.G.4.b. South Irvine
II.G.4.c. Estill Springs
II.G.4.d. West Irvine
II.G.4.e. Middle School
II.G.4.f. High School
II.G.4.g. Success Academy
III. Consent Items
III.A. Approve Minutes of June 20, 2024 Regular Meeting
III.B. Approve Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills
III.C. Approval KSBA Policy Updates Annual Policy Second Reading
III.D. Approval of The ARC Chairpersons for the Estill County School District
III.E. Approval of the Contract for the LHPT
III.F. Required Annual Review of Data Security Best Practices
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Update:
IV.B. Notification of Personnel Actions
V. Board Member Forum
VI. Public Comments
VII. Closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810, Paragraph (f), for the purpose of discussion which may lead to the appointment, discipline, or the dismissal of an individual student or employee
VIII. Adjourn