Elliott County
February 22, 2024 6:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Welcome and Introduction
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
5. Approval of Financial Report for February 2024
6. Consideration and Approval of a Direct Purchase Order (DPO) for the Elliott County Multipurpose Building Project
7. Superintendent and Board Communication
8. Paper Plane Architecture services presentation
9. Approval of the Annual Update by Lincoln Theinert, RSA Advisors, to the Elliott County School District Finance Corporation Directors and Officers
10. Consideration and Approval of the 2024-2025 Elliott County Schools calendar
11. Consideration and Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Jobs for America's Graduates Kentucky (JAGKY) for a position at Elliott County Middle School
12. Consideration and Approval to create a Middle School Baseball Head Coaching position
13. Consideration and Approval to determine the extra-service salary for the Middle School Baseball Coaching position if approved
14. Consideration and Approval to create a Middle School Softball Head Coaching position
15. Consideration and Approval to determine the extra-service salary for the Middle School Softball Coaching position if approved
16. Actions by Consent
16.A. Consideration and Approval of the Superintendent's Work Calendar
16.B. Consideration and Approval of the Superintendent's Travel
16.C. Consideration and Approval of School Fundraisers
16.D. Consideration and Approval of extra-curricular trips, overnight and out of state trips as presented
16.E. Consideration and Approval of the Elliott County Family Resource and Youth Service Center District Assurances
16.F. Consideration and Approval of the School Staffing Guidelines for 2024-2025
16.G. Consideration and Approval to receive the "Needs List" for each school
16.H. Consideration and Approval of the Student Accident Insurance Renewal
16.I. Consideration and Approval for a Family Medical Leave Application (FMLA) for an employee
16.J. Consideration and Approval of the Annual Nutrition and Activity Report
16.K. Consideration and Approval for the American Fidelity 125 (Cafeteria) Plan Insurance Services
16.L. Consideration and Approval of the SCM Training Certification for Deputy Patrick Smith
16.M. Consideration and Approval for the board to continue to pay for CDL Physicals
16.N. Consideration and Approval of facilities requests as presented
16.O. Consideration and Approval of the Archery Team's overnight trip for the All-A State Tournament on Saturday, February 24th, 2024
17. Superintendent's Report on Personnel
18. Public Comments
19. Discussion Items
20. Informational Items
20.A. Update on the Greenhouse Project
20.B. Update on the Elliott County High School HVAC repairs
21. Approval of Claims and Salaries
22. Adjourn