Elliott County
November 16, 2023 7:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Welcome and Introduction
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
5. Approval of Financial Report for November 2023
6. Superintendent and Board Communication
7. Consideration and approval of the Elliott County Multi-purpose Building Direct Purchase Order (DPO) for the 2nd payment for the canopy
8. Consideration and approval of the Instruction and Assessment Report of Kentucky Summative Assessment results and I-Ready data
9. Consideration and approval to maintain the existing Elliott County Board Attorney that was tabled to gather more information at the October meeting.
10. Actions by Consent
10.A. Consideration and approval of fundraisers
10.B. Consideration and approval of extra-curricular trips
10.C. Consideration and approval of facilities requests
11. Discussion Items
12. Discussion for permission to research forming a Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) at the middle school
13. Informational Items
13.A. Update on Kentucky Department Education Facilities Branch information on the sale of the old Elliott County Board of Education Building
13.B. Request to purchase a enclosed trailer for band, archery, and maintenance usage
14. Public/Audience Comments
15. Superintendent's Report on Personnel
16. Approval of Claims and Salaries
17. Consideration and approval to enter Closed Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f)/Disciplinary Hearing for ECMS Student File #87
18. Consideration and approval to Resume Open Session/Report Findings on ECMS Student File #87
19. Adjourn