Elliott County
September 21, 2023 6:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Welcome and Introduction
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
5. Approval of Financial Report for August
6. Consideration and Approval of the Working Budget
7. Superintendent and Board Communication
8. Consideration and approval to create the school calendar committee to develop the 2024-2025 school calendar
9. Consideration and approval to advertise an itinerant special education/special services instructional position
10. Consideration and approval to select a quote for paving and striping of the Multi-Purpose Building parking lot.
11. Consideration and approval to move forward with the next steps with the former Elliott County Board of Education Central Office surplus property sale
12. Actions by Consent
12.A. Consideration and approval of fundraisers
12.B. Consideration and approval of extra-service coaching positions
12.C. Consideration and approval of extra-curricular trips
12.D. Consideration and approval of a shortened school day/week for a student
12.E. Consideration and approval of Principal designees at Elliott County High School, Elliott County Middle School, Elliott County Intermediate School, and Elliott County Primary School for the 2023-2024
12.F. Consideration and approval for student participation in the Work Experience Program
13. Discussion Items
13.A. Discussion pertaining to the Computer Maintenance Technician pay schedule
14. Informational Items
15. Consideration and approval of the Superintendent's Report on Personnel
16. Public Comments
17. Approval of Claims and Salaries
18. Adjourn