Ashland Independent
July 15, 2024 5:00 PM
Ashland Board of Education
1. Call to Order
Dr. Matthew Lewis
2. Approve to move into Closed/Executive Session per KRS 61.810 (1)(f) to interview and discuss board member candidates to fill David Latherow's vacancy (to serve until 11/5/24 election)
Dr. Matthew Lewis
Recommended Motion

Approval of moving into Closed/Executive Session per KRS 61.810 (1)(f) to interview and discuss board member candidates to fill David Latherow's vacancy (to serve until 11/5/24 election)

Actions Taken

Order #2331 - Motion Passed:  Approval of moving into Closed/Executive Session per KRS 61.810 (1)(f) to interview and discuss board member candidates to fill David Latherow's vacancy (to serve until 11/5/24 election) passed with a motion by Mr. Don Ashby and a second by Dr. Blake Gillum.

Member Votes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Ms. Ashley Layman Absent
Dr. Blake Gillum Yes
Dr. Matthew Lewis Yes
3. Exit Closed Session
Dr. Matthew Lewis
Recommended Motion

Exiting Closed Session

Actions Taken

Order #2332 - Motion Passed:  Exiting Closed Session passed with a motion by Dr. Blake Gillum and a second by Mr. Don Ashby.

Member Votes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Ms. Ashley Layman Absent
Dr. Blake Gillum Yes
Dr. Matthew Lewis Yes
4. Discussion and possible motion to appoint new Board Member to serve until the 11/5/24 election
Dr. Matthew Lewis
Recommended Motion

Appointing new Board Member ??? to serve until the 11/5/24 election

Actions Taken

Order #2333 - Motion Passed:  Appointing new Board Member William Bradley to serve until the 11/5/24 election passed with a motion by Dr. Blake Gillum and a second by Mr. Don Ashby.

Member Votes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Ms. Ashley Layman Absent
Dr. Blake Gillum Yes
Dr. Matthew Lewis Yes
5. First reading of the 2024 KSBA Policy Update
Dr. Matthew Lewis
Recommended Motion

First reading of the 2024 KSBA Policy update

Actions Taken

Order #2334 - Motion Passed:  First reading of the 2024 KSBA Policy update passed with a motion by Dr. Blake Gillum and a second by Mr. Don Ashby.

Member Votes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Ms. Ashley Layman Absent
Dr. Blake Gillum Yes
Dr. Matthew Lewis Yes
6. Adjournment
Dr. Matthew Lewis
Recommended Motion


Actions Taken

Order #2335 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed with a motion by Mr. Don Ashby and a second by Dr. Blake Gillum.

Member Votes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Ms. Ashley Layman Absent
Dr. Blake Gillum Yes
Dr. Matthew Lewis Yes