Ohio County Fiscal Court
January 28, 2025 5:00 PM
Ohio County Fiscal Court
I. Call to Order Judge Executive David Johnston
I.A. Prayer and Pledge to American Flag
II. Approve January 14, 2025 Minutes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved the January 14, 2025 Minutes passed with a motion by Bo Bennett and a second by Michael McKenney.

III. Bills, Claims, Payments and Transfers
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Bills, Claims, Payments and Transfers stand approved as presented passed with a motion by Bo Bennett and a second by Jason Bullock.


IV. Ohio County Hospital - Tony Ward
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Authorized the Judge to sign all corresponding documentation for the bonding of Phase 2 of the Ohio County Hospital expansion passed with a motion by Larry Morphew and a second by Bo Bennett.

V. Resolution 2025-10 HB6 Coal Severance Funds
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved Resolution 2025-10 HB6 Coal Severance Funds list (Sheriff Vehicle/Equipment $69,000.00, PVA Flyover $24,904.00, Park Construction/Materials $35,000.00) see attachments, passed with a motion by Michael McKenney and a second by Jason Bullock.

VI. Participation Form Kroger Opioid Settlement
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to authorize the Judge Executive to sign the Kroger Opioid Settlement participation form for Ohio County Fiscal Court passed with a motion by Bo Bennett and a second by Jason Bullock.

VII. Building Inspector
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved for Troy Mills to be the Ohio County Building Inspector passed with a motion by David Johnston.

VIII. Closed Session Under KRS 61.810 Chapter 1 Section F
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to enter into Closed Session Under KRS 61.810 Chapter 1 Section F passed with a motion by Larry Morphew and a second by Michael McKenney.

VIII.A. Return from Closed Session
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to return from closed session passed with a motion by Larry Morphew and a second by Bo Bennett.

IX. Committee Reports
X. Magistrate's Comments and Requests
X.A. District 1 - Magistrate Michael McKenney
X.B. District 2 - Magistrate Jason Bullock
X.C. District 3 - Magistrate Bo Bennett
X.D. District 4 - Magistrate Dale Beavin
X.E. District 5 - Magistrate Larry Morphew

Fifth District Magistrate, Larry Morphew, expressed his disapproval in the actions of the Court for the $20,000.00 in funding to Father's House previously voted on at the November 19, 2024 Fiscal Court Meeting.

XI. Citizen's Comments

Citizens concerned with the Scout Solar project were in attendance and voiced their concerns over the location of the project in proximity to their homes and water supply.

XII. Adjournment