Crittenden County
October 24, 2023 5:30 PM
Regular Meeting

Crittenden County School District Mission Statement
"To empower every student to become a productive, lifelong learner who contributes to the community in meaningful and positive ways."

I.A. Call to Order
I.A.1. Welcome
I.B. Consider Approval of October 24, 2023 Agenda

A Board member if so desired may pull an consent item. It does not take a motion or a majority vote. The time to do this is prior to the approval of the agenda.

Actions Taken

Order #7063 - Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the Agenda for the October 24, 2023 Crittenden County Board of Education Meeting with any changes voiced including the addendum and lifting of items from the consent section for discussion passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

II.A. Rocket Way Students of the Month - Tiffany Blazina

  • CCES – Wyatt Brown

  • CCES – Addie Nelson

  • CCMS – Katie Allsbury

  • CCHS – Karsyn Potter

II.B. Heart of a Rocket Recognition - Tiffany Blazina
II.C. Small Business Presentation - Deborah Harman, Mackenzie Cook & Students

Deborah Harman, Mackenzie Cook & Students

Students presented board members with t-shirt from their business class. 

II.D. Regional Career Center Presentation - Zach Thomas

Mr. Thomas has 38 students and has a goal of 50 next year.  He invited the public to Open House on Thursday from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. to tour the facility and ask questions. 

III.A. Director/School
III.A.1. SBDM Meeting Minutes

CCMS - September 27, 2023

CCHS - September 14, 2023

III.A.2. Monthly Food Service Report
III.A.3. Technology Report
III.A.4. Enrollment Report
III.A.5. FRYSC Newsletter

* 281 shoes provided

* 888 times clothes were provided

* 79 times hygiene items were provided

* 354 dental visits

* 1,319 dental kits provided

*189 hygiene lessons

* 4,854 weekend bags provided

* 3,080 volunteer hours

* $173,731 of donations (monetary, goods, and time)

III.B. Remarks by Citizens

Crittenden County Board of Education Policy 01.45 states,

"District employees and
members of the public may address the Board during the period set aside by the Board without submitting an item for the agenda. No action shall be taken during this portion of the meeting on issues raised by employees or the public unless deemed an emergency by the Board..."

Please note: Speakers are asked to step up to podium, state name, and be recognized by the Chairman. Speakers will not be allowed to make any disparaging or critical remarks about individuals or employees of the District. Critical comments or complaints are processed through the District's complaint procedures, which afford the individual to whom comments or complaints are directed, the opportunity for response and due process. Time limits will be set by chair if necessary to expedite the meeting.

III.C. Superintendent's Report
III.C.1. Notice to Board on Personnel
III.C.1.a. Employment - Certified

Denis Hodge, Substitute Teacher, effective October 12, 2023

III.C.1.b. Employment - Classified

Patricia Barnes, Substitute Cook/Baker, effective September 15, 2023

Denis Hodge, Substitute Bus Driver, effective October 12, 2023

Katie Kirk, Bus Monitor, effective September 18, 2023

Brittany Buell-Schneider, CCES Instructional Assistant, effective September 25, 2023

Morgan Spiegel, Bus Monitor, effective September 11, 2023

III.C.1.c. Extra Duties

Neal Bryant, Home Hospital Teacher, effective September 21, 2023

Mandy Winders, CCES Academic Team Co-Sponsor for the 2023-2024 school year

Vicky Parker, CCES Academic Team Co-Sponsor for the 2023-2024 school year

Kenlee Perryman, CCHS Assistant Volleyball Coach for the 2023-2024 school year

Denis Hodge, CCMS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach for the 2023-2024 school year

Kelley Crase, FRAM Coordinator for the 2023-2024 school year

Tara Kirk, Home Hospital Teacher, effective October 19, 2023

Nicole Cates, Home Hospital Teacher, effective September 27, 2023

III.C.1.d. Resignations

Kelley Crase, District Secretary, effective October 31, 2023

Destiny Suggs, District Custodian, effective October 18, 2023

Kandice Dance, CCHS English Teacher, effective October 26, 2023

Kandice Dance, CCMS/CCHS Speech Coach, effective October 26, 2023

III.C.1.e. Transfer

Bridgette Porter, District Payroll/ Employee Benefits Clerk to District Secretary, effective November 1, 2023

III.C.2. Athletic Department Winter Calendar 2023-2024
III.C.3. Audit Extension Approved
III.C.4. Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Grant - $8,000
III.C.5. 2023-2023 NSLP Procurement Review Closure Letter
III.C.6. Indicator 13 Corrective Action Plan Closure Documents
III.C.7. Superintendent's News

       * CCHS Volleyball – 6 Time District Champs

         District Player of the Year – Katie Perryman

  • Boys & Girls Cross Country Team headed to State

    Top 15 Medalist - Mary Martinez, Asa McCord, & Presley Potter

  • Arrive Alive Program at CCHS

  • 2023 Rock Enroll Benefits Fair – October 24th (Thanks to Tiffany Blazina for all of her hard work on this.  Great Opportunity!  She had vendors, food trucks and entertainment throughout the day

  • Construction Bids Opening – November 7th @ 2:00 in Rocket Arena (Several construction companies were here for the pre bid day which is promising.)

  • November 7th Board Working Session/Council of Councils (We are going to focus on work ethics.)

  • CCHS Boys Varsity Golf – Back-to-back Region 2 Champs

    10th at the state All-A Classic

  • KY State 4-H Reporter – Kailyn Stokes

  • SRO James Duncan will start on Friday.  Until we get our second officer trained, he will serve all three schools.

  • Superintendent will be scheduling Lunch and Learns with Teachers and focus groups at the high school

IV.A. Consider Approval to Spread the Superintendent's Report on the Record
Actions Taken

Order #7064 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval to spread the Superintendent's Report on the record passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

IV.B. Consider Approval of the September 21, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #7065 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the September 21, 2023 Board Meeting minutes passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.


Notice: All matters listed under consent are considered by the Board to be routine or sufficiently supported by prior or accompanying reference materials and information as to not require additional discussion. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion unless members of the Board request specific items to be discussed, added to, or deleted from the consent for separate action.

Actions Taken

Order #7066 - Motion Passed:  Motion to approve and/or ratify consent items passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

V.A. Operations Items
V.A.1. Monthly Financial Report
V.A.2. Regular Bills and Salaries
V.A.3. Fundraisers

CCHS Educators Rising

Dues – Oct. 25 to November 10, 2023


CCMS Library

Book Fair – Oct. 30 to Nov. 3, 2023


CCES Field Trips

2023-2024 school year


 CCHS Young Politicians

 Government Conference fees – Present to November 3, 2023



 “Christmas Caroling Gram” – December 2023

 Calendar collection – November 1-30, 2023


CCMS Lady Rockets Basketball

Grocery carryout – October 14, 2023


 CCMS Boxtops

Boxtops – 2023-2024 school year


CCMS Student Council

Homecoming dance – November 11, 2023


CCES Library

Book fair – October 16 -20, 2023


CCMS Boys Basketball

Sweats for team fee – October 19, 2023

Signs – October 25, 2023


CCHS Lady Rocket Basketball

Advertisement for video boards – Oct. to Dec.2023

Banners for Rocket Arena – Oct. to Dec. 2023


CCHS Boys/Girls Basketball

Season tickets – Oct. to Dec. 2023


CCHS Project Graduation

Pork chop sandwiches – October 21, 2023

Chili supper – Nov. 17 or Nov. 18

Butter braids – Sept. 28 – Oct. 12, 2023

McDonalds Senior Night – April 2024

Concessions for Old Hayride – November 11, 2023

Food Giant carryout – Nov. 21-23, 2023

Online cake auction – Nov. 21-22, 2023


CCHS Quarterback Club

Payton Manning football auction – October 20, 2023


Project Graduation/Band

Fruit sales – Oct. 23 to November 6, 2023


CCHS Faculty

Faculty dues – Oct. 25 to December 15, 2023


V.A.4. Facility Use Agreement - Community Prayer Meeting

Facility Use Agreement - Community Prayer Meeting in Rocket Arena Conference Room (Nov. 4; Dev. 2; Jan. 6 and Feb. 3) from 9:30 am to 11:30 am

V.A.5. Out-of-State/Overnight Trip Request - FFA

Out-of-State/Overnight Trip Request – FFA to National Conference to Indianapolis, IN on November 1-3, 2023

V.A.6. FMLA/Sick Leave Extension

FMLA/Sick Leave Extension – Cynthia Ivy, CCES Custodian from October 20, 2023 to November 20, 2023

V.A.7. Facility Use Agreement - 1985 Football Team

Facility Use Agreement – 1985 Football Team to use Rocket Arena Conference Room on October 20, 2023 during halftime football game for a reunion

VI.A. Consider Approval of the School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) FY24 KETS First Offer of Assistance
Actions Taken

Order #7067 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) FY24 KETS First Offer of Assistance in the amount of $14,282 to be matched equally by the board passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.B. Consider Approval of Declaring Old Softball Uniforms as Surplus
Actions Taken

Order #7068 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of declaring old softball uniforms as surplus passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI.C. Consider Approval of Declaring Refrigerator and Microwaves as Surplus
Actions Taken

Order #7069 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of declaring one CCHS 16 cubic feet Hotpoint Refrigerator/Freezer and 4 microwaves as surplus passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.D. Consider Approval of Declaring a Standup Freezer as Surplus
Actions Taken

Order #7070 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of declaring a 1988 Food Services 3 door standup True Reach-in Freezer as surplus passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.E. Consider Approval of the Revised School Resource Officer Contract with the Crittenden County Sheriff Department for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #7071 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the revised School Resource Officer contract with the Crittenden County Sheriff Department for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.F. Consider Approval of the Family Resource and Youth Services Centers School District Assurance Certification for 2024-2026
Actions Taken

Order #7072 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Family Resource and Youth Services Centers School District Assurance Certification for 2024-2026 passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.G. Consider Approval of a Shortened School Day for a Student for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #7073 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of a Shortened School Day from 8:00 am to 12:30 PM on Monday thru Friday for one student for the 2023-2024 school year (Student ID # 2120283655) passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI.H. Consider Approval of a $300.00 Stipend for Each Unit Completed in LETRS Program
Actions Taken

Order #7074 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of a $300.00 stipend for each unit completed in the LETRS program (paid by Striving Readers Grant) passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.I. Consider Approval of a $400.00 Stipend for Each of the SBDM Secretaries at the End of the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #7075 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of a $400.00 stipend for each of the SBDM Secretaries at the end of the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.J. Consider Approval of the Superintendent's Professional Growth Plan for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #7076 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Superintendent's Professional Growth Plan for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

Actions Taken

Order #7077 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.