Crittenden County
July 18, 2023 5:30 PM
Special Board Meeting

Crittenden County School District Mission Statement
"To empower every student to become a productive, lifelong learner who contributes to the community in meaningful and positive ways."

I.A. Call to Order
I.A.1. Welcome
I.B. Consider Approval of July 18, 2023 Agenda

A Board member if so desired may pull an consent item. It does not take a motion or a majority vote. The time to do this is prior to the approval of the agenda.

Actions Taken

Order #6976 - Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the Agenda for the July 18, 2023 Crittenden County Board of Education Meeting with any lifting of items from the consent section for discussion passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

II.A. Code of Conduct - Diana Lusby
III.A. Director/School
III.A.1. SBDM Meeting Minutes
III.A.2. Monthly Food Service Report
III.A.3. Technology Report
III.B. Remarks by Citizens

Crittenden County Board of Education Policy 01.45 states,

"District employees and
members of the public may address the Board during the period set aside by the Board without submitting an item for the agenda. No action shall be taken during this portion of the meeting on issues raised by employees or the public unless deemed an emergency by the Board..."

Please note: Speakers are asked to step up to podium, state name, and be recognized by the Chairman. Speakers will not be allowed to make any disparaging or critical remarks about individuals or employees of the District. Critical comments or complaints are processed through the District's complaint procedures, which afford the individual to whom comments or complaints are directed, the opportunity for response and due process. Time limits will be set by chair if necessary to expedite the meeting.

III.C. Superintendent's Report
III.C.1. Notice to Board on Personnel
III.C.1.a. Employment - Certified

Teresa Foster, District Technology Coach for the 2023-2024 school year (up to 40 days)

Lynn Worsham, CCES Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year

Brandy Book Henry, CCES Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year

Joya Poat, CCES Reading Interventionist for the 2023-2024 school year (up to 100 days)

III.C.1.b. Employment - Classified

Mackenzie Cook, Job Coach/Employment Specialist for the 2023-2024 school year

III.C.1.c. Extra Duties

Marlee Lanham, CCHS STLP Sponsor for the 2023-2024 school year

Kandice Dance, CCMS Speech Team Coach for the 2023-2024 school year

Kandice Dance, CCHS Speech Team Coach for the 2023-2024 school year

Bryce Winders, CCMS Boys Head Basketball Coach for the 2023-2024 school year

Elizabeth Rodriguez, Summer Painter

III.C.1.d. Extra Duty Resignation

Kara Markham, CCES SLTP Sponsor for the 2023-2024 school year

III.C.1.e. Resignation

Jada O’Leary, CCES Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year

Ryan Cowsert, CCMS Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year

III.C.2. KDE Agricultural Education Extended Employment Summary - Jessica Abercrombie
III.C.3. July Partner of the Month - Hodge's Sports & Apparel
III.C.4. *Crittenden County ASAP Board - Suicide Prevention Campaign Check - $2,700.13 *Crittenden County Drug Coalition - Vape Sensor Project $5,000.00 *Crittenden County Drug Coalition - School Resource Officer Program $5,000.00
III.C.5. Mileage Rate $.46 per Mile (July to September)
III.C.6. KSBA Unemployment Fund Refund - $9,164.48
III.C.7. 2023 State-Funded Preschool Program - Meets Requirement
III.C.8. Construction Update

In an email from Craig Thomas with RBS, the site civil engineer says it is best to pick up the building 1.5 feet.  He sent us a floor plan that included the ramps that would be needed with little to no cost.  Due to the existing grade reason to raise building.  By lifting up the finish floor, we will not have to do a retaining wall at the north end of the building.  Board Chairman Mr. Cook would like the board to discuss doing a retaining wall as an alternate bid.  We need to let Craig know about the wishes of the board for the alternate bid. 

III.C.9. Superintendent's News

* Kids Hope USA – still moving forward.  We will have a virtual meeting tomorrow.

* Parent Square – video – Tiffany

* Partnership for Nurses

* Administrator’s Retreat – July 31 to August 1st in Fulton

* Happy Feet, backpacks, & haircuts – August 9th in Rocket Arena

* Personnel – the district still has a few openings

* #BelieveinBlue is this year’s theme

* Busy summer with some revisions to Code of Conduct and Alternative School

IV.A. Consider Approval to Spread the Superintendent's Report on the Record
Actions Taken

Order #6977 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval to spread the Superintendent's Report on the record passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

IV.B. Consider Approval of the June 22, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #6978 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the June 22, 2023 Board Meeting minutes passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.


Notice: All matters listed under consent are considered by the Board to be routine or sufficiently supported by prior or accompanying reference materials and information as to not require additional discussion. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion unless members of the Board request specific items to be discussed, added to, or deleted from the consent for separate action.

Actions Taken

Order #6979 - Motion Passed:  Motion to approve and/or ratify consent items passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

V.A. Operations Items
V.A.1. Monthly Financial Report
V.A.2. Regular Bills and Salaries
V.A.3. Fundraisers

CCHS Girls Soccer

Season passes – 2023/2024 school year


CCHS Boys Basketball

Fan Guide/Program – July 19-August 4, 2023


CCHS Lady Rocket Softball

Apparel sales – February 2-10, 2024

Player message signs – January 1-31, 2024

Softball youth clinic – March 2024 (TBD)

Chili tailgate party – October 20, 2023

Concessions – March 1-May 31, 2024


CCHS Volleyball

Little Caesar’s Pizza sales – September 1-30, 2023


2024 Project Graduation

Car bashing fundraiser – August 5, 2023

Face painting – Young Rocket Night – Sept. 29, 2023

Pass the bucket – Various sporting events


CCHS Quarterback Club

Pork chop sales – August 19, 2023

Grocery carry-out – August 5, 2023

V.A.4. Overnight Trip Request

Trip Request - Crittenden County 4-H to Dawson Springs on July 10 and July 14th for 4-H camp

V.A.5. Facility Use Agreement - Ducks Umlimited

Facility Use Agreement – Ducks Unlimited to use CCMS/CCHS Multi-Purpose room on August 11-12, 2023    for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet

V.A.6. Overnight Trip Request - CCHS Volleyball

Overnight Trip Request – CCHS Volleyball Team to Morehead University on July 11-13, 2023 for team camp

VI.A. Consider Approval of the Kentucky School Board Association Membership
Actions Taken

Order #6980 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Kentucky School Boards Association Membership in the amount of $4,256.68 for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.B. Consider Approval of the FY23-24 Community Education Grant MOA
Actions Taken

Order #6981 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of Memorandum of Agreement with the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the FY23-FY24 Community Education Grant in the amount of $40,000.00 from July 18, 2022 to June 30, 2024 passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.C. Consider Approval of Hiring Part-Time Secretary
Actions Taken

Order #6982 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the hiring of a Part-Time Secretary for the Central Office for up to 2 days a week on an as needed basis for the 2023-2024 school year (The individual will be paid substitute secretary rate) passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI.D. Consider Approval of Amending the FY24 Classified Salary Schedule

0 Years - $14.88

1-3 Years - $15.19

4-9 Years - $15.76

10-14 Years - $16.62

15-19 Years - $17.77

20-24 Years - $19.49

25-29 Years - $21.33

30 Years - $22.83

Actions Taken

Order #6983 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of amending the FY24 Classified Salary Schedule by adding a line for Job Coach/Employment Specialist with Associates Degree passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.E. Consider Approval of the Aspire 403(b) Non-Erisa Public Education Provider Plan
Actions Taken

Order #6984 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Aspire 403(b) Non-Erisa Public Education Provider Plan passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.F. Consider Approval of the Crittenden County Elementary School Fees for the 2023-2024 School Year

Lost library book fee – amount of lost book

Chromebook & Charger Fee - $20.00 or 50% of repair cost or 100% of the repair cost for the damage item for chromebook and/or charger

Field Trip Fee – fees for trip

Parent Car Tag Fee - $7.00 to replace lost or damaged car tag

Actions Taken

Order #6985 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Crittenden County Elementary School Fees for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.G. Consider Approval of the 2nd Reading of the 2023 KSBA Board Policy Updates and Review of Administrative Services
Actions Taken

Order #6986 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the 2nd Reading of the 2023 KSBA Board Policy Updates and Review of Administrative Procedures passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.H. Consider Approval of the Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #6987 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.I. Consider Approval of the FY24 Career and Technical Education MOA
Actions Taken

Order #6988 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of Memorandum of Agreement with the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the FY24 Career and Technical Education Funds in the amount of $183,384.00 from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI.J. Consider Approval for the Virtual Learning Application for Seniors
Actions Taken

Order #6989 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Virtual Learning Application for only the Seniors who have been successful in the virtual learning program for during and post-covid passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.K. Consider Approval of the Employee Handbook for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #6990 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Employee Handbook for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.L. Consider Approval of the Certified Evaluation Plan for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #6991 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Certified Evaluation Plan for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.M. Consider Approval of the Strategic Plan for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #6992 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Strategic Plan for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.N. Consider Approval of the Crittenden County Schools Learning Academy Education and Performation-Based Handbook for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #6993 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Crittenden County Schools Learning Academy Handbook Alternative Education and Performance-Based Handbook for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI.O. Consider Approval of the Emergency Certification for a Crittenden County High School Spanish Teacher for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #6994 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Emergency Certification for a Crittenden County High School Spanish Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.P. Consider Approval of Creating a Preschool Teacher Position and Preschool Instructional Assistant for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #6995 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of creating a Preschool Teacher position and Preschool instructional assistant position for the 2023-2024 school year with ESSER funds passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.Q. Consider Approval of a Partnership with Saturn and Riley Tool & Machine Shop for a Welding Class for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #6996 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of a partnership with Saturn and Riley Tool & Machine Shop for a welding class for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.R. Consider Approval of the Pennyroyal Regional MH-MR Board MOA for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #6997 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Memorandum of Agreement with Pennyroyal Regional MH-MR Board for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.S. Consider Approval of the Audubon Area Head Start Grantee Program MOA
Actions Taken

Order #6998 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Local Head Start Memorandum of Agreement with Audubon Area Head Start Grantee Program from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 (Both parties will ensure 15 four-year-olds will enroll in Head Start on September 1.) passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.T. Consider Approval of Amending the FY24 Extra Co-Curricular Salary Schedule
Actions Taken

Order #6999 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of amending the FY24 Extra Co-Curricular Salary Schedule to add CCMS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach of $400.00 per season and CCMS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach of $400 per season for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.U. Consider Approval of the Gold Service Agreement with TK Elevator Corporation
Actions Taken

Order #7000 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Gold Service Agreement with TK Elevator Corporation to service/maintain the elevator in the Crittenden County High School in the annual amount of $2,672.64 and Pro Max digital services in the annual amount of $420.00 effective August 23, 2023 for 60 months passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

Actions Taken

Order #7001 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.