Anchorage Independent
August 19, 2024 6:00 PM
Anchorage Independent Board Of Education Regular Meeting
I. Approval of Agenda
II. Student/Staff Recognition
III. Persons Addressing the Board
IV. Special Reports
IV.A. Member Reports
IV.A.1. City Council Report (August 12, 2024)
IV.A.2. A.P.T.A. Report (Oral)
IV.A.3. Other Board Reports/Announcements
IV.A.4. Other Reports
IV.B. Staff & Special Reports
IV.B.1. Personnel Report
IV.B.2. Conference Participation Schedule
IV.B.3. School Report (Oral Report)
IV.B.4. Class Size Report
IV.B.5. Superintendent Report
IV.B.6. Treasurer's Report
IV.B.7. Review of Superintendent's Itemized Travel Reimbursement Request
IV.B.8. Monthly Donation Report
V. Items for Action
V.A. Consent Items for Approval
V.A.1. Approval - KSBA Membership Renewal
V.A.2. Approval - Custodial Service Agreement
V.A.3. Approval - July Regular Meeting Minutes (07/22/2024)
V.A.4. Approval - Special Called Meeting Minutes (08/02/2024)
V.A.5. Approval - Common Carrier Request
V.B. Approval - Vouchers
V.C. APPROVAL - Third Reading Policy 09.2242
VI. Other
VII. Closed Session per KRS 61.810(1)(c) for discussion of proposed or pending litigation and per KRS 61.810(1)(k) for Superintendent Evaluation and per KRS 61.810(1)(f) for discussions which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee.
VIII. Items for Action Resulting from Closed Session (if any)
IX. Looking Ahead
X. Adjournment
X.A. Next meeting September 16, 2024 6:00pm