Breathitt County
May 21, 2024 5:00 PM
Breathitt County Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
I. Call to Order.
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance/Mission and Vision
I.C. Adopt Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #320 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintedent Phillip Watts, adoption of the agenda listed below and add III.B. 20. Consider approval of the service agreement with TRANE, passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

II. Presentations/Reports
II.A. Student Recognitions
II.A.1.a. Isaiah Fisher
II.A.1.b. Simeon Fisher
II.A.1.c. Sophia Gayheart
II.A.1.d. Charity Gross
II.A.1.e. Jensen Gross
II.A.1.f. Savannah Hale
II.A.1.g. Kennedi Miller
II.A.1.h. Marlee Miller
II.A.1.i. Travis Miller
II.A.1.j. Natalie Napier
II.A.1.k. Sydney Lindon
II.A.1.l. Katy Watts
II.B. Staff Recognitions
II.B.1. Elizabeth Minix- SES STLP Coach
II.B.2. Teacher Scholarship Recipients
II.B.3. 2023-2024 Cadre Graduates (Teachers)
II.B.3.a. Ashley Allen
II.B.3.b. Casey Allen
II.B.3.c. Natasha Allen
II.B.3.d. Zach Eiserman
II.B.3.e. Brooke Halsey
II.B.3.f. Kennedy Hamilton
II.B.3.g. Sharon Hall
II.B.3.h. Rena Hamblin
II.B.3.i. Abby Hays
II.B.3.j. Hallie Howard
II.B.3.k. William McIntosh
II.B.3.l. Patricia Miller
II.B.3.m. Kevin Rose
II.B.3.n. Deana Sword
II.C. Reports
II.C.1. Superintendent Report
II.C.2. Attendance Report
II.C.3. Gifted and Talented Program Evaluation
III. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval
Actions Taken

Order #321 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, consent items listed below passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

III.A.1. Consider approval of John Driskill's facility usage agreement to utilize the SES Track for the purpose of training upcoming athletes, contingent upon providing insurance.
III.A.2. Consider approval of the facility usage agreement from Onpoint Ballers (Carla Booth) to use the Breathitt High School Gym or Coliseum for the purpose of basketball training/camp, contingent upon receiving insurance.
III.A.3. Consider approval of the facility usage agreement with Christian Appalachian Project, to utilize Breathitt and Sebastian Elementary schools for the purpose of a Toy Drive on July 25, 2024, contingent up on providing insurance.
III.A.4. Consider approval of the following fieldtrip request, Breathitt County 4-H is requesting a bus to take students to 4-H camp at the JM Feltner 4-H Camp in London, KY from May 28th through May 31st.
III.A.5. Consider approval of the field trip request to the University of Pikeville for the purpose of UNITE camp from July 16-19, 2024.
III.A.6. Consider approval of the Morehead State University dual credit MOA for 2024-2025 school year.
III.A.7. Consider approval of the MOA with the Midway University Teacher Education Program.
III.A.8. Consider approval of the KECSAC MOA and Allocations for the 2024-2025 school year.
III.A.9. Consider approval of the 2024-2025 KEDC Cooperative Membership Agreement.
III.A.10. Consider approval of MOA contract with KDE and employee #3530 professional leave.
III.A.11. Consider approval of MOA contract with KDE and employee #3176 professional leave.
III.A.12. Consider approval of the Renew America's Schools grant opportunity.
III.A.13. Consider approval of accepting a donation in the amount of $2,500 from KASA.
III.A.14. Consider approval of Pitney Bowes Lease Agreement for Postage Meter at Breathitt High School.
III.A.15. Consider approval of renewing the contract with G and G Communications for Two Way Radio Maintenance and Repeater Rent for bus radios for the 2024-2025 school year.
III.A.16. Consider approval of Sabrina McElroy as the Board Appointed Certified Employee and Tim Wooton as the Board Appointed Certified Employee Alternate for the 2024-2025 Evaluation Appeals Committee.
III.B.1. Consider approval of the April 23, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes.
Actions Taken

Order #322 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the minutes of the April 23, 2024, regular meeting minutes passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.2. Consider approval the May 16, 2024, Work Session Meeting Minutes.
Actions Taken

Order #323 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval the May 16,2024, Work Session Meeting Minutes passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

III.B.3. Consider approval of the April 2024 Treasurer's Report.
Actions Taken

Order #324 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the Treasurer's Report for April 2024 passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.4. Consider approval of the May 2024 bills for payment.
Actions Taken

Order #325 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the May 2024 bills for payment passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.5. Consider approval of the FY2025 Tentative Budget.
Actions Taken

Order #326 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the FY2025 Tentative Budget passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

III.B.6. Consider approval of the 2024-2025 Salary Schedule.
Actions Taken

Order #327 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the 2024-2025 Salary Schedule passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.7. Consider approval of the pay dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
Actions Taken

Order #328 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Philip Watts, approval of the pay dates for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

III.B.8. Consider approval of renewing the bank proposal with Citizen's Bank & Trust at 3 percent for the 2024-2025 school year.
Actions Taken

Order #329 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of renewing the bank proposal with Citizen's Bank & Trust at 3 percent for the 2024-2025 school year passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.9. Consider approval of the FY24 Financial Audit Contract.
Actions Taken

Order #330 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the FY2024 Financial Audit Contract passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.10. Consider approval of the School Activity Fund Budgets for the 2024-2025 school year.
Actions Taken

Order #331 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the School Activity Fund Budgets for the 2024-2025 school year passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

III.B.11. Consider approval of paid student internship(s)/student workers at $12 per hour to be paid by Partner for Rural Impact and other funds, as necessary.
Actions Taken

Order #332 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of creating a paid student internship(s) at $12 per hour to be paid by Partner for Rural Impact and other funds, as necessary passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.12. Consider approval of start and stop times for the 2024-2025 school year.
Actions Taken

Order #333 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of start and stop times for the 2024-2025 school year passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

III.B.13. Consider approval of the 2024-25 Certified Evaluation Plan.
Actions Taken

Order #334 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the 2024-25 Certified Evaluation Plan passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.14. Consider approval of the Breathitt Board of Education to supplement Breathitt High School activity funds in the amount of $10,000.
Actions Taken

Order #335 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the Breathitt Board of Education to supplement Breathitt High School activity funds in the amount of $10,000 passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.15. Consider approval of surplusing a 2012 Thomas Hybrid school bus #1018, VIN# 4UZADADTXCCBN7331.
Actions Taken

Order #336 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of surplusing a 2012 Thomas Hybrid school bus #1018, VIN# 4UZADADTXCCBN733 passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

III.B.16. Consider approval of accepting a quote with Munson Business Interiors (KPC Contract) in the amount of $71,303.59 for locker room and football facility furniture using FEMA and Locker Room Project funds.
Actions Taken

Order #337 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of accepting a quote with Munson Business Interiors (KPC Contract) in the amount of $71,303.59 for locker room and football facility furniture using FEMA and Locker Room Project funds. passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.17. Consider approval of quote from ADT Commercial for the purpose of the Fire Alarm Monitoring Systems to go to Cell Dialers in the amount of $1,250.00 per school, a one-time installation and equipment cost, and $50.00 a month per school for monitoring.
Actions Taken

Order #338 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of superintendnet Phillip watts approval of quote from ADT Commercial for the purpose of the Fire Alarm Monitoring Systems to go to Cell Dialers in the amount of $1,250.00 per school, a one-time installation and equipment cost, and $50.00 a month per school for monitoring passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

III.B.18. Consider approval of the facility usage agreement request from Kentucky River Community Care for the purpose of the Summer Program, contingent on proof of insurance, for the following schools:
Actions Taken

Order #339 - Motion Passed:  approval of the facility usage agreement request from Kentucky River Community Care to use Sebastian Elementary School for the purpose of the Summer Program from May 27, 2024, to July 31, 2024, contingent on proof of insurance passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.18.a. Highland Turner- May 27-July 31, 2024
III.B.18.b. Breathitt High School-May 27-July 31, 2024.
III.B.18.c. Sebastian Elementary School-May 27-July 31, 2024.
III.B.19. Consider approval of the KRCC agreement for services for the 2024-2025 school year.
Actions Taken

Order #340 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the KRCC agreement for services for the 2024-2025 school year passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

III.B.20. Conisder approval of the service agreement with TRANE.
Actions Taken

Order #341 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the service agreement with TRANE passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

Actions Taken

Order #342 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superitendent Phillip Watts, approval of IV.A. 1-2 listed below passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

IV.A. New BB/SB Training Building KDE BG# 22-097
IV.A.1. Consider approval of the payment of the invoice from Tate Hill Jacobs for Engineering and Architectural services in the amount of $3,699.00 for the New Baseball and Softball Training Building (KDE BG#22-097).
IV.A.2. Consider approval of the payment of retention to Allen Construction in the amount of $31,191.56 for the New Baseball and Softball Training Building (KDE BG#22-097).
IV.B. Breathitt Fieldhouse + Concession (BG# 22-168)
IV.B.1. Consider approval of the payment of the invoice from Tate Hill Jacobs for Engineering and Architectural services in the amount of $11,516.00 for the Breathitt Fieldhouse and Concession (BG# 22-168).
Actions Taken

Order #343 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the payment of the invoice from Tate Hill Jacobs for Engineering and Architectural services in the amount of $11,516.00 for the Breathitt Fieldhouse and Concession (BG# 22-168) passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

IV.C. Coliseum HVAC Replacement(BG# 22-151)
IV.C.1. Consider approval of the payment of retention to Allen Construction in the amount of $112,863.60 for the Coliseum HVAC Replacement (BG# 22-151).
Actions Taken

Order #344 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the payment of retention to Allen Construction in the amount of $112,863.60 for the Coliseum HVAC Replacement (BG# 22-151) passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

IV.D. Breathitt ATC/Bus Garage (BG #22-189)
Actions Taken

Order #345 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the Breathitt ATC/Bus Garage (BG #22-189) items IV. D1 and D2. listed below passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

IV.D.1. Consider approval of reimbursement to Tate Hill Jacobs for plan review fees paid to the state of Kentucky on behalf of the district and in the amount of $8,364.36 for the Breathitt ATC + Bus Garage (BG#22-182).
IV.D.2. Consider approval of the revised BG-1 ATC/Bus Garage renovation, BG# 24-189.
IV.E. ATC Demo Project (BG #24-079)
IV.E.1. Consider approval of the invoice from CSI in the amount of $1,425.00 for special inspections for the ATC demolition project. (BG# 24-079).
Actions Taken

Order #346 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval the invoice from CSI in the amount of $1,425.00 for special inspections for the ATC demolition project. (BG# 24-079) passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Tiffany Combs.

IV.F. Highland-Turner HVAC (BG#23-500)
IV.F.1. Consider approval of the revised BG-1 Highland Turner HVAC project, BG# 23-500
Actions Taken

Order #347 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts,approval of the revised BG-1 Highland Turner HVAC project, BG# 23-500 passed with a motion by Mrs. Tiffany Combs and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

V. Personnel Notifications
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. Communication/Sharing (All Present)
VI.B. School Financial Reports
VI.C. School SBDM Reports
VII. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #348 - Motion Passed:  There being no further business of the Board, adjournment at 5:37p.m passed with a motion by Mr. John Hollan and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.