Williamstown Independent
September 10, 2024 6:00 PM
Board of Education Regular meeting
1. Call to Business
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Mission Statement
3. Achievement/ Recognition
3.1. Students
3.2. Staff
3.3. Volunteers
4. Board Focus
5. Communication
5.1. Audience Comments-Recognized by Board Chair
5.2. Staff Reports
5.2.1. Superintendent's Report
5.2.2. District Finance Report
5.2.3. Deputy Superintendent, Instructional Supervisor/Assessment Report
5.2.4. Director of Special Education/Preschool/Head Start Report
5.2.5. Attendance/Enrollment report
5.2.6. Athletic Director Report
5.2.7. Director of Technology Report
5.2.8. Food Service Program Report
5.2.9. Transportation Report
5.2.10. Williamstown Elementary and Jr./Sr. High School Report
6. Approval to Amend the Agenda to add Additional Items
7. Adopt Agenda for Business Consent (For the Board's Consideration)
7.1. Approve the minutes of the 8/13/24 regular and 8/27/24 working board meetings.
7.2. Approve Financial Report, Payroll, Monthly Accounts Payable & Post Approval Expenditures
7.3. Acknowledge Superintendent's Report of Personnel Actions
7.4. Approve Field Trips & Fundraisers
7.5. Approve the superintendent's travel expenses from 8/13/24 to 9/10/24.
8. Adopt Agenda for Business Action (For The Board's Consideration)
8.1. Review and approve MOA and full utilization agreements for Williamstown Head Start/Preschool.
8.2. Review and approve the 24-25 health and safety screening for Williamstown Head Start/Preschool.
8.3. Review and approve the 24-25 governance, leadership, and oversight capacity screening for Williamstown Head Start/Preschool.
8.4. Review and approve the 23-24 Program Information Report (PIR) for submission in HSES.
8.5. Approval of the 2024-2025 Williamstown Independent School District working budget as required by KRS 160.740(6)(b) as recommended by Mr. Dean Faulkner, Director of Districtwide Programs and Mr. John Slone, Superintendent.
8.6. Approve pay application No.13 for phase 2 construction to Leo J. Brielmaier Co. in the amount of $113,170 as recommended by Mr. John Slone, Superintendent.
9. Adjournment