Wayne County
August 15, 2024 6:00 PM
Regular Meeting Template
1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Larry Muse. Also present were Don Neal, Superintendent and Gordon Germain, Board Counsel.

2. Public Comments


3. Recognition

Superintendent, Don Neal shared with the board that the Wayne County Boys Soccer Team was victorious in 3 games in the Bluegrass State Games on July 20th and 21st at Masterson Station Park in Lexington KY.

Mr. Neal also informed the board that the Wayne County School District recognized each of the Go Card Award winners for this school year. We are Cardinal proud of each of the recipients. Their hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed. 



4. Superintendent's Report and Instructional Issues
Don Neal
5. Set Tax Rates for 2024-2025
Recommended Motion

Approval to accept the compensating tax rate for the 2024-2025 school year (Keeping Personal Property Tax Rate as previous year at 48.6; lowering Real Estate Tax Rate to 44.0; keeping motor vehicle and watercraft property tax rates same as previous years at 52.8)

Actions Taken

Order #8 - Motion Passed:  Approval to accept the compensating tax rate for the 2024-2025 school year (Keeping Personal Property Tax Rate as previous year at 48.6; lowering Real Estate Tax Rate to 44.0; keeping motor vehicle and watercraft property tax rates same as previous years at 52.8) passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mr. Joe Hancock.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 16

6. Approval of Third Amendment of 2024-2025 Salary Schedule
Recommended Motion

Approval of Third Amendment of 2024-2025 Salary Schedule

Actions Taken

Order #9 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Third Amendment of 2024-2025 Salary Schedule passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mr. Joe Hancock.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 17

7. Approval of Pay Request # 7 for the Wayne County Bell Elementary HVAC Renovation Project (BG 23-333) in the amount of $ 439,535.79
Recommended Motion

Approval of Pay Request # 7 for the Wayne County Bell Elementary HVAC Renovation Project (BG 23-333) in the amount of $ 439,535.79

Actions Taken

Order #10 - Motion Passed:  Approval of revised Pay Request # 7 for the Wayne County Bell Elementary HVAC Renovation Project (BG 23-333) in the amount of $ 429,851.79 passed with a motion by Mr. Jarrod Criswell and a second by Mr. Joe Hancock.


Due to an error found in invoicing from Codell Construction, revision was made for approval to pay $429, 851.79 the corrected amount, original invoice amount was for $ 439,535.79 with a decrease of $ $9,684.00.

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 18

8. Approval to Pay Invoice # 3 to Barry Cooper, Inc in the amount of $ 3,015.00 for Professional Services related to the Wayne County Schools Bell Elementary HVAC Renovation Project (BG 23-333)
Recommended Motion

Approval to Pay Invoice # 3 to Barry Cooper, Inc in the amount of $ 3,015.00 for Professional Services related to the Wayne County Schools Bell Elementary HVAC Renovation Project (BG 23-333)

Actions Taken

Order #11 - Motion Passed:  Approval to Pay Invoice # 3 to Barry Cooper, Inc in the amount of $ 3,015.00 for Professional Services related to the Wayne County Schools Bell Elementary HVAC Renovation Project (BG 23-333) passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 19

9. Approval to Pay an Invoice to Tremco CPG Inc in the amount of $ 1,753.12 in relation to Wayne County Bell Elementary Roof Replacement Project (BG 23-496)
Recommended Motion

Approval to Pay an Invoice to Tremco CPG Inc in the amount of $ 1,753.12 in relation to Wayne County Bell Elementary Roof Replacement Project (BG 23-496)

Actions Taken

Order #12 - Motion Passed:  Approval to Pay an Invoice to Tremco CPG Inc in the amount of $ 1,753.12 in relation to Wayne County Bell Elementary Roof Replacement Project (BG 23-496) passed with a motion by Mr. Jarrod Criswell and a second by Mr. Joe Hancock.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 20

10. Approval of Emergency Certification for a Middle School Math Teacher
Recommended Motion

Approval of Emergency Certification for a 6th Grade Math Teacher

Actions Taken

Order #13 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Emergency Certification for a 6th Grade Math Teacher passed with a motion by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch and a second by Mr. Larry Muse.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 21

11. Approval of a Memorandum of Agreement with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Education and Labor Cabinet for a Community Work Transition Program
Recommended Motion

Approval of a Memorandum of Agreement with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Education and Labor Cabinet for a Community Work Transition Program

Actions Taken

Order #14 - Motion Passed:  Approval of a Memorandum of Agreement with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Education and Labor Cabinet for a Community Work Transition Program passed with a motion by Mr. Jarrod Criswell and a second by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 22

12. Approval of Summative Evaluation of the Superintendent
Recommended Motion

Approval of Summative Evaluation of the Superintendent

Actions Taken

Order #15 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Summative Evaluation of the Superintendent passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.


Chairman of the Board, Mr. Larry Muse presented the board with a letter regarding review of Superintendent Don Neal's summative evaluation:



Dear Mr. Don Neal,

On behalf of the school board, I am pleased to inform you that we have completed your first-year evaluation as Superintendent of Wayne County School District and are delighted to approve your first-year superintendency on June 20th, 2024 based on the successful completion of your capstone project and your superintendent evaluation.

Throughout this past year, your leadership has been instrumental in navigating our district through various challenges and opportunities. Your dedication to improving the quality of education, fostering a supportive environment for students and staff, and your strategic vision have not gone unnoticed. The board has been particularly impressed with your ability to engage with the community, implement innovative educational programs, and enhance operational efficiencies within the district.

We are confident in your capabilities and look forward to continued collaboration to achieve our shared goals. Thank you for your hard work, commitment, and the positive impact you have made during your first year. We are excited to see the further advancements and successes under your leadership.


Larry Muse

Board Chair

Wayne County School District

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 23

13. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #16 - Motion Passed:  Approval of items on the consent agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.

13.A. Reading and Approval of KSBA Procedure 04.32 AP.1 (Procurement)

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 24

13.B. Approval of the District Funding Assurances for Kentucky Department of Education
Recommended Motion

Approval of the District Funding Assurances for Kentucky Department of Education


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 25

13.C. Approval of a Memorandum of Agreement for an Energy Manager for the 2024-2025 School Year

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 26

13.D. Approval of two (2) requested Waivers for Reduced Posting within the KY Educator Placement Service

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 27

13.E. Approval of District Activity Funds to Carry Unexpended Budget Amounts Forward into the New Fiscal Year in Fund 21
13.F. Approval of Each School Accepting Responsibility for Donations to the Schools with a List of Donations to be Submitted to the Board at the End of the Year Using the Donation Acceptance Form (F-SA-18)
13.G. Review Student Handbooks from Each School

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 28

13.H. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
13.I. Approval of Claims and Wages

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 29

13.J. Approval of Treasurer's Report

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 30

14. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

Adjournment of the meeting

Actions Taken

Order #17 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment of the meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.