Union County
May 28, 2024 6:00 PM
Union County Board of Education Special Called Meeting
I. Call to Order
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
I.1. Pledge of Allegiance
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
I.2. Approval of Agenda
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #24-1771 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Greg Clifton and a second by Mr. Donnie Gatten.

II. Recognitions
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
II.1. Bloomboard Change in Rank Program
Michelle Hall, Asst. Superintendent of Personnel
III. Discussion/Reports
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
III.1. Superintendent's Report
Patricia Sheffer, Superintendent
III.2. Attendance Report
Dr. Terra Hancock, Director of Pupil Personnel and Secondary Instruction
III.3. SBDM Reports
Agendas and Minutes attached
III.3.a. Union County Learning Academy Presentation
James Watkins, UCLA Lead Teacher
IV. Minutes
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
IV.1. Approval of Minutes
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #24-1772 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the minutes passed with a motion by Mrs. Launyai Martin and a second by Mr. Greg Clifton.

V. Financial
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
V.1. Approve Financial Report
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
Actions Taken

Order #24-1773 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the monthly financial report passed with a motion by Mr. Donnie Gatten and a second by Mr. Chad Hagan.

V.2. Approve Payment of Bills
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
Actions Taken

Order #24-1774 - Motion Passed:  Approval of payment of bills passed with a motion by Mr. Greg Clifton and a second by Mr. Chad Hagan.

V.3. Approval of Expenses for Superintendent's Office
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
Actions Taken

Order #24-1775 - Motion Passed:  Approval of superintendent's office expenses passed with a motion by Mrs. Launyai Martin and a second by Mr. Donnie Gatten.

VI. Public Comments/Clarification of Agenda Items
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
VII. Revisions to Policies 3.1161 and 3.2141 - Second Reading
Patricia Sheffer, Superintendent
Actions Taken

Order #24-1776 - Motion Passed:  Postponement of consideration of the policy revisions until the June 24 Board meeting to allow time for further study passed with a motion by Mr. Donnie Gatten and a second by Mr. Chad Hagan.

VIII. Approval of Consent Agenda
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #24-1777 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Donnie Gatten and a second by Mr. Chad Hagan.

VIII.1. Acknowledgement of Personnel Report
Michelle Hall, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel
VIII.2. Travel Report
Shane Smith, Director of Operations and Safety
VIII.3. Requests for Fundraisers
Patricia Sheffer, Superintendent
VIII.4. Trip Requests
Patricia Sheffer, Superintendent
VIII.5. Leaves of Absence
Michelle Hall, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel
VIII.6. Critical Shortage Declaration for 2024-2025
Michelle Hall, Asst. Superintendent of Personnel
VIII.7. Public School Works Services Agreement
Michelle Hall, Asst. Superintendent of Personnel
VIII.8. Approval of Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.9. Approval of District Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.10. Approval of RSA Municipal Advisory Services Agreement
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.11. Approval of Evansville Association for the Blind- Orientation & Mobility Services Contract FY 2024-2025
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.12. Award of Bids for 2024-2025 for Office Supplies, Instructional Supplies, Maintenance Supplies, Tshirts/Polos/Sweatshirts and Athletic Uniforms, Transportation Fuel
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.13. Approval of BG-5 for BG23-420 UCHS Roof (Emergency)
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.14. Approval of Fidelity Bond for Board Treasurer (KRS 160.560; 702 KAR 3:080)
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.15. Acceptance of Design Development Phase Documents BG23-171 Vocational School Renovation
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.16. Approval of Revised BG-1 BG23-171 Vocational School Renovation
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.17. Approval of Owner acceptance of KU's proposed Option C related to BG23-171 Vocational School Renovation
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.18. Owner approval for KU to order transformers related to BG23-171 Vocational School Renovation
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.19. Owner approval for KU to inform communication companies leasing transmission poles related to BG23-171 Vocational School Renovation
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.20. Acceptance of UES Grant- 2024 Snapdragon Book Foundation
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.21. Approval for the Renewal of CFY Cyber Insurance Policy
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.22. Approval of Mountain Comprehensive Care Center MOU for FY 2024-2025
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.23. Approval of KY ASAP MOA for FY 2024-2025
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.24. Approval of $360 PD Stipend for Math Achievement Fund Grant Training (MES)
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.25. Renewal of Student Accident Insurance for FY 2024-2025
Amy Morris, Director of Finance
VIII.26. Approval of HealthForce Kentucky MOA for FY 2024-2025
Amy Nelson, UCHS Principal
VIII.27. Audubon Area Head Start MOA for Contract Meals
Shane Bosaw, Director of Food Services
IX. Other Items
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
X. Adjourn
Jennifer Buckman, Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #24-1778 - Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Donnie Gatten and a second by Mr. Chad Hagan.