Trigg County
September 26, 2024 6:00 PM
Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Vision and Mission Statements
I.B. Public Participation in Open Meetings - 01.421
II. Approval of Agenda
II.A. Review of Consent Agenda
III. Good News
IV. Delegations & Recognitions
V. Reports
V.A. Superintendent's Report
V.B. Staff Reports
V.B.1. Director of Student Services and Personnel
V.B.2. Chief Financial Officer
V.B.3. Primary Report
V.B.4. Special Education Report
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
VI.B. Acknowledge the Following Superintendent's Personnel Actions
VI.C. Approve and authorize payment of the items set out in the listed accounts payable warrant reports
VI.D. School Related Student Trips
VI.D.1. MSU Talent Search
VI.E. Approval of Annual Contract Renewals or Renewal MOA's for Services
VI.E.1. Orientation and Mobility Contract
VI.F. Shortened School Week
VI.G. Surplus CTE Items
VI.H. Surplus Middle School Items
VI.I. Updated Salary Schedule
VII. Other Business
VII.A. Approve to Cancel October 10, 2024 Board Meeting
VII.B. Set Joint SBDM Meeting for October 24, 2024
VII.C. Vocational Pay App #22
VII.D. Working Budget
VII.E. Middle School Awning BG1
VII.F. Assessment and Accountability Model Discussion
VIII. Gymnasium Signs Discussion
IX. Adjournment - Time