Pulaski County
September 10, 2024 5:30 PM
Regular Monthly Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Adopt Agenda
III. Superintendent's Report
III.A. News and Updates
III.A.1. Imagination Library
III.B. Reports
III.B.1. Personnel: Certified and Classified
IV. Action Items With Discussion
IV.A. Treasurer's Monthly Financial Report/Authorize Payment of Bills
IV.B. Approve Pulaski County DFP 2024
V. Action Items To Be Approved By Consent
V.A. Approve Board Minutes August 20th, 2024
V.B. 24-25 School Activity Fund Fundraiser Approval
V.C. Approve Out of State Travel
V.D. Agreement for Mental Health Services
V.E. Approve SPED Shortened School Days
VI. Executive Session: Proposed / Possible Litigation re: Amendment 2, KRS 61.810(1)(c).
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Adjourn