Pulaski County
August 20, 2024 5:30 PM
Regular Monthly Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Adopt Agenda
III. Superintendent's Report
III.A. News and Updates
III.A.1. Recognition of Rogers Explorers
III.B. Reports
III.B.1. Personnel: Certified and Classified
IV. Action Items With Discussion
IV.A. Treasurer's Monthly Financial Report/Authorize Payment of Bills
IV.B. Unaudited Financial Reports
IV.C. Approve Board Minutes, July 9th, 2024
IV.D. Set Tax Rate for 2024-2025
IV.E. Change Order #4 for the Burnside Project
IV.F. Change Order #5 for the Burnside Project
V. Action Items To Be Approved By Consent
V.A. Agreement for Mental Health Services
V.B. Approve GEAR UP MOA 2024-2025
V.C. SPED Service Contracts 2024-2025
V.D. Approve Out of State Travel
V.E. 24-25 School Activity Fund Fundraiser Approval
V.F. SWHS Early Graduate
V.G. Food Service Recommendations
V.H. 24-25 KEDC Membership Agreement
V.I. Additions to Salary Schedule
V.J. Approve KSPMA as facilitator of local planning committee and public forum
V.K. Approve MOU between NHA and PCSB
VI. Public Comment
VII. Adjourn