Pendleton County
August 19, 2024 6:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Approve Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #24-10448 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Mission Statement
I.D. Moment of Silence
I.E. Great News
I.F. 2024 Retiree Recognition
II. Communications
II.A. Audience Comments
II.B. Board Member Comments
II.C. Superintendent Report
II.D. Personnel Actions
III. Written Communications & Reports
III.A. Transportation Monthly Trip Report
III.B. SBDM Minutes
III.C. FRYSC Reports
III.D. Public Relations Report
III.E. PHS Senior Trip Request--April 2025
III.F. Sharp Middle School Curriculum Purchases
III.G. Maintenance/Technology Report
III.H. Monthly Financial Report
IV. Action Agenda
IV.A. Set 2024-25 Tax Rate

I would recommend the following tax rates be set for the 2024 tax year:

Real Property – 61.5 cents

Tangible Personal Property – 63.2 cents

Motor Vehicle - 55.0 cents

Aircraft – 63.2 cents

I also recommend the board add 0.1 cents to the above property rates to recover prior year losses due to exonerations per KRS 134.590.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10449 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the following tax rates be set for the 2024 tax year: Real Property – 61.5 cents Tangible Personal Property – 63.2 cents Motor Vehicle - 55.0 cents Aircraft – 63.2 cents Also, a recommendation that the board add 0.1 cents to the above property rates to recover prior year losses due to exonerations per KRS 134.590. passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

IV.B. Sharp Middle School Renovations and Stadium--Change Order #2

Attached is a request for permission to execute Shaw's DPO (Direct Pay Option) Change Order No. 2 for the SMS Renovations and Stadium Project.  This change order is a credit for Shaw's turf material.  Less turf was necessary than originally specified.

The change order is for the sum of $16,603 to be credited back to the district. I would request permission to execute (sign) Change Order No. 2 as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10450 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve execution of Change Order No. 2 as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mrs. Amber Beebe.

IV.C. Sharp Middle School Renovations and Stadium--Change Order #3

Attached is a request for permission to execute Sharp Middle School Renovations and Stadium Change Order No. 3 for the SMS Renovations and Stadium Project.  This change order is comprised of eight different proposals with a total value of $26,085.  

The change order is for the sum of $26,085.  I would request permission to execute (sign) Change Order No. 3 as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10451 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the execution of Change Order No. 3 as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.D. Pendleton County High School Greenhouse Repairs - BG-5

Attached is the BG-5 Project Close-out form for the Pendleton County High School Greenhouse Repairs project. All construction contracts are complete, and the expense totals reflected on this form were incurred as a result of the construction for the above referenced project and it is now required the board approve the BG-5 Project Closeout Form. Upon approval a copy will be forwarded to the department for review and approval. I recommend approval of the BG-5 project close-out form.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10452 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the BG-5 project close-out form for the Pendleton County High School Greenhouse Repairs project passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

IV.E. Pendleton County Paving Project---Pay App 2 Riegler Blacktop

Attached is Payment Application #2 – Riegler Blacktop Inc. for the Pendleton County Paving Project.  The work has been certified by our architectural firm and the recommendation is to pay the sum of $21,600.00 as requested.

I would recommend the board approve payment for Payment Application #2 - Riegler Blacktop Inc. as submitted.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10453 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the board approve payment for Payment Application #2 - Riegler Blacktop Inc. as submitted passed with a motion by Mrs. Amber Beebe and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.F. SMS Renovations and Stadium: Pay App 10 Morel Corporation

Attached is Payment Application #10 for the Sharp Middle School Renovations and Stadium Project to Morel Construction.  The work has been certified by our architectural firm and the recommendation is to pay the sum of $1,048,240.00 as requested.

I would recommend the board approve payment for Payment Application #10 to Morel Construction as submitted. 

Actions Taken

Order #24-10454 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve payment for Payment Application #10 to Morel Construction as submitted passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.G. Board Policy 03.125 and 03.225 Update--2nd Reading

Attached are board policy 03.125 and 03.225 for their second reading. 

These changes were recommended in order to increase the reimbursable amount of the food per diem for employees (certified and classified) from $30 a day to $50 a day.  Itemized receipts must still accompany the meal reimbursement request.  

I would recommend approval of the second reading of board policy 03.125 and board policy .3.225.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10455 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the second reading of board policy 03.125 and board policy 03.225 passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.H. Donation Acceptance--Harrison Memorial Hospital


Attached is a memo from our Athletic Director, Mr. Jon Wirth, regarding a donation to the athletic department.  

Board policy requires any donation over $1000.00 dollars to be accepted by the board of education.  The Athletic Department has received a donation of $10,000.00, from Harrison Memorial Hospital, to allow all Pendleton County Students to attend all home athletic events at no cost for the 2024-2025 school year.

I would recommend the board approve this donation to the Athletic Department.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10456 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the donation to the Athletic Department passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mrs. Amber Beebe.

IV.I. Amended 2024-2025 Substitute Teachers Salary Schedule

Attached is an amended version of the 2024 - 2025 Substitute Teachers Salary Schedule demonstrating that individuals with only a high school diploma or equivalency diploma are now eligible to be substitute teachers.  This addition is necessary due to new laws that passed during the last legislative session.

I would recommend approval of the amended 24-25 Substitute Teachers Salary Schedule as submitted.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10457 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the amended 24-25 Substitute Teachers Salary Schedule as submitted passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.J. KEMP Stipend for Mentor Teachers

In accordance with KRS 161.031, each school district must provide an induction program for first-year teachers.  Pendleton County Schools has developed a mentorship program that meets the statute’s requirements.

As part of the district’s mentorship program, mentor teachers are required to:

  • Attend meetings and training sessions related to supporting new teachers.
  • Observe, co-teach, and model lessons for a total of fifteen “in-class” hours.
  • Meet with new teachers for thirty “out-of-class” hours.

Due to the workload associated with being a mentor teacher, I recommend that each mentor who fulfills the requirements outlined in the PCS KEMP Mentorship Program receive a stipend of $1500 for the year.

If approved this would be added to our current salary schedule.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10458 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve a stipend of $1500 for the year for each mentor who fulfills the requirements outlined in the PCS KEMP Mentorship Program passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mrs. Amber Beebe.

IV.K. Revised 2024 Trauma Informed Care Plan

Pursuant to KRS 158.4416 each local board of education must develop a plan for implementing a trauma-informed approach in its schools.  The district recently received information from KDE regarding some new requirements for the district’s trauma-informed care plan that has resulted in a revision to the plan that was submitted to you for approval in May.  Mrs. Browning has made the necessary revisions, and it is attached for your review.


I recommend the approval of the PCS Trauma-Informed Care Plan.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10459 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the PCS Trauma-Informed Care Plan passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.L. Adult Price Meals for the School Year 2024-25

Attached is a memo from our District Food Service Director, Mrs. Lisa Mitchell, regarding recent guidance districts received from the FNS (Food Nutrition Services) stating that districts must adjust their adult meal prices to meet the statewide minimum adult meal price for the year.  

Our current adult meal prices are $3.00 for breakfast and $4.75 for lunch.  The minimum required adult breakfast price is $3.14, and the minimum adult lunch price is $4.84.   

Based on this information I recommend we adjust our adult prices for breakfast to $3.25 and our lunch price to $5.00 in order to meet the statewide minimum adult meal prices. 

Actions Taken

Order #24-10460 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the adjustment of our adult prices for breakfast to $3.25 and our lunch price to $5.00 in order to meet the statewide minimum adult meal prices passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.M. Food Service Bids

The Kentucky Purchasing Cooperative or KPC has awarded the prime food and bread vendor product bid to Gordon Food Service and the dairy products bid to Reiter Dairy Company.  Please see the attached memo from Ms. Mitchell for more information.

I will recommend approval of this item.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10461 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the food service bids passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.N. MOU University of Cumberlands

Attached is an MOU between Pendleton County Schools and the University of the Cumberlands for an approved staff member to participate in the Option 9 program provided by the university.  

I would recommend approval of the attached MOU between the University of the Cumberlands and Pendleton County Schools.


Actions Taken

Order #24-10462 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the MOU between the University of the Cumberlands and Pendleton County Schools passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

IV.O. Head Start Full Utilization

The Pendleton County School district collaborates with the Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission Head Start Program to ensure that 3 and 4-year-old residents of Pendleton County are offered educational services and early childhood opportunities to meet qualifications for Kindergarten Readiness.  KRS 157.3175 requires districts to collaborate with Head Start to avoid duplication of services, supplanting of federal funds, and to maximize the use of Head Start funds to serve as many 4-year old's as possible.   

I would recommend the board approve the Head Start Utilization Agreement as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10463 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the Head Start Utilization Agreement as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.


Attached is the Young Scholars Academy MOU for the 2025 -2031.  

I would recommend the board approve the Young Scholars Academy MOU as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10464 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the Young Scholars Academy MOU as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mrs. Amber Beebe.

V. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #24-10465 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to approve the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

V.A. Board Meeting Minutes
V.B. Treasurer's Report
V.C. 2024-25 Daily Schedules
V.D. Orders of the Treasurer
V.E. Leave of Absence Requests
VI. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #24-10466 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to approve passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mrs. Amber Beebe.