Pendleton County
June 17, 2024 6:00 PM
Board of Education Special Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Approve Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #24-10422 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to accept the agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Mission Statement
I.D. Moment of Silence
II. Communications
II.A. Board Member Comments
II.B. Superintendent Report
II.C. Personnel Actions
III. Written Communications & Reports
III.A. Transportation Monthly Trip Report
III.B. SBDM Minutes
III.C. FRYSC Reports
III.D. Quarterly Reports
III.E. Maintenance/Technology Report
III.F. 2024 Policy Update (#47) 1st Reading
III.G. 2024 Procedure Update (#28)
III.H. PHS Curriculum Purchase

Pendleton County High School intends to acquire the textbook "A History of Western Society" (ISBN # 978-1-319-48443-9) for use in the AP European History course.

III.I. 2024-25 AUP
III.I.1. 2024-25 Student AUP
III.I.2. 2024-25 Employee AUP
III.J. Monthly Financial Report
IV. Action Agenda
IV.A. Sharp Middle School - Renovations and Stadium-Pay App #8--Morel Construction

Attached is Payment Application #8 - Morel Construction for the Sharp Middle School Renovations and Stadium Project.  The work has been certified by our architectural firm and the recommendation is to pay the sum of $1,200,979.50 as requested.

I would recommend the board approve payment for Payment Application #8 - Morel Construction as submitted. 

Actions Taken

Order #24-10423 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation by Superintendent Buerkley to approve payment for Payment Application #8 - Morel Construction as submitted passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

IV.B. Sharp Middle School - Renovations and Stadium-Genan DPO Change Order 1

Attached is a request for permission to execute Genan DPO (Direct Pay Option) Change Order No. 1 for the SMS Renovations and Stadium Project.  This change order is a credit for Genan's rubber material.  Less rubber material was needed than originally planned with the specified turf.  

The change order is for the sum of $16,881.25 to be credited back to the district. I would request permission to execute (sign) Change Order No. 1 as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10424 - Motion Passed:  a recommendation by Superintendent Buerkley to execute (sign) Change Order No. 1 as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

IV.C. 2024-25 District Insurance Renewal

Attached is a memo from our Director of Finance and Human Resources, Jennifer Pierce, regarding the 2024-2025 insurance renewal package.

Our agent of record, Houchens Insurance Group has recommended that we approve Liberty Mutual to cover our commercial package, auto, and umbrella package.  They recommend that we use KEMI for our workers compensation insurance, and CFC for our cyber security liability insurance.  The total cost for property, casualty, and liability and worker comp renewal for the 2024-25 school year will be $514,856.33, compared to $453,253.63 last year, which represents an increase in the overall cost of these insurances.  The Cyber policy will cost $12,892.50, which is a decrease from last year.  The total cost for our insurance will be $527,748.83.  

I recommend the board award the district property, casualty, liability, worker's comp and cyber insurance to the vendors as listed in the memo. 

Actions Taken

Order #24-10425 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation by Superintendent Buerkley to award the district property, casualty, liability, worker's comp and cyber insurance to the vendors as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

IV.D. 2024-25 District Assurances

Each year the superintendent of schools is required to complete the attached district assurances, seek board approval, and then submit the completed document to the Kentucky Department of Education. 

The release of new year funds is contingent upon the approval of the district assurances.

I would recommend the board approve the attached district assurances.  

Actions Taken

Order #24-10426 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation by Superintendent Buerkley to approve the district assurances as submitted passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

IV.E. 2024-25 Fidelity Bond for Treasurer

Attached is a memo from our Director of Finance and Human Resources, Jennifer Pierce, regarding a fidelity bond.

By July 1 of each year the treasurer and other employees responsible for board of education funds shall execute an official bond for the faithful performance of the duties of his/her office to be approved by the local board and the Commissioner of Education.   Attached you have a fidelity bond of treasurer form completed by Jennifer Pierce and Houchens Insurance Group.  

I would recommend approval of the fidelity bond of treasurer form as presented. 

Actions Taken

Order #24-10427 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation by Superintendent Buerkley for approval of the fidelity bond of treasurer form as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

IV.F. Emergency Certification

Attached is a memo from Jennifer Pierce, Director of Finance and Human Resources, regarding approval of emergency certification request for new hires.

Efforts were made to recruit fully and highly-qualified teachers for Pendleton County Schools.  However, when a fully-certified teacher cannot be located for a position, leeway from the EPSB and the KDE has been granted to school districts to hire teachers under an emergency certificate. 

All employees are aware they must seek educational courses before being fully certified or before any opportunities for future employment may be granted.  Also, please keep in mind many of these employees may obtain certification through other means, such as a temporary provisional certificate by enrolling into a MAT program and obtaining full Kentucky certification prior to September 15th.  If this occurs we will not utilize the emergency certification route. 

I would recommend approval of the emergency certification requests as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10428 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation by Superintendent Buerkley for approval of the emergency certification requests as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

IV.G. Surplus Property--PHS

Attached is a list of novel sets from Pendleton County High School Principal, Tony Dietrich, which the school intends to declare as surplus.

The district must identify and officially designate outdated or unused items as surplus property before disposal. Mr. Dietrich has submitted a list of novel sets for consideration as surplus property.

It is my recommendation that his request to surplus the listed items be approved.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10429 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation by Superintendent Buerkley to approve the request to surplus items as submitted passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

IV.H. BG1-PHS Baseball Field Lighting

Attached is the BG-1 (#21475) for the Pendleton County High School - Baseball Field Lighting. All BG-1s must be approved by the local board and the minutes or an “order” from the board minutes must be available upon request by KDE. The BG-1 is then sent to the Kentucky Department of Education, District Facilities Branch for review and approval.  The anticipated construction cost is $331,900 and we will have a $16,595 contingency for a total of $348,495.  The project will be paid for using money from our Fund 320 building fund. 

Pendleton County is a HB 678 district so we anticipate this BG-1 will be processed quickly.

I would recommend approval of the BG-1 for the Pendleton County High School - Baseball Field Lighting project as presented.  

Actions Taken

Order #24-10430 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation by Superintendent Buerkley for approval of the BG-1 for the Pendleton County High School - Baseball Field Lighting project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

V. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #24-10431 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation by Superintendent Buerkley to approve the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

V.A. Board Meeting Minutes
V.B. Orders of the Treasurer
V.C. Treasurer's Report
V.D. SES 2024-25 School-Wide Fundraiser Requests
V.E. NES 2024-25 School-Wide Fundraiser Requests
V.F. 2024-25 AHERA Asbestos Period Surveillance & Records Management
V.G. 2024-25 North Key MOA
V.H. Imagination Library Donation
VI. Executive Session
Actions Taken

Order #24-10432 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to go into Executive Session passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

VI.A. Per KRS 61.810 (1)(C)--Discussions of Proposed or Pending Litigation Against or on Behalf of the Public Agency
VI.B. KRS 156.557 (6)(C)--Superintendent Evaluation--Summative
VII. Return from Executive Session
Actions Taken

Order #24-10433 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to return from Executive Session passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

VIII. Results of Superintendent Summative Evaluation
Actions Taken

Order #24-10434 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to approve Superintendent Buerkley's Summative Evaluation passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

IX. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #24-10435 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to adjourn passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.