Pendleton County
May 20, 2024 6:00 PM
Board of Education Special Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Approve Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #24-10405 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to approve the agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Mission Statement
I.D. Moment of Silence
I.E. Great News
II. Communications
II.A. Board Member Comments
II.B. Superintendent Report
II.C. Personnel Actions
III. Written Communications & Reports
III.A. DPP Report
III.B. Transportation Monthly Trip Report
III.C. SBDM Minutes
III.D. FRYSC Reports
III.E. Public Relations Report
III.F. PHS Ladycats Basketball Trip to Charleston, SC
III.G. PHS FCCLA Trip to Orlando, Florida
III.H. NJROTC Trip to Cincinnati Reds Games
III.I. 2024-25 School PD Plans
III.J. Maintenance/Technology Report
III.K. Monthly Financial Report
IV. Action Agenda
IV.A. Sharp Middle School - Renovations and Stadium-Pay App #7--Morel Construction

Attached is Payment Application #7 for the Sharp Middle School Renovations and Stadium Project.  The work has been certified by our architectural firm and the recommendation is to pay the sum of $903,690.90 as requested.

I would recommend the board approve payment for Payment Application #7 as submitted. 

Actions Taken

Order #24-10406 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation for the board approve payment for Payment Application #7 as submitted passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

IV.B. Sharp Middle School--Renovations and Stadium--Pay App #3-Motz Group

Attached is Payment Application #3 from The Motz Group for the Sharp Middle School Renovations and Stadium Project.  The work has been certified by our architectural firm and the recommendation is to pay the sum of $37,923.70 to the Motz Group as requested.

I would recommend the board approve payment for Payment Application #3 as submitted. 

Actions Taken

Order #24-10407 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation for the board approve payment for Payment Application #3 as submitted passed with a motion by Mrs. Amber Beebe and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

IV.C. Sharp Middle School-Renovations and Stadium--Change Order #2

Attached is a request for permission to execute Change Order No. 2 for the SMS Renovations and Stadium Project.  This change order includes 10 different proposals, all of which have been outlined on the attached change order form.   

The change order is for the sum of $18,741.00 to be credited back to the district. I would request permission to execute (sign) Change Order No. 2 as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10408 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to request permission to execute (sign) Change Order No. 2 as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Amber Beebe and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

IV.D. 2024-25 Tentative Budget Approval

Attached is a memo from our Director of Finance and Human Resources, Jennifer Pierce, regarding the 2024-2025 tentative budget. Each year the board must approve the tentative budget by May 31.  

Actions Taken

Order #24-10409 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the tentative budget passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mrs. Amber Beebe.

IV.E. 2024-25 Indirect Cost

Attached is a memo from our Director of Finance and Human Resources, Jennifer Pierce, regarding Indirect Cost.  

While approving indirect cost rates is not a requirement, but rather a best practice, each local board is encouraged to do so.  We are recommending the fiscal year 25 non-restricted indirect cost rate to be 15.21%.

I would recommend approval of the Indirect Cost rate as presented.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10410 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the Indirect Cost rate as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.F. Auditor Contract

Each year the board must enter into an agreement with an auditor to provide our annual audit.  Based on the auditor bid awarded in 2017-18 school year, our district chose Kelley Galloway Smith Goolsby as our auditor.  They will be performing our audit for the 2023-24 school year for $19,000.00 based on the awarded bid proposal.  

I would recommend approval of the auditor contract with Kelley Galloway Smith Goolsby PSC.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10411 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the auditor contract with Kelley Galloway Smith Goolsby PSC passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.G. 2024-25 Bond of Depository

Attached is a memo from our Director of Finance and Human Resources, Jennifer Pierce, regarding the Bond of Depository.  

By July 1 the depository selected shall execute a bond for the faithful performance of its duties, to be approved by the local board of education and the commissioner of education.  The depository bond shall be at least equal to 103 percent of the current daily balances in each account throughout the life of the bond.  

I recommend the board approve the attached bond of depository with Heritage Bank.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10412 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the bond of depository with Heritage Bank passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

IV.H. Speech/Language Pathologist Salary Revision

Attached is a memo recommending a revision to the salary schedule regarding Speech/Language Pathologist.

According to the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB), there are currently no approved university programs in Kentucky for speech pathologists to obtain their Professional Certificate for Teaching Exceptional Children-Communication Disorders.  While this doesn’t preclude us from hiring speech/language pathologists without this certification, it does mean they wouldn’t be eligible to be paid from the “Certified Salary Schedule.” 

To maintain hiring flexibility for these roles and ensure consistency with our pay scale, I propose that the board revise the “2024-2025 Pendleton County Schools Salary Schedules” to incorporate the attached salary structure specifically tailored for speech/language pathologists.  Notably, the salaries outlined in the “Professional I” and “Professional II” columns align with those in the “Certified Salary Schedule” for “Rank I” and “Rank II” respectively.

Additionally, the index of 1.20 for the positions remains the same but is now noted at the bottom of the “Speech/Language Pathologist Salary Schedule” and will be removed from the “Certified Administrative Salary Indexes” document. 

The changes recommended will negatively impact any of our current employees, however it will enable us to be more flexible in filling these positions moving forward.

I would recommend the board approve the requested salary revisions regarding the Speech/Language Pathologist as outlined.


Actions Taken

Order #24-10413 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation for the board approve the requested salary revisions regarding the Speech/Language Pathologist as outlined passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.I. Instructional Coach-Staff Developer Job Description Update

Attached is a memo from our Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs. Laura Pugh, regarding the Instructional Coach/Staff Developer job description.  

With the board approval of (4) instructional coach/staff developer positions, it seemed a fitting time to review the job description and revise it as appropriate to reflect current district needs.  The proposed job description has been updated and highlights the qualifications and responsibilities of the position.

The salary and the number of contract days are already outlined on our board-approved salary schedule.

I recommend the board approve the revised job description for the position of Instructional Coach/Staff Developer.  The proposed job description is attached for your review.


Actions Taken

Order #24-10414 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation for the board to approve the revised job description for the position of Instructional Coach/Staff Developer passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mrs. Amber Beebe.

IV.J. Trauma Informed Care Plan

Attached is a memo from Mrs. Laura Pugh, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, regarding the districts trauma informed care plan.

Each school has created a Trauma-Informed Care Plan and the plan has been approved by their SBDM Councils. These plans all have the required strategies the law requires and will serve as the district’s overall plan.  

I recommend approval of the Pendleton County Schools Trauma-informed Care Plan.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10415 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation for approval of the Pendleton County Schools Trauma-informed Care Plan passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.

IV.K. Edgenuity/Imagine Learning

Attached is a memo from our Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs. Laura Pugh, regarding the purchase of Edgenuity.  

Edgenuity serves as the district's online instruction program for Sharp Middle School and Pendleton High School.  The cost of the program for the 2024 - 2025 school year will be $19,008.00.  

I recommend the board approve the purchase of Edgenuity as our district's online instruction program.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10416 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation for the board to approve the purchase of Edgenuity as our district's online instruction program passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

IV.L. Visual Instruction Contract

Attached is a memo from our Director of Special Education, Mrs. Donna Pollard, pertaining to a professional services contract for vision instruction.  

The attached visual services contract is for the 2024-25 school year.  The proposed contract is for $75.00 per hour for special education related services for the 2024 - 2025 school year.  This contract would allow the district to provide required services under IDEA for our students.  

I would recommend approval of the visual instruction contract.

Actions Taken

Order #24-10417 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to approve the visual instruction contract passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

V. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #24-10418 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to approve the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Derek Brown and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

V.A. Board Meeting Minutes
V.B. Treasurer's Report
V.C. Xello
V.D. Achieve 3000
V.E. MobyMax
V.F. Fast ForWord
V.G. Accelerated Reader
V.H. STAR Phonics
V.I. Dreambox Math
V.J. Reading Plus
V.K. Orientation and Mobility Contract
V.L. District Chairpersons for IEP & Section 504 Meeting
V.M. Orders of the Treasurer
VI. Executive Session
Actions Taken

Order #24-10419 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to go into Executive Session passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

VI.A. Per KRS 61.810 (1)(C) --Discussions of Proposed or Pending Litigation Against or on Behalf of the Public Agency
VII. Return From Executive Session
Actions Taken

Order #24-10420 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to come out of Executive Session passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mrs. Amber Beebe.

VIII. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #24-10421 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to adjourn passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Derek Brown.