Nicholas County
May 20, 2024 6:00 PM
Regular Meeting
I. Open Meeting with Moment of Silence
II. Call to Order and Roll Call
III. Student/Staff Recognition--NCHS Seniors & Associate Degree Graduates: Isabel Thacker & Nadia Walker
IV. Bonding Capacity Discussion-Compass Municipalities
V. Public Comment
VI. Approve the Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #9156 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Sharon Wilson and a second by Mr. Jon Sparks.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VI.1. Meeting Minutes
VI.2. Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills
VI.3. Superintendent's Report of Personnel Actions
VII. Items for Board Action
VII.1. Acknowledge receipt of the following generous donation(s): • Rudy Randolph-Donated Time/Equipment/Work with Tree Removal • God’s Pantry $951.25 • Hovermale - $500.00
Actions Taken

Order #9157 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sparks and a second by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.2. To approve the following Pay Applications and/or Direct Purchase Orders for the Nicholas Co. High School Renovation Project (BG 21-256) and Nicholas Co. Guaranteed Energy Savings Project (BG 20-264), at the discretion of the Superintendent: • Performance Services Pay App-GESC BG 20264 $19,268.40 • Performance Services Final Pay App-GESC BG 20264 $27,176.41
Actions Taken

Order #9158 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Brenda Mattox and a second by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.3. Acknowledge that no bid was received for the Work Camper Truck Bed Top and to reject any and all bids regarding the identified 2006 International School Bus, and to authorize Superintendent to negotiate sale of said items for an amount not less than any bid received for respective items, advertising through his medium of choice • Work Camper Truck Bed Top N/A No Bid Received • 2006 International Bus Paul’s Bus $2,210.00
Actions Taken

Order #9159 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Sharon Wilson and a second by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.4. Acknowledge receipt of the following Request for Proposals for Surface Paving at Nicholas Co. Schools, and to accept/decline as follows: • Hinkle Contracting Co. $120,675.00 Accept/Decline • H.G. Mays Corporation $102,380.00 Accept/Decline • T&K Paving $79,620.00 Accept/Decline
Actions Taken

Order #9160 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Sharon Wilson and a second by Mr. Jon Sparks.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.5. Acknowledge receipt and approve 2024-2025 Nicholas Co. Schools Student Activity Fund Budgets: • Nicholas Co. Elementary School • Nicholas Co. Middle & High School
Actions Taken

Order #9161 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings and a second by Mrs. Sharon Wilson.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.6. Approve the 2024-2025 Nicholas Co. Schools Salary Schedules, for the following: • Certified Staff • Classified Staff • Substitute Teacher • Extracurricular Activities & Extra-Duty
Actions Taken

Order #9162 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings and a second by Mr. Jon Sparks.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.7. Approve the 2024-2025 Tentative Budget for Nicholas Co. Schools, to approve to submit to the Kentucky Department of Education
Actions Taken

Order #9163 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Sharon Wilson and a second by Mr. Jon Sparks.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.8. Approve the Nicholas Co. Board of Education Public Official Bonds Renewal for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
Actions Taken

Order #9164 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings and a second by Mrs. Brenda Mattox.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.9. Approve the 2024-2025 District Funding Assurances Statement
Actions Taken

Order #9165 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sparks and a second by Mrs. Brenda Mattox.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.10. Acknowledge receipt of the following Request for Proposals for Banking Services at Nicholas Co. Schools, and to accept/decline as follows: • Traditional Bank Accept/Decline • City National Bank Accept/Decline
Actions Taken

Order #9166 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Brenda Mattox and a second by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.11. Approve the reconfiguration of the Nicholas Co. Family Resource Youth Service Center, in order to create a Nicholas Co. Middle & High School Youth Services Center & Nicholas Co. Elementary Family Resource Center; the Nicholas Co. Middle & High School, beginning July 1, 2024 will operate exclusively at the Nicholas Co. Middle & High School; beginning July 1, 2024 the Nicholas Co. Elementary School Family Resource Center will now serve the Nicholas Co. Elementary School exclusively
Actions Taken

Order #9167 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Sharon Wilson and a second by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.12. Approve to create a Nicholas Co. Family Resource Youth Service Centers Coordinator position for the Nicholas Co. Middle & High School
Actions Taken

Order #9168 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Brenda Mattox and a second by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.13. Approve the Amended 2023-2024 Nicholas Co. Schools Calendar
Actions Taken

Order #9169 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings and a second by Mr. Jon Sparks.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.14. Approve payment of $2,500.00 to Nicholas Co. Emergency Management for partial cost of structure to house radio repeater for Nicholas Co. Schools Transportation Department
Actions Taken

Order #9170 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Sharon Wilson and a second by Mr. Jon Sparks.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.15. Approve to accept proposal from Momentum Construction for a credit of $750 to leave piping exposed at emergency shower in 322 Science and apply this credit to project contingency
Actions Taken

Order #9171 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings and a second by Mr. Jon Sparks.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.16. Approve the Travel Request by NCHS Baseball to attend a Cincinnati Reds baseball game, Cincinnati, OH in June 2024, with date TBD
Actions Taken

Order #9172 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Sharon Wilson and a second by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.17. Approve the Travel Request by NCHS FFA to attend the KY FFA Leadership Training in Hardinsburg, KY, July 15-19, 2024
Actions Taken

Order #9173 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sparks and a second by Mrs. Sharon Wilson.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.18. Approve the Travel Request by NCHS FFA to attend the National FFA Washington Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C., June 17-23, 2024
Actions Taken

Order #9174 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Sharon Wilson and a second by Mr. Jon Sparks.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VII.19. Approve to create a Nicholas Co. Summer School Migrant Teacher position for the Nicholas Co. Schools, and the subsequent Job Description
Actions Taken

Order #9175 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Brenda Mattox and a second by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes
VIII. Superintendent's Report
IX. Executive Session as Permitted by KRS 61.810
X. Other Matters that May Legally Come Before the Board
XI. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #9176 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sparks and a second by Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings.

Member Votes
Mrs. Brenda Mattox Yes
Mrs. Cheryl Rawlings Yes
Mr. Jon Sparks Yes
Mrs. Mona Vice Yes
Mrs. Sharon Wilson Yes