Nelson County
February 07, 2019 5:30 PM
Nelson County Regular
I. Call to Order
Board Chair

Pledge of Allegiance


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

                     BOARD MISSION STATEMENT

The NELSON COUNTY BOARD of EDUCATION, representatives of our citizens
 and entrusted with their children,
 pledges to support the mission of the
by setting visionary direction through effective policy, oversight
 and efficient resource management.



II. Changes to the Agenda
III. Dedicated To Our Community
III.A. Snow Day Calendar Revision
Jessica Sekulski

The recommendation for make-up days are as follows:

  • January 24th make up on March 8th (for students and staff)
  • February 1st make up on May 24th (for students and staff)
  • Staff work day moved from March 8th to May 28th and from May 24th to May 29th
  • Original PD FLEX days moved from February 18th and March 8th to June 3rd and 4th

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approve make up days as presented. passed with a motion by Mrs. Diane Breeding and a second by Mr. Jeff Dickerson.

III.B. Snow Days 2019-2020 Calendar Update
Jessica Sekulski

19-20 School Calendar Revision

The following recommendation is to make up missed school days in the following order for the 2019-2020 School Calendar:

Feb 17, March 16,  May 22, May 26, 27, 28, June 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th.


III.C. Farm Credit Donation
Amy Owens/John Hammond

TNHS Land Lab Donation

IV. Put People First
IV.A. KPC Membership Agreement
Amy Owens

KPC is requesting each district that is a member of KPC through GRECC to sign a membership agreement.  This will be signed annually in the future as long as we are a member of GRECC and is no additional cost to the Board.  This item will be placed on the February consent agenda.

IV.B. KETS Offer of Assistance
Amy Owens

Based on final FY-2018 statewide ADA figures, our first and second offers of assistance in FY2019 total $63,145.  These funds must be matched by the district and will be matched at the present time. This item will be on the February consent agenda.

IV.C. Insurance RFQ

It is time for us to begin preparing for our insurance coverage for the 2019 - 2020 school year.  Sending out a RFQ (request for qualifications) to a few possible agents will allow us to evaluate who will be the strongest provider for Nelson County Schools in the future.

IV.D. Site Based Allocations/Staffing Policy
Amy Owens/Chase Goff

2019-2020 Allocation Presentation

V. Innovate & Grow
V.A. Comprehensive District Improvement Plan
Chase Goff

Comprehensive District Improvement Plan

V.B. Procedure Updates
V.B.1. 09.121 AP.21 Early Entrance Petition Procedure
Chase Goff

This language revision adds clarity to the early entrance procedure and adds an appeal process for parents.


V.B.2. Gifted Minds Procedure Update
Tiffanie Clark

Gifted Minds Procedure Update

V.C. NCBOE/Signature Health Contract
Laura Arnold

This contract relates to our students who are taking the CNA class at Signature Healthcare.  We have 12 students from the ATC attending from 8:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. daily for the course.  

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approve the contract between NCS and Signature Health Care as presented. passed with a motion by Mr. Damon Jackey and a second by Mr. Jeff Dickerson.

V.D. Fiber Lease Agreement
Jesse Morgan
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approve fiber lease agreement between Nelson County Schools and City of Bardstown pending KDE final approval. passed with a motion by Mr. Damon Jackey and a second by Mrs. Diane Breeding.

V.E. Deep Learning Ch.3
Sup't Bradley
VI. Student and Shareholder Engagement
VI.A. Guest Comments
Board Chair

Guest Comment Policy
Any person wishing to address the Board may do so by following these rules:
Individuals representing themselves are limited to 3 minutes.
Individuals representing a group are limited to 5 minutes.
Please step up to the microphone, state your name and address, and, if you represent a group, state the name of the group you are representing.

VII. Adjourn Regular Session
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Action to adjourn the Regular Session of the Nelson County Board of Education passed with a motion by Mr. Damon Jackey and a second by Mr. Jeff Dickerson.