Middlesboro Independent
July 16, 2024 5:00 PM
Middlesboro Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
I. Call to order
I.A. Pledge to the Flag
I.B. Adopt Agenda of July 16, 2024 Regular Meeting
II. Communications
II.A. Board Members
II.B. Superintendent
II.B.1. Superintendent's Report on Personnel
II.C. Students
II.D. Citizens
II.E. Information about the Maker Space at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
II.F. Information about the Project Base Learning (PBL) Presentation
II.G. Construction Progress Report
III. Targeted Discussion/Dialogue
III.A. Recommend the Board Approve Bond Payment to First State Financial, in the amount of $51,100.00 Interest for Athletic Field Upgrade (Series 2023)
III.B. Recommend the Board Approve Payment to First State Financial of Middlesboro in the amount of $184,992.19 (Principle $139,065.00 and Interest $45,927.19) for Phase II Renovation August 1, 2017
III.C. Recommend the Board Approve Payment to First State Financial, in the amount of $130,089.56 (Principal $125,782.00 and Interest $4,307.56) for Refinancing of the School Facilities Construction Bond (Middle School) April 1, 2015
III.D. Recommend the Board Approve Contract with Southern Kentucky Speech Therapy
III.E. Recommend the Board Approve KSBA Policy & Procedure Updates 2nd Reading
III.F. Recommend the Board Approve the Beginning and Ending Times for 2024-2025 for each school
III.G. Recommend the Board Approve MOU for LMU & Middlesboro High School Dual Enrollment Gross Anatomy course
III.H. Recommend the Board Approve MOU Innovative Approaches to Literacy (IAL) Agreement with Partners for Rural Impact (PRI) Begin October 1, 2024 - End September 30, 2025
IV. Student Learning Support and Consent Items
IV.A. Recommend the Board Approve Minutes of June 18, 2024 Regular Meeting & Working Board Meeting June 18, 2024
IV.B. Recommend the Board Approve Financial Reports as presented from Middlesboro High School, Middle School and Elementary School
V. Student Support Services
V.A. Recommend the Board Approve Cafeteria Report
V.B. Recommend the Board Approve Financial Report
V.C. Recommend the Board Approve Bills
VI. Informational Items
VII. Board Calendar - Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office Building
VIII. Executive Session - Conduct Superintendent's Evaluation & Personnel KRS 61.810(1)(f)
IX. Recommend the Board Exit Executive Session KRS 61.810 (1)(f)Personnel
X. Review Superintendent's Evaluation
XI. Adjourn