Mercer County
August 20, 2024 5:30 PM
Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Randy Phillips

Amber Franceschi, District 1

Amy Hart, District 2

Billy Montgomery, District 3

Cliff Prewitt, District 4

Randy Phillips, District 5

2. Pledge of Allegiance
Jason Booher
3. Approval of Agenda
Randy Phillips

The agenda is being presented for approval. Any changes are to be made at this time.

4. Recognitions

Student Recognitions:

Softball Team:

Natalie Johnson

Reese Ransdell

Hallee Ransdell

Mollie Bailey

Lillie Hart

Annika Campbell

Haylee Ransdell

Seagan Wood

Emory Thompson

Hannah Beasley

Mia Floro

Ava Musick

K J Sutton

Peyton Boyd

Ashley Howard

Izzy Carlton

Ella Davis

Jaley Bowman

Bella Ransdell, Manager

Alyssa Pittman, Social Media

Track Team: 

Titus Gay: Triple Jump State Champion

Byron Collier

Carter Hollenbaugh

Mason Kirkland

Sam Lewis

Aiden McKinney

Liam Potts

Kyler Sallee

Caden Semrau

Donavan Wright

Gage Bennett

Marshall Hart

John Mason Hopkins

Krish Patel

Jordan Piazza

Ashton Pusey

Cameron Sanders

Mason Sanders

Daniel Butler

Cole Campbell

Dawson Hurst

Bradyn Spurlock

Ian Alcorn

Michael Cox

Rennan Doan

Majia Dunn

Jayden Foster

Titus Gay

Tucker Johnson

Leonardo Mercaro 

Noah Nichols 

Hayden Patton

Myron Russell

Landon Steele

Kyle Taylor

Mish Walker

Kelton Wethington

Kylin Lewis, Manager

5. Public Participation
Randy Phillips

Pursuant to Board Policy 01.421, persons wishing to address the Board must first be recognized by the Chairperson and stand behind the podium. An individual or group granted the privilege of being heard must give his/her name, address, and reason for speaking. The Chairperson may rule on the relevance of the topic to the Board's Agenda, and will set the time limit to three (3) minutes, but not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes. The Board will only act on/respond to items on the published agenda. If you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, you must first meet with the Superintendent.


At this time the board will receive comments from the public.

6. Reports

This section of the agenda is reserved for reports only, no action will be taken.

6.A. Finance Officer's Report
Amber Minor

The Finance Officer will report to the board at this time.


July 2024 General Fund Recap


Current Fiscal Year

Last Fiscal Year

Percentage Change

General Fund Cash Balance

$8.94 million

$7.24 million

23.5% increase

General Fund Revenue (including Beg. Balance)

$6.2 million

$6.5 million

4% decrease

General Fund Receipts (excludes Beg. Balance)

$1.2 million


38% increase




4% decrease

Ending Balance

$5.4 million

$5.7 million

5% decrease

6.B. Attendance/Enrollment Report
Esther Hayslett

The DPP will report to the board at this time.

6.C. Instruction Report
Jason McAllister

The Chief Academic Officer will report to the board at this time.

6.D. Personnel Report
Jason Booher

KRS 160.390; KRS 160.38; KRS 160.370    The Superintendent is responsible for all personnel actions including hiring, assignments, transfer, dismissal, suspension, reinstatement, promotion, and for reporting these actions to the board of education (KRS 160.390 (1)).  All appointments, promotions and transfers of principals, supervisors, teachers, and other school employees shall be made only by the Superintendent of schools, who shall notify the Board of the action taken (KRS 160.380(2a)).

6.E. Superintendent's Report
Jason Booher

The Superintendent will report to the board at this time.

7. Consent Agenda
Randy Phillips

“Consent Agenda” items are voted on with one motion and one vote. 

These are, typically, items that happen on a regular basis, are annual fees, or routine items in doing business. 

The board may discuss any item they wish.

The board has the option to pull any item out for a separate vote.

7.A. Board Meeting Minutes
Randy Phillips
7.B. Invoices
Amber Minor
7.C. Out of State Travel
Austin Cocanougher

Seeking permission to attend the DECA Power Trip and Business Leadership Conference/ Competition. LAVEC covers the cost, students responsible for additional expenses. This particular conference looks to prepare students for careers in business/ marketing, develop leadership skills, and network with colleges/ employers, and practice marketing competition role plays.

November 15-17. 

Six student officers will be in attendance. They plan to fly to Charlotte, will leave on November 14, and return the evening of the 17th, possibly the morning of the 18th, depending on flight availability. 

The conference is in Charlotte NC 

For more conference information, please visit:

7.D. District Funding Assurances
Amber Minor

Please see the attached funding assurances that need to be board approved in order to receive federal funding for FY25.

8. Action Items for Roll Call Vote
Randy Phillips

The following items require board action and a roll call vote for approval.

8.A. BG-1 for Paving and Asphalt
Amber Minor

Please see the attached BG-1 for the Paving and Asphalt project, utilizing leftover funds from older construction projects.

8.B. Change Order

Change Order # 2 for MCES in the increased amount of $1,802.03.

8.C. Surplus Bids
Amber Minor

Please see attached bid tabulation for the Surplus Item Bid opening from August 2, 2024. Here is a summary of the highest bidder for each item:

  • 1998 Ford 750 White Boxtruck - Gaylon Denny - $1,876
  • 1993 Timberwolf Utility Box Trailer - Greg Anderson - $1,965
  • 1995 Black GMC 3500 Dumptruck - Gaylon Denny - $4,729.90
  • 1992 GMC Topkick Boxtruck - Gaylon Denny - $1,876
  • Western 8ft. Icebreaker Saltbox - Gaylon Denny - $76


8.D. ESSER III Extension
Amber Minor

We are requesting an extension on the liquidation of the ESSER III funds that were allocated to the district. The main reason for the extension is the fact that the school buses that were ordered back in February of 2024 are not expected to be received now until at least December 2024. The original liquidation period was September 30, 2024. This extension will allow liquidation up to February 15, 2025.

9. Adjournment
Randy Phillips