Beechwood Independent
July 22, 2024 6:00 PM
Board Meeting
I. Call to Order

The mission of Beechwood Independent School District is to provide innovative education grounded in tradition.  Our educational vision is to inspire students to embrace responsibility, productivity and compassion of a global community.  Our vision is communicated to students, faculty, and our community by various media from the printed word to the internet and is exemplified by our district slogan:  Innovative education grounded in tradition.

I.A. Call to Order / Roll Call
I.B. Staff Members Present
I.C. Recognition of Guests
I.D. Public Comment

Each Person wishing to address the Board of Education must sign in.  When called upon to speak the person who speaks should stand, give his/her name and group he/she represents, and then address his/her comments directly to the Board of Education Chairperson.

II. Discussion and Action Agenda
II.A. Updated Policy and Procedures 2024-2025 SY - 1st reading

First reading of the updated policy and procedures for 2024-2025 SY

III. Consent Agenda

Recommended Motion

Approval to adopt consent agenda

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adopt consent agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Melanie Stricker and a second by Mrs. Amy Sleet.

III.A. Approval of Minutes
III.A.1. June 10, 2024
III.B. Monthly Bills
III.C. Field Trip - Overnight
III.C.1. Boys Golf - Perry Park
III.D. Use of Facility Requests
III.D.1. Spartans
III.E. Beechwood Band Boosters - Holiday Craft Fair
III.E.1. Fundraiser request form
III.E.2. Use of Facility request
III.F. Certified Personnel Evaluation Plan
III.G. Updated Pay Schedule 2024-2025
III.H. Updated Stipend Schedule 2024-2025 SY
III.I. Emergency Substitute Teacher Certification

Anyone applying to be a substitute teacher who does not hold a regular active teaching certificate, or a 5-year substitute certificate issued by KECS, will need to apply on-line through KECS to get an Emergency Substitute Teacher Certificate.  In order to hire certified substitutes without a teaching certificate or a 5-year substitute certificate, a Board Order is needed indicating that a qualified teacher was not available for the position. Candidates still need to have at least 64 hours of college credit with a minimum 2.5 GPA.


III.J. Thomas More University MOA - Student Teacher Practicum
III.K. High School Student Parent Handbook and Code of Conduct
III.L. Elementary Student Parent Handbook and Code of Conduct
III.M. EAP (Emergency Action Plan)
III.N. Safety Plan
III.O. Crisis Response Manual
III.P. Employee Handbook
III.Q. Athletics Handbook
III.R. Student Athlete Handbook
III.S. Coaches Handbook
III.T. Substitute Handbook
III.U. Supplemental Transportation contract Kenton County
III.V. Pay Applications #25 for Phase B
IV. Information
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Mike Stacy, Superintendent
IV.A.1. Finance Report
IV.A.2. SBDM Meeting Minutes
IV.B. Personnel Report


Mitchell Meyer     High School Special Education

John Scheben      Maintenance

Emma Hofmann    EL Teacher

Natalie Whalen    high school office

Cassie Adams      preschool aide

Amanda Klare    elementary teacher


New Hires

Brad Bentley                         GA Principal

Natalie Whalen                      Payroll/HR

Cassie Adams                        High School office

Lorrie Groh                            MSD Aide

Tiffany Rheude                      EL Teacher/Coordinator

DeAndre Florence                  GA Teacher

Kate Dickman                        Preschool IA

Jennifer Weller                       MSD Teacher

Amanda Klare                        8th grade seminar

V. Agenda in Official Board Minutes
Recommended Motion

Approval of making the agenda part of the official board minutes

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of making the agenda part of the official board minutes passed with a motion by Mrs. Amy Sleet and a second by Mrs. Melanie Stricker.

VI. Other Business
VI.A. Board
VI.B. Staff
VI.C. Public
VII. Adjourn
Recommended Motion

Motion to adjourn the meeting

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Ms. Norine Sullivan and a second by Mrs. Jeanne Berger.