Menifee County
July 18, 2024 5:30 PM
Menifee County Board of Education Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Moment of Silence
I.D. Menifee County School District: Values, Beliefs and Goals
II. Approve to Amend the Agenda to Add Consent Item III.A.25 and Item III.A.26 and Item III.A.27
III. Adopt Agenda
IV. Presentations
IV.A. Student Recognitions/Staff Recognitions
IV.B. Reports
IV.B.1. Treasurer Reports
IV.B.1.a. MUNIS Balance Sheets
IV.B.1.b. Monthly Financial Report
IV.B.1.c. Bank Reconciliation
IV.B.2. Directors Report
IV.B.3. Principal Update/Instructional Support
V. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval
V.A.1. Board Minutes
V.A.2. Subsequent Claims, Current Claims and Salaries (Bills for Payment)
V.A.3. Approve Long-Term Disability for Employee #902
V.A.4. Board Appoint Mrs. Jodi Blackburn as Evaluation Appeals Committee Chairperson
V.A.5. Approve Bell Schedule for Menifee Central School and Menifee County High School
V.A.6. Approve High School Girls Basketball Booster Fundraisers
V.A.7. Approve High School Boys Basketball Booster Fundraisers
V.A.8. Approve Emergency Certifications for Certified Substitutes
V.A.9. Approve 2024-2025 Communication Plan
V.A.10. Approve the 2nd Reading of 2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct Handbook
V.A.11. Approve 2024-2025 Chairpersons for Special Education Admissions and Release Committee (ARC), Chairperson for 504 Meetings
V.A.12. Approve 2024-2025 Agreement for Physical Therapy Services with Appalachian Regional Healthcare, INC
V.A.13. Approve the 24-25 Contract with Patricia Williams for Speech Therapy Services
V.A.14. Approve Restrict 1/2 of Sick Leave Balance from the Unassigned Fund Balance for the General Fund
V.A.15. Approve 2024-2025 Land Lease Agreements with Gateway Community Action
V.A.16. Approve to Create Child Care Director Position
V.A.17. Approve Child Care Director Job Description
V.A.18. Approve to Amend Custodian/Maintenance Job Description
V.A.19. Approve to Amend 24-25 Pay Scales
V.A.20. Approve Change Order for the Menifee Sports Complex for Storage Building
V.A.21. Approve Cost Per Mile Calculation
V.A.22. Approve 2024-2025 Motor Vehicle and Watercraft Property Tax Rate
V.A.23. Approve Donation from Licking River Agriculture Teachers Association.
V.A.24. Adult Meal Pricing for the 2024-2025 School Year Breakfast-$3.25 Lunch-$5.00
V.A.25. Approve School-Related Student Trips for the KY State Fair (8/14-8/16), National FFA Convention (10/22-10/26), Rising Sun Conference (9/13-9/14)
V.A.26. Approve Change Order #7 for Sports Complex for Fence/Gate
V.A.27. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Gateway Community Action for the Career Development Specialist position
V.B.1. Approve Updated Menifee County School District: Values, Beliefs and Goals
V.B.2. Approve 2nd reading of the 2024-2025 Policy Updates
VI. Personnel Notification
VII. Informational Items
VII.A. Monthly Community Report
VII.B. Grand Opening for the Menifee Sports Complex August 27, 2024 at 4:30
VIII. Communication/Sharing (All Present)
IX. Adjournment