Lincoln County
May 16, 2024 5:30 PM
Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order - Superintendent: Mr. Bruce Smith; Chair: Ms. Etta S. Meek; Vice Chair: Ms. Christine Killen; Board Members: Ms. Gloria Sneed and Ms. Jennifer Broadbent
1.a. Pledge of Allegiance
1.b. Vision Statement: The Vision of Lincoln County Schools is to empower every student with the knowledge and skills necessary to become college, career and citizenship ready by providing high quality education and enriching opportunities in every classroom every day.
1.c. Mission Statement: "Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day: College/Career and Citizenship Ready!"
2. Set the Meeting Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #241 - Motion Passed:  Set the Meeting Agenda with Item 7.i. School Resource Officers Contract Removed from the Agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.

3. Public Comment
4. Recognitions
5. Superintendent and Staff Reports
5.a. Monthly Personnel Action Report
5.b. Report on Superintendent's Non-Contract and Out-of-District Days
5.c. Monthly SBDM Meeting Agendas and Minutes from Schools
5.d. Enrollments
5.e. Early Childhood Communication
5.f. Drills Report
5.g. Monthly Financial Statements, Accounts Payable, Payroll and School Activity Funds
6. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #242 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda Items passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Gloria Sneed.

6.a. Minutes of the April 18, 2024 Regular Meeting
6.b. Superintendent's Travel
6.c. Leave Requests

  • Medical leave for classified staff at HVE, April 19 to May 10, 2024
  • Medical leave for classified staff at LCHS, April 14-22, 2024
  • Medical leave for certified staff at SES, April 24 -May 21, 2024

6.d. Facility Requests

  • 6th grade AAU basketball to use LCMS gym for tournament on June 1-2, 2024
  • Relay for Life to use LCHS gym on June 7, 2024

6.e. Trip Requests

  • LCHS FFA to Lexington for State Comp. on June 3-6, 2024
  • LCHS Girls' Basketball to Campbellsville for Camp on June 11-13, 2024
  • LCHS Band to Pineville for Festival on May 25, 2024
  • Migrant Field Trips to Louisville Zoo, Big South Fork, Bernheim Forest on May/June 2024
  • Staff trip to New York City for Historical Society Teacher Institute on July 7-19, 2024
  • Staff trip to Covington for FRC PD on July 10-12, 2024

6.f. Apply for And Accept Grants

  • $10,000 Unite grant for the Highland/Waynesburg Archery Program

7. Action Items
7.a. Bluegrass 911 Overview

Mr. Clark will provide a brief overview of the indoor mapping and 3D imaging project completed on all Lincoln County Schools.  Mr. Clark requests input from the Board on which information should be released to the public in the statewide mapping system. 

7.b. Audit Contracts

The audit contracts and engagement letter for the 2023-2024 school year are due to the Kentucky Department of Education by the end of May. 

Actions Taken

Order #243 - Motion Passed:  Accept the Audit Contract with Montgomery and Company, PLLC, to Perform the Financial Audit for the 2023-2024 School Year at a Cost of $21,500 passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.

7.c. Bids for Bank Depository Services

Bids for Bank Depository Services were opened on May 2, 2024.

Actions Taken

Order #244 - Motion Passed:  Award the Bid for Bank Depository Services to Farmer's National Bank From July 1, 2024 Through June 30, 2026 passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.

7.d. Bids for Services

Bids for Fire Protection, Pest Control, Waste Removal, Cold Drinks, and Snack Vending were opened on May 2, 2024.  The following providers were selected:

  • Collins Fire Protection for extinguishers and range hood systems 
  • Marmic Fire & Safety for monitoring, fire alarm systems, sprinklers, and backflow preventers
  • Guardian Exterminating for pest control
  • Republic Services for waste removal
  • Pepsi Cola for cold drink vending
  • C & N Vending for snack vending

Actions Taken

Order #245 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Service Providers, as Listed, for the 2024-2025 School Year passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Gloria Sneed.

7.e. 2024-2025 Salary Schedule

The Chief Finance Officers is recommending a $1/hour raise for all classified employees. A few categories are getting a bit more than this amount due to the Human Resource Director's continuous comparison to area wages. The average raise across the board for classified is 7%.

The District is trying to keep classified wages competitive. This year’s comparison to other districts was much more favorable than last year. Last year, classified staff averaged a 12% increase which made a significant impact.

Also added to the salary schedule is a 30+ year category to reward employees who reach that level of service. In the past, once staff hit 25 years they did not see another increase based on years of experience.

A few areas that demonstrate how aggressively the District is working on the salary schedule since the 2019- 2020 school year are: 

  • Custodian pay has gone up 27%, Cooks have increased 32%,
  • Bus driver pay has gone up 24%, Maintenance is up 20%,
  • Bookkeepers and Instructional Assistants are up 21%

Total cost (general fund) is $320,000 + $115,000 benefits = $435,000.

Last year’s raise for certified staff was 3%. This year, the Chief Financial Officer is proposing a certified pay increase of 7% for Ranks I, II, and III.

Rank IV would see a 4% increase and Rank V a 2% increase.

Like classified staff, a 30+ year category has been added to reward long-time certified employees.

With this raise, certified pay would have increased around 15% since the 2019-2020 school year.

Total cost (general fund) is $930,000 plus benefits of $45,000 for a grand total of $975,000.

The Kentucky Association of School Administrators’ Coalition to Sustain the Education Profession prepared
a document for the 2024 Kentucky General Assembly that noted – “The teacher shortage in Kentucky is real,
and it is getting worse…Salary equalization is critical given the significant variation that can exist across
school districts in Kentucky. Large inequities in teacher salaries among districts within the same labor market can put districts at a strong disadvantage in hiring and retaining teachers. Increasing teacher pay across the
state will improve working conditions…and research shows that an increase in teacher pay is correlated to
an increase in student achievement as well as strengthening the pipeline of future teachers.”

In short, there’s no better way to invest in our kids than by attracting and retaining the best staff possible. There’s also no better way to show staff what they do is appreciated, than by paying them fair, comparable and competitive wages.

Actions Taken

Order #246 - Motion Passed:  Approve the 2024-2025 Salary Schedule, as Presented passed with a motion by Ms. Gloria Sneed and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.

7.f. Tentative Budget

The Tentative Budget is due to the Kentucky Department of Education by May 30, 2024

Actions Taken

Order #247 - Motion Passed:  Approve 2024-2025 Tentative Budget passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.

7.g. Principal's Combining Budget

Each principal shall prepare the Principal's Combining Budget which lists the summary budget information for each activity account in the school activity fund.  This is due to the district finance officer by May 1st and shall be submitted for approved by the local board by the end of May. 

Actions Taken

Order #248 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Principal's Combining Budget passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.

7.h. Insurance Renewals

Insurance coverage is to be in place by July 1, 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year.  The renewal quote from Liberty Mutual is as follows:

  • Property - $236,745
  • General Liability - $79,182
  • Professional (school leaders E & O) - $116,100
  • Professional (law enforcement) - $2,956
  • Automobile - $209,176
  • Umbrella - $91,392

Total for insurance is $735,551, an increase of 13%.

The Workers Comp quote through KEMI is $120,143,  a decrease of $17,568 or around 15%.

Actions Taken

Order #249 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Quote from Assured Partners for the Insurance Policies, as Listed, for the 2024-2025 School Year passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.

7.i. School Resource Officers Contract
7.j. MOAs with Kentucky Department of Education
Actions Taken

Order #250 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Memorandums of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education for James Carrier, Chris Murray, and Debbie Sims passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Ms. Gloria Sneed.

7.k. Vehicles for Surplus

The vehicles and buses which are out of depreciation, beyond economical repair, and need to be declared as surplus so they can be sold:Bus Numbers 101, 102, 103, 104, & 105 and a Ford F350 4x4. 

Actions Taken

Order #251 - Motion Passed:  Declare Bus Numbers 101, 102, 103, 104, & 105 and a Ford F350 4x4, as Surplus, Advertise for and Take Closed Bids passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.

7.l. Math Consultant Contract

The District is requesting approval of an Independent Service Contract with Billie Travis who will be progress monitoring the implementation of the new IM curriculum throughout the district. She will work to build teachers' capacity to effectively implement standards-aligned curriculum. She will also analyze data to drive instruction. Through her pedagogical knowledge, she will monitor the work of co-planning, co-teaching, coaching, mentoring, and modeling best practices.  Cost will be paid using Title 1 funds. 

Actions Taken

Order #252 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Independent Service Contract with Billie Travis to Work as a Math Consultant and Trainer for the 2024-2025 School Year passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Etta S. Meek.

7.m. Check and Connect Intervention

Check & Connect is an intervention used with K-12 students who show warning signs of disengagement with school and who are at risk of dropping out. Students are referred to Check & Connect when they show warning signs of disengaging from school, such as poor attendance, behavioral issues, and/or low grades. Outcomes: decrease in truancy, tardies, behavior referrals, and dropout rates.  The total cost is $3633 funded by IDEA funds. This provides a license for each elementary schools as well as the middle school and high school. 

Actions Taken

Order #253 - Motion Passed:  Approve Check and Connect for the 2024-2025 School Year in the Amount of $3,633 passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Etta S. Meek.

7.n. Admission for Athletic Events

To keep up with the rising fees and costs of officials, the Athletics Department requests approval to raise the price of all High School athletic events to $7.00

Actions Taken

Order #254 - Motion Passed:  Raise Admission Prices at All Lincoln County High School Athletic Events to $7.00 passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.

7.o. Pay Application #8 and BG-4 for Track & Field Updates
Actions Taken

Order #255 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Final Pay Application #8 to Rising Sun Inc. for $76,679.23 and the BG-4 for the Track & Field Updates passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Etta S. Meek.

7.p. Change Order #2 for LCHS Corridor Project
Actions Taken

Order #256 - Motion Passed:  Approve Change Order #2 in the Amount of (-5,591.30) for the Lincoln County High School Corridor passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.

7.q. Health Services Contract

On-site Cumberland Family Medical Center providers offer increased services in the form of physical exams, care and treatment of illnesses and injuring and the ability to prescribe and administer medications.  The clinics also have the capability to provide training and supervision of District staff for the provision of health services to students and serve as a source of health care information to students and staff. 

They also offer dental services in the form of preventative and restorative oral health care, including but not limited to, screening, cleaning, comprehensive exams, fluoride treatment, x-rays and application of sealants. CFMC dental providers also offer preventative oral heath education and information to preschool through twelfth grade with parental permission. 

On-site CFMC providers offer behavioral health services in the form of treatment of depression and/or anxiety, adjustment difficulties, stress induced problems, exposure to trauma, interpersonal grief and loss, separation anxiety, other disorders of infancy, childhood or adolescence. 

 on-site CFMC providers offer increased services in the form of physical examinations, care and treatment of illnesses and injuries and the ability to prescribe and administer medications which are beyond the scope of practice of a DPH-provided registered nurse. The Clinics also have the capability to, upon request, provide training and supervision of 

 on-site CFMC providers offer increased services in the form of physical examinations, care and treatment of illnesses and injuries and the ability to prescribe and administer medications which are beyond the scope of practice of a DPH-provided registered nurse. The Clinics also have the capability to, upon request, provide training and supervision of 

 on-site CFMC providers offer increased services in the form of physical examinations, care and treatment of illnesses and injuries and the ability to prescribe and administer medications which are beyond the scope of practice of a DPH-provided registered nurse. The Clinics also have the capability to, upon request, provide training and supervision of 

 WHEREAS, on-site CFMC providers offer increased services in the form of physical examinations, care and treatment of illnesses and injuries and the ability to prescribe and administer medications which are beyond the scope of practice of a DPH-provided registered nurse. The Clinics also have the capability to, upon request, provide training and supervision of 

Actions Taken

Order #257 - Motion Passed:  Approve the School Based Satellite Clinic Agreement and Addendum with Cumberland Family Medical Center, Inc. for Health Services passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.

7.r. CO-OP Memberships

The District requests approval of the 2024-2025 Kentucky Educational Development Corporation (KEDC) Cooperative Membership Agreement and dues for the (CKEC) Central Kentucky Educational Co-op.  Membership fees for KEDC are $5,660.48 and dues for CKEC are $7,491.00


Actions Taken

Order #258 - Motion Passed:  Approve the 2024-2025 KEDC Cooperative Membership Agreement and Membership Dues for Central Kentucky Educational Co-op passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Gloria Sneed.

7.s. Communications Coordinator Position

As part of the restructuring program the duties of Communications Coordinator will be absorbed by the new Director of Operations position. 

Actions Taken

Order #259 - Motion Passed:  Abolish the Communications Coordinator Position at the End of the 2023-2024 School Year and Remove from Salary Schedule passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent and a second by Ms. Christine Killen.

7.t. MOA with Midway

Midway University students would like to complete fieldwork and clinical student teaching experiences in the Lincoln County School District.  A Memorandum of Agreement is required for the 2024-25 school year in order for students to participate.  

Actions Taken

Order #260 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Memorandum of Agreement with Midway University passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Etta S. Meek.

7.u. District Assurances

Each year the District Assurances are presented to the Board for approval and submitted through GMAP.

Actions Taken

Order #261 - Motion Passed:  Approve the 2024-2025 District Assurances passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Etta S. Meek.

8. Move to Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) Meetings Required to be Conducted in Privacy and KRS 61.810(1)(f) Discussion Which Might Lead to the Appointment of a Board Member.
Actions Taken

Order #262 - Motion Passed:  Move to Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) Meetings Required to be Conducted in Privacy and KRS 61.810(1)(f) Discussion Which Might Lead to the Appointment of a Board Member. passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.

9. Return to Open Session
10. Possible Action on Executive Session Discussion
Actions Taken

Order #263 - Motion Passed:  Appoint Tyler McGuffey as the New Board Member passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.

11. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #264 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment of meeting at 8:28 p.m. passed with a motion by Ms. Christine Killen and a second by Ms. Jennifer Broadbent.