Letcher County
August 26, 2024 6:30 PM
Letcher County Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Invocation
I.C. Pledge to the Flag
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Special-Called Letcher County Board of Education Meeting (7/15/2024)
III. Student/School and Staff Recognition - Cowan Elementary School
IV. Public Participation of Guests 1. Ms. Yonts read updates from Trace Creek 2. Representative from Brendon Media, LLC talked about how their video services would work.
V. Reports
V.A. Superintendent Comments
V.B. School Based Decision Making Councils Minutes
V.C. Monthly Curriculum and Instruction Report
V.D. Monthly Maintenance/Transportation Report
V.E. Monthly Student Attendance and Enrollment Report
V.F. Report from Student Representative to the Board
V.G. Report from LCTO/LCESP
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
VII.A. Consent Items
VII.A.1. Approval of Agreement with Jenkins Independent and LCAE 2024-25
VII.A.2. Approval of MOA with Commonwealth of KY, Voc. Rehab. Program and LCBOE
VII.A.3. Approval of MOA with UPike
VII.A.4. Approval of PowerSchool Quote 1 year
VII.A.5. Approval of Contractual Agreement with Jenkins Independent for Hearing-Impaired Services 2024-2025
VII.A.6. Approval of Contractual Agreement with Jenkins Independent for Occupational Services 2024-2025
VII.A.7. Approval of Contractual Agreement with Jenkins Independent for Physical Therapy Services 2024-2025
VII.A.8. Approval of Contractual Agreement with Knott County for Hearing Impaired Services
VII.A.9. Revised BG1 to use residual funds from LCCHS gym air conditioning project.
VII.A.10. Approval of IXL Learning Quote 1 year
VII.A.11. Approval of ER ASSIST
VII.A.12. Approval of KIP MOU for 2024
VII.A.13. Approval of MOU with Mountain Comprehensive Care Center 2024
VII.A.14. Approval of Food Service KVEC Vendor Bids 2025
VII.A.15. Approval of Agreement for Video Streaming Services Brendon Media, LCC
VII.A.16. Approval of Prosper Appalachian School Partnership Agreement 2024 1 Year
VII.A.17. Approval of Consignment Agreement with Boyd Company 1 Year
VII.A.18. Approval of Out-of-state Trips
VII.A.19. Approval of Overnight Trips
VII.A.20. Approval of School Rental Agreement with Spark Gymnastics to use WWE and FNMS. And LCCHS Cheerleaders to hold Mt. Heritage Pageants at LCCHS.
VII.A.21. Approval of KY River District Health Department Contract for School Nurses 2025
VII.A.22. Approval of MOU for VPG Grant with PRI October 1,2024 thru September 30,2025
VII.A.23. Ameri Gas Contract 2025
VIII. Business/Financial
VIII.A. Approval of Financial Report/Approval of Payment of Claims, Transfers and Salaries
VIII.B. Approval of Tax Rate 2024
VIII.C. House Bill 387 from the 2024 legislative session amended KRS 161.102
IX. Personnel
IX.A. Review of Superintendent's Report on Personnel
X. Other
X.A. Executive Session (KRS 61.810) Roger Hall vs. Letcher County Board of Education,   KEMI No. 158807
X.B. Exit Executive Session
X.C. Next Regular Board Meeting Date (09/23/2024)
X.D. Adjournment