Letcher County
June 24, 2024 6:30 PM
Letcher County Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Invocation
I.C. Pledge to the Flag
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Letcher County Board of Education Meeting (5/20/2024)
III. Student/School and Staff Recognition - Brian Breeding with Summer Camp at CES
IV. Public Participation of Guests - Zach with Trace Creek
V. Reports
V.A. Superintendent Comments
V.A.1. Superintendent asked the board to support the "Protect our KY Schools" campaign, which means voting no on the constitutional amendment allowing public school dollars to be used in Private schools.
V.A.2. Motion was made to increase Instructional Assistant I hours from 6 hours a day to 7 hours a day.
V.A.3. Motion was made to change Health Secretary I to Secretary II
V.B. School Based Decision Making Councils Minutes
V.C. Monthly Curriculum and Instruction Report
V.D. Monthly Maintenance/Transportation Report
V.E. Monthly Student Attendance and Enrollment Report
V.F. Report from Student Representative to the Board
V.G. Report from LCTO/LCESP
V.H. Annual Cyber Security Check by Randy Bailey.
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
VII.A. 1st Reading of Updated Policies and Procedures 2024-25
VII.B. Consent Items
VII.B.1. Approval of Ms. Yonts to hire and do what is needed to start the 2024-2025 School Year.
VII.B.2. Approval of MOA with Kentucky Valley Education Cooperative
VII.B.3. Approval of Save the Children Agreement 2024-2025
VII.B.4. Approval of Local Foods for Schools Grant
VII.B.5. Approval to declare surplus items from Perkins Programs
VII.B.6. Approval of AirMedCare Network Membership
VII.B.7. Approval of Certified School Evaluation Plan 2024-2025
VII.B.8. Approval of Surplus Items from Food Services
VII.B.9. Approval of Federal Purchasing Policy and Addendum
VII.B.10. Approval of School Rental Agreement
VII.B.11. Approval of Worker Compensation - KEMI
VII.B.12. Approval of Liability/Property Insurance with The Trust Fund
VII.B.13. Approval of Out of State Trips
VII.B.14. Approval of Surplus Items - Maintenance
VII.B.15. Approval of Quote for Cyber Attack Coverage
VII.B.16. ADD ON: Central Office Roofing Project
VII.B.17. ADD ON: Approval of MOA with KDE - Community Ed. Grant
VII.B.18. ADD ON: Approval of mileage rate for JULY thru DECEMBER 2024 at .45 cents per mile. No change from the previous 6 months.
VIII. Business/Financial
VIII.A. Approval of Financial Report/Approval of Payment of Claims, Transfers and Salaries
IX. Personnel
IX.A. Review of Superintendent's Report on Personnel
X. Other
X.A. Executive Session (KRS 61.810) Kendall Slusher v. Jesse Baker  et al, Letcher Circuit Court, Case No.  24-CI-00149
X.B. Exit Executive Session
X.C. Next Regular Board Meeting Date (7/15/2024)
X.D. Adjournment