Fleming County Board of Education

Called Meeting

January 16, 2024 6:30 PM

Central Office
211 West Water Street
Flemingsburg, Kentucky 41041

1. Call to Order-Board Attorney
2. Election of Chair
3. Election of Vice-Chair
4. Election of Secretary
5. Election of Treasurer
6. Board Attorney for Calendar Year 2024
7. Moment of Silence
8. Pledge of Allegiance
9. Welcome Guests
10. Approval of Minutes
11. Approval of Agenda
12. Recognition
13. Informational Items
A. FRYSC Report
B. Athletic Report
C. School and District Leadership Meeting Reports
D. Maintenance Data
E. Safety Walk-through Report
F. Superintendent's Report
14. Construction Items
A. Construction Documents for New Fleming County Elementary School
B. Construction Bidding Process for New Fleming County Elementary School
15. Public Comment
16. Student Board Representative
17. Reports
A. Monthly Financial Report
B. Personnel Report
C. Attendance Report
18. Consent Items
A. Payment of Claims
B. Board Meeting Sites and Schedule for 2024
C. Nutrition & Physical Activity Report
D. School Facilities Construction Commission KETS Offer of Assistance
E. Overnight Trip Requests
F. Job Description (Director of Pupil Personnel)
G. Salary Schedule Update
H. Family Resource and Youth Services Centers District Assurance Certification
I. School and District Comprehensive Improvement Plans
J. Surplus Property
19. Adjournment
