1. Call to Order | |
2. Moment of Silence | |
3. Pledge of Allegiance | |
4. Welcome Guests | |
5. Approval of Minutes | |
6. Approval of Agenda | |
7. Informational Items | |
A. FRYSC Report | |
B. Athletic Report | |
C. School and District Leadership Meeting Reports | |
D. Maintenance Data | |
E. Safety Walk-through Report | |
F. Superintendent's Report | |
8. E.P. Ward Elementary School Updates | |
A. Closure | |
B. Transition of Students (Kindergarten through 5th Grade) | |
C. Transition of Students (6th Grade) | |
D. Property | |
E. Board Policy 09.11 (School Attendance Areas) | |
9. Student Board Representative | |
10. Reports | |
A. Monthly Financial Report | |
B. Personnel Report | |
C. Attendance Report | |
D. Set Date for Graduation | |
11. Electric Bus Parking Area | |
12. Consent Items | |
A. Payment of Claims | |
B. Set Date for End of Year Called Board Meeting | |
C. Fleming County Performance Academy (FCPA) Framework for 2023-2024 School Year | |
D. Payroll Schedule for Calendar Year 2023 | |
E. SFCC KETS First and Second Offer of Assistance | |
F. Amended District Calendar for 2022-2023 School Year | |
G. Roof Replacement/Solar Contract for Fleming County High School | |
H. BG-1 (Elizaville Avenue Property Acquisition) | |
I. BG-1 (Flemingsburg Bypass Property Acquisition) | |
J. Positions | |
K. Policy 09.3 (Student Activities) | |
13. Adjournment | |